
West Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Public Works Forestry Department issues hot weather tree care tips

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Robert J. Lovero Mayor at City of Berwyn | Facebook Website

Robert J. Lovero Mayor at City of Berwyn | Facebook Website

The Public Works Forestry Department has issued important tips for participants in the Parkway Tree Planting Program to ensure their nursery-grown trees receive proper care during the hot weather season.

The Parkway Tree Program allows residents to request a tree planting along their front property’s parkway at no cost. Applications can be submitted through the online portal or by downloading the application from www.berwyn-il.gov and entering “Parkway Tree Program Application” in the search bar.

Residents approved for the most recent season received a Tree Care Letter with maintenance tips along with a newly planted tree on their front property parkway. The City of Berwyn Tree Care Guide is available for viewing and download.

Below is a summary of watering tips from the City Arborist:

Proper watering is crucial for the first two years following transplanting. The ground area around the ball (approximately 5 feet in circumference) should be saturated every 3-5 days during hot weather and every 7-10 days during normal weather conditions.

"PRO TIP: Tight clay soils retain water for longer periods of time. One thorough deep watering is better than a dozen shallow irrigations. If you have an automatic irrigation system, you can change the timing to allow for longer, less-frequent watering, approximately 20 minutes, 2 times per week."

A printable color resource/flyer is also available.

In Spanish, La División Forestal de Obras Públicas de Berwyn provides similar guidance to participants of its Programa de Plantación de Árboles en la Acera Pública. Residents can apply through the online portal or by downloading the application from www.berwyn-il.gov by searching “Solicitud del Programa de Arboles en la Acera Pública.”

Approved residents received a Carta sobre el cuidado de los árboles with maintenance tips and a newly planted tree on their front property avenue. The Guía de cuidado de árboles de la ciudad de Berwyn is available for viewing and download.

Watering tips from the city arborist include saturating the ground area around the ball (approximately 5 feet in circumference) every 3-5 days during hot weather and every 7-10 days under normal conditions.

"PRO TIPS: Los suelos arcillosos compactos retienen el agua durante períodos de tiempo más prolongados. Un riego profundo y completo es mejor que una docena de riegos superficiales. Si tiene un sistema de riego automático, puede cambiar el tiempo para permitir un riego más prolongado y menos frecuente, aproximadamente 20 minutos, 2 veces por semana."

A printable color resource/flyer is also available.