Countryside City Mayor Sean R. McDermott | City of Countryside Website
Countryside City Mayor Sean R. McDermott | City of Countryside Website
City of Countryside City Council met Dec. 11
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
City Council Members
Mayor, Sean R. McDermott
City Clerk, Elizabeth Kmet
Treasurer, Courtney Bolt
Aldermen Thomas Mikolyzk, Scott Musillami, John Finn John Von Drasek, Mark Benson and Tom Frohlich
1. CALL TO ORDER -The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor McDermott. Alderman Musillami led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor McDermott called for a Moment of Silence in Honor of Det. Allan Reddins of Oak Park who was murdered on duty. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Roll Call: City Clerk Kmet called the Roll of those physically present as follows:
Present: Mayor McDermott, Alderman Finn, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Mikołyzk, City Clerk Kmet, Alderman Benson, Treasurer Bolt
Also Present: Police Chief Klimek, City Attorney Peck, City Administrator Paul, Asst. City Administrator Schutter, City Engineer Fitzgerald, Deputy Clerk Cordova, Deputy Chief Stern, PM Trent, Recording Secretary Prokop
a. Approval of the City Council Meeting Minutes of November 13, 2024.
b. Statement of Bills submitted for payment through December 11, 2024 in the amount of $1,024,513.96.
Motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Musillami that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk, Alderman Benson
Nay: 0
a. Swearing in of Jack Benton to the Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals. Mayor McDermott administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Jack Benton as a Commissioner on the Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals. The Mayor announced that Mr. Benton's parents and Grandmother are present tonight, along with his spouse and other family members. The audience congratulated Mr. Benton on the appointment; photos were taken.
b. Swearing in of Probationary Patrol Officer Nicholas Maslanka. Mayor McDermott administered the Oath of Office to Nicholas Maslanka as a Patrol Officer in the City of Countryside Police Department the finest department in the State. The audience congratulated Officer Maslanka; photos were taken.
c. For the past 22 years John Fitzgerald has served as an engineer for the City of Countryside. He has announced his retirement from Novotny Engineering. It has been a great pleasure and honor to work with John for all these years. The vast majority of the City's infra- structure has been in John's hands; we recognize John and thank him for his many years of service. He has done an outstanding job representing the City; he is a man of high ethics who takes his work seriously. John will address the Council later in the meeting. The Mayor wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday; a safe and Happy New Year! Thanks to all our Staff for the outstanding job they do all year long.
5. CITY CLERK'S REPORT - no report
6. TREASURER'S REPORT - no report
FYI - thanks to John Fitzgerald; please come back for St. Pat's Day. Happy Holidays to all!
a. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Alderman Von Drasek - no report
FYI - Wishes everyone Merry Christmas, Safe and Happy New Year. Congratulations to John who spent many years with us keeping our residents happy; John always had his heart in the project and worked to the highest standards; it's been a pleasure to work with John.
b. FINANCE COMMITTEE – Alderman Finn
1. Happy Holidays to all; many thanks to Fitz; you will be sorely missed. City Staff continues to work hard diversifying the retail sales tax base, increasing revenue, controlling costs. This current fiscal year the City is running a $1.6M surplus to the budget-fantastic. He is pleased to seek the Ordinance Abating Taxes for Tax Year 2024 on all Outstanding Series of General Obligation bonds for the City of Countryside, Cook County Illinois. The Mayor noted the remarkability of this measure; Countryside is one of the rare municipalities in Cook County able to abate the municipal tax for the 10th year in a row; a great thing for residents.
Motion was made by Alderman Benson, seconded by Alderman Frohlich that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk, Alderman Benson
Nay: 0
City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as ORDINANCE 24-29-0.
2. Consideration of a request from the Countryside Police Pension Fund for the Annual Fiscal Year 2025 Employer Contribution in the amount of $422,824. Thanks to the Pension Funding Plan begun a few years ago, the Police Pension Fund is now 96.72% funded. There may be no other community in the State of Illinois to make that claim. The Mayor stated that in most municipalities this fund would be a levy on the property tax; we are fortunate in Countryside not to have to do that.
Motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Musillami that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk, Alderman Benson
Nay: 0
c. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE – Alderman Mikolyzk - no report
d. INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE - Alderman Benson - no report
FYI Congratulations to John; we worked closely on a lot of projects in the community; he was great to work with; he will be missed.
1. Consideration of an Ordinance Granting Special Use to permit a physical therapy clinic at 919 W. 55th St., Unit A- Daniel Foley, Next Step Physical Therapy. On November 12, 2024, the Applicant appeared before the PC/ZBA seeking a Special Use to operate a physical therapy clinic on the property at 919 W. 55th St., Unit A. After hearing all the testimony and evidence, the PC/ZBA found that all conditions had been met for a Special Use; there were no written or oral objections to the request, therefore it was the PC/ZBA recommendation to approve a Special Use permit for the physical therapy clinic at the subject property subject to the five conditions set forth in the Planning and Zoning Memorandum dated 12-11-24. Happy Holidays to all and many thanks to John for all he has done.
Motion was made by Alderman Musillami, seconded by Alderman Benson that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk, Alderman Benson
Nay: 0
City Clerk Kmet declared that this will be known as ORDINANCE 24-30-0.
f. SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE - Alderman Musillami
FYI - The Countryside Christmas Party was a hit, one of the biggest ever; thank you Liz for all that you do - we appreciate it. Winterfest will be held at Flagg Creek January 18 - from 1-4 p.m. St. Patrick's Day Parade will be March 1, next year. Bluegrass Fest - August 16.
FYI - John we will miss you; thank you for everything you do - for picking up the phone at all hours - thank you.
h. FLAGG CREEK ADVISORY BOARD - Alderman Frohlich – no report
FYI - Happy Holidays to everyone; Happy Retirement to Fitz!
8. LEGAL REPORT - City Attorney Peck - no report
a. Request authorization to apply for an MWRD Drainage Grant. One was applied for in the past when the City installed pavers at Countryside Park. Preliminary design completed by Mr. Fitzgerald for the Fifth Avenue Cutoff includes a parking lot with permeable pavers; the grant from MWRD would help pay for those improvements. Many thanks to John. Angel will be getting many phone calls - be prepared.
Motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Mikolyzk that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk, Alderman Benson
Nay: 0
a. Chief of Police - no report
FYI - Congratulations to Fitz and thanks for your help over the years. Safe and Happy Holidays to all.
b. City Engineer Fitzgerald
1. Consideration of pay estimate #4 and semi-final to Lindahl Brothers', Inc., Bensenville, IL for the 2024 CDBG Street Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $96,149.78. Retainage of $5,000 is held for sodding areas missed and re-inspection in Spring.
Motion was made by Alderman Von Drasek, seconded by Alderman Finn that this matter be APPROVED as presented; motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikolyzk, Alderman Benson
Nay: 0
John Fitzgerald thanked Council and Staff for all the kind words; it means the world. He expressed his gratitude for the City's support over the years. It was so easy to do the job because of the Staff he worked with here; it's been a pleasure working with the Mayor and the City Council and every single staff member in the City. He will stay in touch with everyone. He is leaving the City in good hands. Angel Hernandez will be the contact person from Novotny Engineering; he is very smart and has a lot to offer. Thank you to everyone; the City has so much to be proud of. Keep on doing a great job. Council members acknowledged John and bid him farewell.
For the purpose of discussing litigation and pending litigation under Section 2(c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act.
Motion was made by Alderman Benson, seconded by Alderman Finn that this meeting be RECESSED; motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 Alderman Frohlich, Alderman Musillami, Alderman Von Drasek, Alderman Finn, Alderman Mikołyzk, Alderman Benson
Nay: 0
Mayor McDermott declared the meeting recessed at 7:53 p.m.
The Regular City Council returned to Open Session with the same members present at 8:04 p.m.