Mayor Robert J. Lovero | City of Berwyn Website
Mayor Robert J. Lovero | City of Berwyn Website
City of Berwyn City Council met Dec. 23
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
A. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
B. Open Forum:
C. Approval of Minutes:
1. Committee of the Whole and Regular City Council Minutes- December 10, 2024.
D. Bid Openings:
1. PW Dir Schiller: Award Four Million Gallon, At Grade Water Tank, Repair and Repaint Project Bid to Era-Valdivia Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $711,000.00. To be paid with budgeted A.R.P.A funds.
2. PW Dir Schiller: Award Bid Repairs to the two 2 million Gallon Water Storage Tanks Project Bid to Era-Valdivia Contractors, Inc., for a total project amount of $292,000.00. To be paid with budgeted A.R.P.A. funds.
3. PW Dir Schiller: Award 500,000 Gallon Legged Water Tank Strip and Repaint Project Bid to Dynamic Industrial Systems, Inc. in the amount of $779,000.00. To be paid with budgeted A.R.P.A. funds.
E. Berwyn Township, Berwyn Health District, Berwyn Development Corporation: Nothing Submitted.
F. Reports from the Mayor:
1. Appoint & Swear In Kris Coniglio as Fire Chief of the Berwyn Fire Department.
2. Appoint & Swear In James Michalek as Assistant Fire Chief of the Berwyn Fire Department.
3. Appoint & Swear In Patrick Sharkey as Battalion Chief of the Berwyn Fire Department.
4. Employee Separation Agreement as discussed in Closed Committee of the Whole on December 10, 2024.
5. Approval to Pay Initial Work Order for Drainage and Construction in preparation of Soccer Field for the Artificial Turf for team Reil Inc. in the amount of $828,202.42.
G. Reports from the Clerk:
1. Remove Handicap Parking Spaces at 164 7 Home Ave., 2722 Euclid Ave., and 6836 W. 261h St.
H. Zoning Boards of Appeals: Nothing submitted.
I. Reports from the Aldermen, Committees, and Boards:
1. F&P Commission: The next eligible candidate for Fire Department Lieutenant- Michael Laureto Effective Start Date 1/8/2025.
2. F&P Commission: The next eligible candidate for Fire Department Captain- Brian Madden Effective Start Date 1/1/2025.
3. Aid Leja: Update on the Strategic City-Wide Campaign to Address Lack of Crossing Guard Staff for Safe Routes to School. - Informational
J. Reports from the Staff:
1. Asst. Fire Chief Coniglio: Introduce and Swear in Douglas Zimmer as Engineer.
2. Asst. Fire Chief Coniglio: Introduce and Swear in Michael Laureto as Lieutenant-Informational.
3. Asst. Fire Chief Coniglio: Introduce and Swear in Brian Madden as Captain-Informational.
4. Asst. Fin Dir Daish: ORDINANCE: The Annual Appropriation Ordinance of The City of Berwyn, Cook County, Illinois for the Fiscal Year 2025.
5. PW Dir Schiller: Approve pay estimate #1 and the final of the 2024 Roadway Patching Program to Chicagoland Paving Contractors Inc. in the amount $137,995.00.
6. PW Dir Schiller: RESOLUTION: Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Local Public Agency Funding Agreement for Federal Participation with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the 341h Street Modernization and Storm water Management Improvements.
7. Sr. Engineer Campbell: Recommendation to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Cook County for A.R.P.A. Funding of an Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station.
K. Consent Agenda:
1. Payroll: 12/18/24-$1,682,876.72- Informational.
2. Payables: 12/12/24 to 12/24/24 in the amount of $2,493,675.09 - Informational.
Committee I Ward Announcements