Larry Dominick President at The Town of Cicero | Official website
Larry Dominick President at The Town of Cicero | Official website
In light of recent media reports about a possible large-scale immigration deportation campaign, the Town of Cicero has reiterated its commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all its residents. According to a statement from the town, it serves as a "Safe Space" for everyone, regardless of their citizenship, immigration, or residency status.
The town's resolution outlines several key points: "Per Town Resolution, the Town doesn’t ask for citizenship, immigration, or residency status when residents are seeking Town services or interacting with Town employees, including the police department." Furthermore, "The Town, including the police department, does not enforce federal immigration laws."
Additionally, Cicero's policy states that resources and personnel will not be used to detect or detain individuals whose only legal violation may be a civil immigration issue. It emphasizes that no individual will be singled out for legal scrutiny based solely on their citizenship or residency status.
The town also ensures that federal facilities are not provided for enforcing federal immigration laws and maintains no records regarding residents' citizenship or residency status. The availability and quality of services remain unaffected by these factors.
Cicero supports all parents of U.S. citizen children in applying for entitled benefits regardless of their documentation status. Foreign passports and matricula consular are accepted as proof of identity except in specific employment-related cases.
The statement affirms: "The Town is committed to carrying out all of the above policies established by its Safe Space Resolution and will do so except as otherwise required by state or federal law." Residents with questions about this resolution are encouraged to contact local officials.