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Cicero School District 99 Board of Education met Oct. 11

Cicero School District 99 Board of Education met Oct. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board

I. The meeting was called to order by President Tomschin at 6:30 p.m.

II. Roll call was conducted and the following members were recorded present: President Tomschin, Vice-President Dominick, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch and Manouzi. Absent: Members Moreno and Segura.

III. A quorum was established.

IV. The pledge to the flag was recited.

V. Superintendent’s Report

Dr. Calderin welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Luis Salto, Principal at Lincoln School.

Mr. Salto welcomed everyone to Lincoln School. He thanked the Board for their support for being able to have band for grades 4-6 and was thankful to have Joshua Lopez as their Music/Band Teacher. The band students performed a couple songs for the audience.

Mr. Lopez thanked the Board for their support and noted that they now have over 700 students participating in band.

Dr. Calderin thanked the students for their presentation, the parents for supporting their students. He also noted they appreciated the Board’s support for providing the extracurricular activities.

Dr. Calderin noted that the following reports, numbers 1 – 6 were placed in each Board Member’s packet. He asked them if they had any questions. They indicated none.

A. Informational Items

1. Monthly Board Report

2. Freedom of Information Act requests

3. Enrollment Report

4. Suspension Report

5. Security Report

6. Unity Day – Dr. Calderin invited everyone to participate on October 18, 2023 for Unity Day. He noted this day as a district, it is celebrated by conducting several activities in all schools to promote safety, drug awareness anti-bulling and stand together as a district to stop bullying in the community. As they continue to practice to move forward together, he thanked the community, teachers, staff and the Board for their support in helping to keep the schools the town safe.

7. Dr. Calderin introduced Ms. Kalyvas, for presentation of this month’s recipient of District 99’s Very Own Award.

Ms. Kalyvas presented this month’s recipient:

•  Raymond Garcia, 4th Grade Dual Language Teacher at Sherlock School

Mr. Garcia received a pin and a certificate acknowledging him as one of District 99’s very own. There was a PowerPoint presentation highlighting Mr. Garcia.

On behalf of the Board of Education, President Tomschin congratulated and thanked him for all his hard work and dedication to the district and everything he does for the students and the community of Cicero.

8. Treasurer’s Report - Ms. Ewa Klis, Manager of Business Affairs. She briefed them on the revenues, expenditures and monthly expenses. She indicated that as of October 6, 2023, the state owed the district $ 919,786.20. She asked them if they had any questions. They indicated none.

9. Departmental Updates

Dr. Calderin, Superintendent, reported the following updates:

•  Flood mitigation efforts continue to be prolonged through the insurance carriers. Once approvals are given, work will continue, which looks like it will linger through 2023-24 school year.

•  Last night e first ever night game was held on the Larry Polk Field. He thanked the hundreds of fans, coaches, players and the Board of Education for making this possible. On behalf of the Athletic Team, Executive Council and all the athletes, he presented the Board with the soccer ball that was used at this first night game, that said “Unity vs Lincoln, October 10, 2023”. President Tomschin asked that the ball be placed on display at Unity Junior High School, in the trophy cases as a piece of history. He said that Larry Polk would have been floored with having the field named after him and wanted to make sure the ball received the appropriate attention.

Ms. Rita Tarullo, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs, reported the following updates:

•  Heat switch over started on October 5, 2023 and was set to be completed by October 13, 2023, if no issues.

•  Building Inspections by the Board will be on October 20, 2023.

•  West 40 Inspections will take place on October 23, 2023.

•  Annual Audit is underway,

•  Gamma Security started patrolling elementary sites on October 2, 2023.

Ms. Elisabeth Nealon, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, provided the following updates:

•  Care Solace Utilization

o She reported that the program continued to provide supports to all staff, students and District 99 families through case management and by providing case management for mental health services.

o Key performance Indicators included the following:

Inbound Interactions 264, Family-initiated cases 6, communications 2,376, anonymous cases 16, referrals 68 and appointments into care 15.

•  ISBE Special Education LEA Findings – The District received a rating of “meets” (highest tier, 1-6) in all categories, with a final score of 100% on the following indicators:

o Early Childhood Service Delivery

o IDEA fiscal compliance

o Suspension/expulsion procedures

o Disproportionality (no inappropriate identification of children with disabilities)

o No findings of non-compliance

o Continue to work with the special education consultant to identify areas for enhancement and/or a modification to their programming.

In the absence of Dr. Mary Mycyk, Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services, Ms. Nealon reported the following updates:

•  Enrollment Update

o K-8 Enrollment as of today was 8662.

o Kindergarten Enrollment is currently at 837.

•  Educational Services Updates

o Classroom walkthroughs have begun, as of this week, they have completed 544 classroom visits.

Mr. Bryan Snyder, Chief Information Officer, provided the following updates:

•  VoIP Cloud

o Final cutover and testing – All buildings have been completed, bringing the initial migration to a close. All outlier district phone numbers that were not completed as part of the building-by-building migration are being completed in order to close the project.

•  Cyber Security

o The vulnerability scanning and testing that were approved at the September board meeting have ben scheduled and will begin in mid October.

•  Staff Chromebook Fleet Refresh

o 1200 devices have been unboxed and inventoried

o Device enrollment will begin October 5 and conclude within 2 weeks.

o Deployment plan has been finalized and district-wide communication notifying staff of deployment will go out soon.

o Devices will be deployed in a building-by-building fashion based on their completion of the DocuSign loan agreements.

•  Network Stability

o Battery back-up replacement for MDF upgrades have been received and installation will begin in October.

o IDF battery back-ups have been received and installation will begin in October.

VI. Other Reports

A. Construction Report – Marc Rogers, CCS International, Inc., presented a PowerPoint and provided the following updates on various construction projects.

Construction Projects

Unity Junior High School HVAC (2 Summer Projects)

•  Phase 1 (summer 2023) of the project is in testing and commissioning.

•  The building was switched from cooling (chiller) to heating (boilers) on 10/5/23, with the building conditions being monitored.

•  Planning for phase 2 work (summer 2024) is underway.

•  Risks/Resolutions:

o BAS communication with legacy equipment and controllers in the building is being monitored this school year. All BAS communication equipment is being replaced next summer.

Unity Junior High Roofing (2 Summer Project)

•  Gym roof work has been completed.

•  Sheet-metal work is anticipated to continue through October

•  Risks/Resolutions:

o Scheduling for summer 2 work in progress.

Lincoln Chiller Project

•  Chiller shipped and received.

•  Chiller replacement to start this month. Work is anticipated to be completed by December/January, with startup in spring 2024.

Multi-Site HVAC (Phase 2 – Summer 2023)

•  Work is substantially complete.

•  Work has been closed out at 3 out of 9 buildings. Commissioning/punch-list on the other 6 building continued.

•  Risks/Resolutions:

o Commissioning of the Cicero West chiller has been impacted by the flood damage.

Roosevelt Elementary

•  Minor punch-list and commissioning activities continue to be ongoing.

Unity Turf Field

•  Base Scope (Turf) Exterior work in closeout.

•  Sound system work was completed the week of 9/11/23.

•  Signage is substantially complete.

•  Scoreboard geotechnical investigations and report complete, will be a separate project.

•  Risks/Resolutions:

o Punchlist activities are ongoing for the turf, sound system and signage.

o The scoreboard design and procurement remains in process.

7/2/23 Rain Event Update

•  The district continued with prioritizing student and teacher spaces/buildings for repairs first and waiting on final insurance approvals.

Capital Program Planning

•  Feasibility study projects scope options and pricing has been received, continue to be planned.

o Roofing (Cicero West and Roosevelt).

o Goodwin Masonry (partial parapet).

o Multi-Site (6 schools) Fire Alarm and Intercom.

General Updates and Capital Planning Report

•  Guideline capital fund budget summary was provided through the next three fiscal years assuming the above capital program planning projects proceed.

Mr. Rogers asked the Board if they had any questions and they indicated none.

VII. Correspondence

Secretary Terracino read a thank you email from Christopher Perri thanking everyone for their hard work on making the new Turf Field such a success

It was moved by Secretary Terracino and seconded by Vice-President Dominick to accept and place on file the correspondence received. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi and Vice-President Dominick. Nays: None. Absent: Members Moreno and Segura. Motion carried.

VIII. Comments from the audience.

Elana Mosca, a teacher in the district said she had concerns by the new walk-through format and noted that fear shuts people down. She said that the current rubric leads to distrust and didn’t know how her administrators can successfully use an Iready checklist and a rubric at the same time during a 5-minute walkthrough.

A special education teacher said that her students with special needs face many challenges every day and said she wanted to be their voice. She said she has witnessed the special education crumble and said the district had a retention problem and teachers continue to quit.

Julie Stanley, Special Education Teacher at Cicero East and the Treasurer of Cicero Council, talked about data that was compiled from the exit surveys from the special education teachers who have left. She talked about the data-driven decisions that are made and noted they are not beneficial to all.

Daisy Loza, a parent of a Goodwin student, talked about a situation that involved her son at Goodwin. She indicated she was not happy of how the situation was handled. She filed a complaint and also went to the police department to file a report. She said she has spoken to the administration and was not happy how the situation was handled by the assistant principal at Goodwin.

Maria Cardona, a teacher at Cicero East, spoke in Spanish, and said the start of the school year has been difficult and thanked the administration at Cicero East School. She spoke of her principal, Jill Miller and said she was a phenomenal leader. She said she was hopeful that Ms. Miller is being appreciated and thanked for her efforts in supporting her staff and students. Dr. Calderin translated the comment to English for the non-Spanish speaking audience.

A parent commented on the Extended Day Program and ask how it was being beneficial for the students. She noted that her child had been struggling with the Math part of it and had many questions. Dr. Calderin asked her to wait and said that Ms. Nealon would be taking her information.

IX. Board Moved To Executive Session

It was moved by Vice-President Dominick and seconded by Member Couch to adjourn into Executive Session at 7:17 p.m. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi and Vice-President Dominick. Nays: None. Absent: Members Moreno and Segura. Motion carried.


A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

B. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2).

C. The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5).

D. Security procedures, school building safety and security, and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public, or public property. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8).

E. Student Disciplinary cases. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9)

F. Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).

X. Adjourned From Executive Session

It was moved by Secretary Terracino and seconded by Member Couch to adjourn Executive Session at 9:04 p.m. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi and Vice-President Dominick. Nays: None. Absent: Members Moreno and Segura. Motion carried.

XI. Reconvened To Open Session

It was moved by Member Couch and seconded by Secretary Terracino to reconvene to Open Session at 9:08 p.m. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi and Vice-President Dominick. Nays: None. Absent: Members Moreno and Segura. Motion carried.

XII. Action as a result of Executive Session if necessary

There was none presented

XIII. Consent Agenda

President Tomschin asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented.

A. Approval of Minutes

1. Public Hearing on the Waiver of Administrative Cost Limitations, September 13, 2023

2. Regular Meeting Open Session September 13, 2023

3. Regular Meeting Closed Session September 13, 2023

4. Public Hearing on the Budget for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year,

September 25, 2023

5. Special Meeting Open Session September 25, 2023

B. Approval of Payrolls:

Education Fund $ 11,155,744.50 Operations, Building & Maintenance Fund $ 719,507.29 Transportation Fund $ 267,055.37 GRAND TOTAL SALARIES $ 12,142,307.16

C. Approval of Bills:

Education Fund $ 2,239,462.26 Building & Maintenance Fund $ 327,977.71 Transportation Fund $ 116,778.36 Capital Projects $ 1,885,039.63 TORT $ 16,970.00 TOTAL EXPENSES FOR OCTOBER $ 4,586,227.96

D. Miscellaneous Monies

TOTAL RECEIPTS FOR MONTH OF OCTOBER $ 31,351.01 E. Approval of Use of School Facility Requests

F. Approval of Resolution for Disposal of Personal Property

G. Approval of proposal with CEC Environmental Inc. for Vector Unit Cleaning at Goodwin School

H. Approval of Purchase Orders over $ 25,000.00

1. Vista Higher Learning Spanish LA Curriculum $ 42,636.31

2. FE Moran Roosevelt Chiller Repair $ 27,415.00

3. Curriculum Associates Ellevation Subscription Renewal $ 68,161.50

I. Approval of School District Library Grant Application for FY2024

J. Approval of Affiliation Agreement with Chicago State University College of Education for the provision of Student Teaching Field Experiences beginning October 2, 2023 retroactively and ending on June 30, 2027

K. Approval of Agreement with Why Try LLC for the provision of Online SEL Toolkit

L. Approval of renewal of Agency Contracts for Special Education and Student Services for the 2023-2024 School Year

1. New Direction Solutions, LLC dba Bilingual Therapies

2. ProCare Therapy, a d/b/a of New Direction Solutions, LLC

3. Therapy Care, Ltd.

M. Approval of Board and Staff Travel for Conference Attendance

1. Elisabeth Nealon, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, Krista Naff, Assistant Principal and Lisa Wojcik, Assistant Director of Early Childhood, Annual NAEYC Conference, November 15-18, 2023, in Nashville, Tennessee

2. Board of Education and Dr. Aldo Calderin, Superintendent, Annual NSBA Conference, on April 6-8, 2024, in New Orleans, Louisiana

It was moved by Vice-President Dominick and seconded by Secretary Terracino to approve the Consent Agenda Items A through M as presented. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi and Vice-President Dominick. Nays: None. Absent: Members Moreno and Segura. Motion carried.

President Tomschin asked for a motion on the Personnel Report as discussed.

XIV. Personnel Report

A. Certified Staff

1. Employment

2. Resignations

Kyra Bestor, Kindergarten Dual Language Teacher, Burnham School, effective November 9, 2023

Antonieta Garcia-Strain, Reading Interventionist – Bilingual, Cicero West School, effective June 30, 2028 due to retirement

Salome M. Kirimania, Special Education Resource Teacher, Wilson School, effective June 30, 2027 due to retirement

Marilinda Kustec, 2nd Gr. Dual Language Teacher, Cicero West School, effective June 11, 2027, due to retirement.

Eloisa Ramos, 3rd Gr. Dual Language Teacher, Cicero West School, effective June 30, 2027 due to retirement

Mary P. Rzeszutko, Special Education Resource Teacher, Drexel School, effective June 1, 2027 due to retirement

Gutnara H. Servidio, 1st Gr. Dual Language Teacher, Cicero West School, effective June 6, 2028, due to retirement

Amy Thoms, Interventionist, District, effective June 26, 2028, due to retirement

Dianna Ulmer, ESL Lead/Resource Teacher, Unity Jr. High School, effective June 30, 2028 due to retirement

3. Other

B. Non-Certified Staff

1. Employment

Julie Flores, Lunch Supervisor, Lincoln School

Daisy Guzman, Special Education Program Assistant, pending background and medical verifications

Matthew Kleinmeyer, Special Education Program Assistant, pending background and medical verifications

Diana Montes, Security Guard – 10 Month, District

Dora Ortega Garza, Lunch Supervisor, Warren Park School

Lizeth Gonzalez, Security Guard – 10 months, District

William Ortiz, Part Time Security Guard, District

Alexis Perez, Special Education Program Assistant, Cicero West School

Cynthia Pila, 12 Month District Clerk – EC Clerk, District, pending medical verification

Alvaro Regalado, Part Time Bus Driver, District

Hilda Rosas Barajas, Special Education Program Assistant, Drexel School

Andres Ruiz, Garage Porter, District

Luceli Uriostegui, EC Classroom Supervisor, Liberty School

Marisol Vargas, Lunchroom Supervisor, Warren Park School

Hilda Vega, Special Education Program Assistant, Drexel School

Eric Vicera, Part Time Security Guard, District

Ivan Villegas, Substitute Custodian, District

Yanet Zarco Reyes, Multilingual Program Assistant, Sherlock School, pending certification

2. Resignations

Michael G. Bilotto, Part Time Bus Driver, District, effective September 29, 2023

Marisela Cardenas Sandoval, Lunch Supervisor, Warren Park School, effective August 21, 2023

Miguel Contreras Jr., Night Custodian, Cicero East School, effective October 6, 2023

Christina Garza, Security Guard – 10 Month, District, effective September 25, 2023

Maricela Guzman, Lunch Supervisor, Drexel School, effective June 2, 2023 

Violeta Murillo, Bus Driver, District, effective September 29, 2023

Alexis Perez, Part Time Custodial Worker, District, effective October 11, 2023

Diana Rodriguez, Lunch Supervisor, Liberty School, effective September 27, 2023

Hilda Rosas Barajas, Phone Caller, Drexel School, effective October 11, 2023

Hilda Vega, Lunch Supervisor, Drexel School, effective October 11, 2023

Auteria Woodards, Security – 10 Month, District, effective September 22, 2023

Yanet Zarco Reyes, Lunchroom Supervisor, Sherlock School, effective October 20, 2023

3. Other

a. Approval of Guadalupe Rodriguez as Full Time Bus Driver

C. FMLA Requests

#6107, September 5, 2023 through October 16, 2023

#3563, September 7, 2023 through November 29, 2023

#5399, September 5, 2023 through November 27, 2023

#0502, August 18, 2023 through November 9, 2023

#2277, August 28, 2023 through August 27, 2024 (intermittent)

#0556, September 19, 2023 through December 11, 2023

#5114, September 15, 2023 through December 7, 2023

#4136, September 25, 2023 through September 24, 2024 (intermittent)

#2921, October 19, 2023 through October 18, 2024 (intermittent)

#1895, September 15, 2023 through September 14, 2024 (intermittent)- 11 -

#7413, August 24, 2023 through November 15, 2023

#5551, September 25, 2023 through December 15, 2023

#3410, September 20, 2023 through September 19, 2024 (intermittent)

#3689, September 12, 2023 through September 11, 2024 (intermittent)

#0903, September 26, 2023 through September 25, 2024 (intermittent)

#6050, August 21, 2023 through September 4, 2023

#5699, September 12, 2023 through December 4, 2023

It was moved by Vice-President Dominick and seconded by Member Couch to approve the Personnel Report as discussed. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi and Vice-President Dominick. Nays: None. Absent: Members Moreno and Segura. Motion carried.

XV. Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Notice to Remedy to Teacher Stephanie Feig

It was moved by Vice-President Dominick and seconded by Member Couch to approve the Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Notice to Remedy to Teacher Stephanie Feig. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi and Vice-President Dominick. Nays: None. Absent: Members Moreno and Segura. Motion carried.

XVI. Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Notice to Remedy to Teacher Angel Melendez

It was moved by Vice-President Dominick and seconded by Member Couch to approve the Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Notice to Remedy to Teacher Angel Melendez. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi and Vice-President Dominick. Nays: None. Absent: Members Moreno and Segura. Motion carried.

XVII. Approval of Independent Consultant Agreements for providing support and assistance to the Grant, Business and Educational Services Departments beginning October 12, 2023 and ending on June 30, 2024

A. Colleen Arriola

B. Marybeth King

C. Susan Kleinmeyer

D. Coré La Versa

It was moved by Secretary Terracino and seconded by Vice-President Dominick to Approve the Independent Consultant Agreements for providing support and assistance to the Grant, Busines and Educational Services Departments beginning October 12, 2023 and ending on June 30, 2024 for Colleen Arriola, Marybeth King, Susan Kleinmeyer and Coré LaVersa Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi and Vice-President Dominick. Nays: None. Absent: Members Moreno and Segura. Motion carried.

XVIII. Student Discipline Dispositions

A. Student Number 990021649 shall be expelled for the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic school year. That said expulsion will be held in abeyance pending the successful completion of a program at Menta Academy.

It was moved by Vice-President Dominick and seconded by Member Couch to approve the Student Discipline Disposition that was discussed and considered by the Board of Education as noted above. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi and Vice-President Dominick. Nays: None. Absent: Members Moreno and Segura. Motion carried.

XIX. Old Business

There was none to report.

XX. Informational Items

President Tomschin announced that the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting to be held on November 8, 2023, 6:30 p.m. at Sherlock School.

XXI. Adjournment

It was moved by Vice-President Dominick and seconded by Secretary Terracino to adjourn from Open Session at 9:10 p.m. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi and Vice-President Dominick. Nays: None. Absent: Members Moreno and Segura. Motion carried.




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