
West Cook News

Monday, March 10, 2025

Village of Schiller Park President and Board of Trustees met Dec. 5

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Schiller Park Municipal Bldg. | Village of Schiller Park Website

Schiller Park Municipal Bldg. | Village of Schiller Park Website

Village of Schiller Park President and Board of Trustees met Dec. 5

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Nick Caiafa called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 



Upon roll call by Clerk Jos the following Village Officials were present: 

President Nick Caiafa, Clerk Rosa Jos, Trustees Marie Lukowski, Russell Klug, Joan Golembiewski, Thomas Deegan, Robert Lima, and Terri Sheridan 

Absent: None 

Clerk Jos declared a quorum present. 

Also present: Joseph Montana, Corporate Counsel, Brett Kryska, Village Manager, Mike Cesaretti, Brian Kaspar, Gabriel Bueno, Patrick Hasting and Emily Brier. 




Trustee Klug moved, seconded by Trustee Lukowski that the MINUTES of the Regular Board Meeting of November 21, 2024, be approved. 

No questions were asked, and no discussion followed. Motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. 


No one to be heard. 


A. Proclamations: None 

B. Appointments: None 

C. Other Matters: None 


There was no consent agenda for consideration and action at this meeting. 


1. Village Manager's Report 

Brett Kryska, Village Manager, mentioned they are exploring ways to reduce costs for the new Municipal Complex as presented by Leopardo/Williams. Also, he congratulated Brian Kaspar, Recreation Director, on his first anniversary with the Village of Schiller Park and complimented him on a job well done with the 2025 Winter Brochure. 

Additionally, Mr. Kryska expressed that he appreciated how well the Fire Department Union and the Village of Schiller Park worked together during the contract negotiations. 

2. Village Engineer's Report 

In the absence of the Village Engineer, Patrick Hastings, the Public Works Director, provided an update on ongoing construction projects. 

3. Department Head's Reports 

Brian Kaspar, Recreation Director, distributed a copy of the 2025 Winter Brochure to the Village Board and provided an update on the upcoming event, Winter Wonderland. 

4. Elected Officials' Comments 

Trustee Golembiewski acknowledged the passing of Elvira Pisani, from Richie's Restaurant. She also shared that Village Trustees Lukowski, Klug, Sheridan, the Village Clerk, and herself attended the Leyden Township Tree-Lighting Ceremony. She said it was a very nice kick-off to the winter festivities and is looking forward to the Schiller Park Tree Lighting Ceremony. 

Trustee Lima thanked all participants who negotiated the Firefighters' Union Contract, noting that discussions progressed smoothly this time. 

Trustee Sheridan congratulated Brian Kaspar on his 1st anniversary, thanked him for the positive changes he has made with programming and with staff, and said the Village Board is grateful to work with him. 

Mayor Caiafa thanked the Firefighters' Union. He said even though he sat in the negotiations for a brief time, he found the process to be cohesive. 


A. LICENSE (Business, Liquor, Ordinances, Utilities, and General Permits) Chr. Lukowski, Klug, Deegan 

An Ordinance of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois, Approving the Transfer of the Current Class B Liquor License Held By 9754 Irving Park LLC to SGGFS Gas and Food LLC in Operation of the Gas Station and Convenience Store Located at 9754 Irving Park Road. 

Trustee Lukowski moved, seconded by Trustee Sheridan to adopt Ordinance No. 24- 4431 "An Ordinance of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois, Approving the Transfer of the Current Class B Liquor License Held By 9754 Irving Park LLC to SGGFS Gas and Food LLC in Operation of the Gas Station and Convenience Store Located at 9754 Irving Park Road." 

Upon roll call by Clerk Jos the following voted: 

Ayes: Trustees: Lukowski, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima, and Sheridan 

Absent: None 

Nay: None 

President Caiafa declared the motion carried. 

B. PUBLIC WORKS (Streets, Water, Storm Water, Engineering, Fleet/Building Maintenance) Chr. Klug, Lukowski, Golembiewski 

Current Report 

C. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (Planning, Zoning, Health, Building,  Environment, and Transportation) Chr. Golembiewski, Sheridan, Lima 

Current Report 

D. PUBLIC SAFETY (Police, Fire, Emergency Management, 911, and EMS) Chr. Deegan, Klug, Lukowski 

An Ordinance Approving an Agreement Between the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois and the International Association of Firefighters,  AFL-CIO, Local 5230 for the Period from May 1, 2025 through April 30, 2031. 

Trustee Deegan moved, seconded by Trustee Lima to adopt Ordinance No. 24-4432 "An Ordinance Approving an Agreement Between the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois and the International Association of Firefighters, AFL-CIO, Local 5230 for the Period from May 1, 2025 through April 30, 2031.” 

Trustee Deegan thanked Brett Kryska, Mike Cesaretti, and the Firefighters' Union Negotiations team for their hard work and commendable effort. He was happy the negotiations went smoothly and without any issues this time. 

Michael Maletta, Schiller Park Firefighters Local 5230 President thanked Brett Kryska, Mike Cesaretti, Attorney John Wise, and members of the Union Board Jessica Warden, Dan Linehan, and Brandon Rusciolelli for their hard work and dedication while negotiating the contract. 

Upon roll call by Clerk Jos the following voted: 

Ayes: Trustees: Lukowski, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima, and Sheridan

Absent: None 

Nay: None 

President Caiafa declared the motion carried. 

E. ADMINISTRATION/FINANCE (Human Resources, Insurance, Bills, Legal) Chr. 

Lima, Deegan, Sheridan 

1. Motion to approve the current list of bills in the amount of $384,855.85. 

Trustee Lima moved, seconded by Trustee Klug to approve the current list of bills in the amount of $384,855.85. 

Upon roll call by Clerk Jos the following voted: 

Ayes: Trustees: Lukowski, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima, and Sheridan

Absent: None 

Nay: None 

President Caiafa declared the motion carried. 

2. The Annual Tax Levy Ordinance of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois, for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2024 and Ending April 30, 2025. 

Trustee Lima moved, seconded by Trustee Deegan to adopt Ordinance No. 24- 4433 "To Adopt the Annual Tax Levy Ordinance of the Village of Schiller Park, Cook County, Illinois, for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2024 and Ending April 30, 2025." 

Upon roll call by Clerk Jos the following voted: 

Ayes: Trustees: Lukowski, Klug, Deegan, Lima, and Sheridan

Absent:  None

Nay: Trustee Golembiewski 

President Caiafa declared the motion carried. 

3. Motion to approve the renewal of workers' compensation insurance effective January 1st, 2025, per recommendation of Alliant Mesirow, with the Illinois Public Risk Fund with annual premium and fee of $433,722 and the Officers and Officials of the Village to execute the necessary documents and take such action to effectuate same. 

Trustee Lima moved, seconded by Trustee Golembiewski to approve the renewal of workers' compensation insurance effective January 1st, 2025, per recommendation of Alliant Mesirow, with the Illinois Public Risk Fund with annual premium and fee of $433,722 and the Officers and Officials of the Village to execute the necessary documents and take such action to effectuate same. 

Upon roll call by Clerk Jos the following voted: 

Ayes: Trustees: Lukowski, Klug, Golembiewski, Deegan, Lima, and Sheridan 

Absent: None 

Nay: None 

President Caiafa declared the motion carried. 

F. RECREATION (Parks, Special Events, Senior Services, Library, and Historical Commission) Chr. Sheridan, Golembiewski, Lima 

Current Report 


There was no other business. 


There was no executive session. 


With no further business to conduct, it was moved by Trustee Lima, seconded by Trustee Sheridan that the Regular Board Meeting be adjourned. 

No questions were asked and no discussion followed. Motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. 

President Caiafa declared the motion carried and the Regular Board Meeting was adjourned at 7:19 P.M. 
