
West Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Countryside Plan Commission Zoning Board of Appeals met July 11

City of Countryside Plan Commission Zoning Board of Appeals met July 11

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Meeting called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Chairman Schwarz. 

Roll Call: Secretary Grotzke called the Roll of Members physically present: 

Present: Chairman Robert Schwarz, Steve Kehr, Tina Grotzke, Tom Geraghty, Marco Gutierrez, Jonathan Gertsmeier Danielle Edenfield 

Absent: Ronald Ward, Bryan White 

Also Present: Attorney Erik Peck, Planning Manager Richard Trent, Recording Sec. Prokop 

Approval of Minutes -- The Regular Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2023 were previously distributed to Board Members. There being no corrections or additions to the minutes, motion made to approve the minutes as presented. 

A motion was made by Ms. Grotzke, seconded by Mr. Gertsmeier that this matter be APPROVED as presented. The motion carried by the following vote:  

Aye: 7 Schwarz, Grotzke, Kehr, Geraghty, Gutierrez, Gertsmeier, Edenfield 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 2 Ward, White  

Chairman’s Comments - None  

Action Items  

1. CASE #PZV23-0002: Consideration of a Variance  

a. To consider granting a Variance to exceed the height of a structure from the maximum height of 35’ to 39’, including mechanical equipment, from grade for the construction of a self-storage facility in the M-1 Zoning District at the subject property of 411 E. Plainfield Road. 

Mr. Gutierrez moved to open the Public Hearing in this matter, seconded by Ms. Edenfield; motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Mr. Trent stated that the required Proof of Notice has been received by the Building Department. The Petitioners, David Wytmar and Chris Patel, were sworn in en masse by Chairman Schwarz. 

PM Mr. Trent presented the Staff Report: The Petitioners are David Wytmar, Architect, Groundwork, Ltd., representing the property owner, Mr. Chris Patel (Countryside GC Inc.) at the subject property of 411 E. Plainfield Road. They are requesting a variance to exceed the height restrictions from a maximum of thirty-five (35) feet to thirty-nine (39) feet to construct a new self-storage facility in the M-1 Zoning District. The aerial slides presented depict the location of the subject property noting that directly to the west is the Village of LaGrange (Villa Venice Condominiums); to the East is Star Piping & Heating Co.; to the south is Plainfield Road and Dansher Park; and to the southwest is 9th Avenue. 

Mr. Patel (Countryside GC Inc.) purchased the subject property last year and intends to raze a portion of the building and add two (2) stories on top to create a new facility. The property is approximately 74,501 square feet (+/- 1.71 acres) in size. In looking at the existing Plat of Survey, there is a shared access point on the east side of the property; a portion of the drive would be modified.

Elevation photos were shown depicting the north, south, east and west elevations; a string of detached garages located on the west property line act as a buffer to the Villa Venice Condos. The south elevation depicts the front portion of the building that would be redeveloped as part of the proposed project. 

The 2004 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as the “Dansher Industrial Park Subarea” and recommends parkway landscaping and driveway improvements. There is currently very little landscaping except in the front; in redeveloping the site, landscaping should be included as part of this process to improve the esthetics of the site, especially in front and along the parkway. The driveway would be resealed, restriped and patched as needed. The shared driveway on the east side would be modified. The new driveway on the west would serve as an exit with one-way traffic. The Industrial Land-Use area (within the Comprehensive Plan) identifies one (1) goal and five (5) objectives – the goal is to maintain and improve Dansher Park as a quality location for small-scale light industrial and commercial service uses. 

In creating two (2) additional stories, the Petitioner seeks to add mechanical equipment on the roof consisting of AC condensers, a parapet and elevator bulkhead; those additional items would raise the height to 39’ – four (4) feet over the maximum height requirement. The next slides show the elevation renderings s with the equipment in place on the roof; the parapet is shown on the south elevation, along with the AC condensers and elevator bulkhead. The proposed new building would be approximately 93,771 square feet; it would not impact the overall lot coverage requirement. The north elevation shows the location of the parapet, which would be 36’ from grade. The elevator bulkhead would be 39’ from grade. The proposed new facility would be lime green in color (façade accents) consisting of natural stone, metal and glass, facing Plainfield Road (south elevation). 

The Petitioner has provided a Preliminary Landscape Plan illustrating plantings at the front of the building and along the foundation of the building as well as parkway landscaping along Plainfield Road for review. Based on the information provided, Staff recommends granting the Variance as requested for the construction of a self-storage facility subject to the eleven (11) conditions as presented in the Staff Memorandum dated July 11, 2023. 

Mr. Gutierrez asked about the height of the proposed building; approximately 35’; the parapet would make it 36’; the AC condensers would be at 38’; and the elevator bulkhead would make it 39’. Discussion ensured re: exceptions in the Code – Mr. Trent stated that the 1991 Text Amendment addressed “height restrictions” for various zoning districts including the M-1 Zoning District, which specifically restricts mechanical equipment from grade. Based on Staff’s interpretation, a Variance request was necessary to proceed with the project. The current Ordinance language conflicts with the proposed plans. Mr. Gutierrez suggested that additional trees be added to the Landscape Plan. Ms. Edenfield asked if the City has any plans to bring the grade up higher. Mr. Trent indicated that the current building footprint/grade would be utilized.

Chairman Schwarz asked about lighting plans for the north and west sides of the building. Mr. Trent stated that any interior parking lot lighting and/or signage must be reviewed by the City, considering the residential properties along 9th Avenue. Ms. Grotzke believes that large trees and shrubs should be included in the Landscape Plan along the west elevation of the proposed building. 

The Petitioner, Mr. David Wytmar, stated that Mr. Trent has provided a very thorough presentation. He is happy to answer any questions that the Board Members may have. He stated that typically storage facilities are taller; he discussed the definition of “grade” and stated that the foundation slab is 6” thick which raises up the first floor; every additional floor would be 11’ high. They have lowered their plans to a more compact version in order to meet the 35’ maximum building height requirement, not including rooftop fixtures, since they do not generate noise or produce vapors. The proposed parapets are not mechanical equipment but are included in that definition. They believe they have met the intent of the Code; every town interprets the Code differently. The Building sits at an angle so both the proposed elevator bulkhead and AC units would be screened and minimally visible above the proposed parapet. Condensers would be placed on the roof due to vandalism concerns. Additional landscaping such as large trees along the west side of the proposed building, as requested would be provided; security is considered a primary concern. 

Chairman Schwarz asked about the general design of the proposed self-storage facility – the interior / exterior operation, garage doors, etc. Mr. Wytmar stated there would be no storage doors on the exterior of the building. Customers would drive through from east to west with an elevator nearby; the area would be fully lit so there would be no concern about outsiders. The automatic door would close behind each car, the area would be brightly lit and there would be clear access to the facility. Security systems would record when patrons enter and leave. There would be a rear door for people to access the rear if they choose. Regular business hours would be from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Special circumstances may be granted to some customers who may need 24/7 hour access for a limited purpose only. A maintenance crew would be on site; there would be no full-time manager; the premises would be unmanned. Bills would be paid either through phone apps or via computer – becoming the preferred method especially since COVID. Since 1996, the self-storage facility business has changed dramatically; purchases of supplies are made at large box stores and brought to the facility. The drive-through would be one way only – enter on the east, exit on the west; there would be no parking on the side, only in the rear. The current truck dock and driveway would be removed and more landscaping would be provided. Locks would be provided on the units; to get access to a unit, phone apps would be used to automatically open the door and/or a code could be punched in. A family member could receive a text with the code to temporarily use the facility; all those transactions would be recorded for security purposes so access can be proven later. With an unmanned facility, rents would be paid online; crews would come by at night to make sure that a new lock is on the correct unit. Generally, there is not much activity; everything has security camera oversight; the self-storage industry is an evolving business. 

Mr. Gutierrez stated the project would be a huge improvement especially coming indoors which would eliminate noise and really help with security and adverse weather conditions. Illuminated Signage would be on the drive-through entrance – front façade and exit signage. Most clientele would be from the neighborhood; they would be able to see the well-lit interior of the facility with all the amenities. 

Mr. Trent asked about motion detectors and the necessity of lights being on only when cars would pull in – Mr. Wytmar confirmed that is the intent. During the day, some hall lights would remain on but more lights would come on with business; all lights would be low intensity LED 400 amp; there would be two (2) rest rooms on site; water usage would be minimal. 

Chairman Schwarz admitted into evidence the Petitioner’s Application as Exhibit A, and the Staff Memorandum dated July 11, 2023 as Exhibit B. 

There was no Closing Statement or Comments from Interested Parties. Ms. Grotzke moved to close the Evidentiary Portion of the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Kehr and carried by unanimous voice vote. 

Mr. Gutierrez moved to approve the Variance to exceed the height of a structure from the maximum height of thirty-five (35) feet to thirty-nine (39) feet, including mechanical equipment, from grade for the construction of a self-storage facility in the M-1 Zoning District at 411 E. Plainfield Road, subject to the eleven (11) conditions as presented in the Staff Memorandum (dated July 11, 2023) including a Condition #12 - additional trees along the west elevation shall be provided, seconded by Ms. Grotzke and carried by unanimous Roll Call vote. 

A motion was made by Mr. Gutierrez, seconded by Ms. Grotzke. Gertsmeier that this matter is APPROVED as presented. The motion carried by the following vote:  

Aye: 7 Schwarz, Grotzke, Kehr, Geraghty, Gutierrez, Gertsmeier, Edenfield 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 2 Ward, White  

Chairman Schwarz stated that this matter will come before the City Council at its Regular Meeting on August 9, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. 

Public Comments - None  

Other Business  

Comprehensive Plan Update - Status  

Mr. Trent stated that Houseal Lavigne is currently working on a DRAFT Plan which will include all input received thus far. They anticipate a late July/early August draft. After Staff has reviewed and provided comment on the draft, the Steering Committee will meet to review the Plan and then a “Community Open House” meeting will be scheduled to discuss the Plan with residents. Finally, the Plan will be sent to the PC/ZBA for review and subsequently to City Council for final adoption.

Ticket Statistics (for June 2023) – In June, 8 tickets were issued in total (compared to 21 in May) - 1 issued for idling trucks prohibited; 7 issued for parking/storing tractor-trailers; 0 issued for commercial vehicles at a residence; and 0 issued for not registered to a business. 

The Zoning Case Log from 2018-2023 is included in the Board packets and updated monthly. This is a tracking document for Staff and for PC/ZBA members. 

Upcoming Cases  

There is a Special Use request for a second dog-grooming facility (Novi Grooming) at 6568 Joliet Road. The only other known dog grooming facility in town is PetSmart – the others have closed or moved out of town. 

The second matter is a Text Amendment request for Section 10-10-6 – designated parking of trucks, as a policy, has always referenced front parking at our hotels (Best Western & Holiday Inn) with no specific language to address rear parking. The City has prepared new language for consideration that would assist the Police Department in writing citations for parking behind hotels. The proposed language would also apply to any future hotels adjacent to properties zoned or used for residential purposes. 

These two (2) items will be on the August 1, 2023 Agenda. 

Ms. Grotzke asked for an update on the project at Plainfield and Brainard – the “Physicians’ Immediate Care” site – 800 W. Plainfield Road; they are currently working on the parking lot and exterior of the site; it appears the interior work has been completed. Mr. Trent estimates approximately two months for completion. There will be landscaping along the perimeter of the property, along Brainard Avenue and Plainfield Road; also plantings along the rear of the building, which is adjacent to the Salem Square Shopping Center and along the east property line. 

Ms. Edenfield asked for an update on the day care facility at 6525-35 Joliet Road (Creative Academy) - Ms. Woods-Smith is still working with DCFS to address and satisfy all of their requirements. She is also having some issues with the landlord; they currently lease the property. 

Question as to whether the “Lucky Dog” restaurant (5545 S. LaGrange Road) will be open by Christmas – unknown at this time. 

Question regarding the old Aldi’s premises (9930 Joliet Road) – Mr. Trent has no news to report. He did indicate that Harley Davidson has expressed an interest in the past in expanding into the space; so far nothing has happened. 

Question re: former car lot on Joliet Road (6420 Joliet Road) – Mr. Trent stated that the former Hyundai Car Dealership owned by Mr. Keporos was recently sold. The new owners propose converting the building into a restaurant and banquet hall. Staff had cautioned them on the suggestion of a proposed hotel. 

The next PC/ZBA Meeting is scheduled for August 1, 2023 at 7:15 p.m.  


A motion was made by Mr. Gutierrez, seconded by Ms. Grotzke, that this Hearing be ADJOURNED. The motion carried by the following vote:  

Aye: 7 Schwarz, Grotzke, Kehr, Geraghty, Gutierrez, Gertsmeier, Edenfield 

Nay: 0  

Absent: 2 Ward, White  

Chairman Schwarz declared the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.  
