
West Cook News

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Village of Western Springs Public Works & Water Committee met Sept. 3

Webp 23

Trustee Amy Avakian | Village of Western Springs Website

Trustee Amy Avakian | Village of Western Springs Website

Village of Western Springs Public Works & Water Committee met Sept. 3

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Public Comment

4. 2025 Municipal Services Budget – Introduction

5. Vehicle Purchase-Public Works Cat End Loader

6. 2024 Water System Update

7. 2025 MFT Asphalt Resurfacing Project – Design Engineering Proposal from Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd.

8. Springdale Stormwater Improvements – Intergovernmental Agreements

a. Agreements with Western Springs Park District

b. Agreement with MWRDGC

9. Burlington Avenue Water Main & Streetscape Project and Burlington Avenue STP Resurfacing Project – Design Engineering Change Orders

10. Burlington Avenue STP LAFO Resurfacing Project – Construction Agreements

a. Construction Agreement with IDOT BLR 05310C

b. Construction Engineering Agreement with V3 Companies BLR 05530

11. Other Business

12. Set date and time for next Committee meeting

13. Adjournment
