
West Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Proviso Township High Schools District 209 Board of Education Met May 11

Webp meeting 04

Proviso Township High Schools District 209 Board of Education Met May 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Official Minutes of the Board of Education of Proviso Township High Schools District 209 at Proviso Math & Science Academy 8601 W Roosevelt Rd. Forest Park, IL 60130.

PRESENT – Board Members:

Mr. Rodney Alexander

Ms. Amanda Grant

Mrs. Theresa L. Kelly

Mr. Samuel Valtierrez

Mr. Ned Wagner

Mrs. Claudia Medina

Ms. Arbdella “Della” Patterson

PRESENT – Administration:

Dr. James L. Henderson, Superintendent

Dr. Nicole Williams, Deputy Superintendent of Transformation

Dr. Nicole Howard, Assistant Superintendent of Academics and Family Services

Mr. Paul Starck-King, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations 

Mr. Dan Johnson, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources


Mr. William Gleason, Attorney, Hauser Izzo, LLC

Superintendent’s Office:

Mrs. Karen O’Shea, Secretary to the Superintendent


It was moved by Ms. Grant and seconded by Mr. Wagner, that the Board of Education of the Proviso Township High Schools District 209 retire to executive session at approximately 5:51 PM for the purpose of discussing items as listed on the agenda.

• The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

• Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees 5 ILCS 1

• Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filled and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (11).

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

7 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Ms. Grant, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Medina, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Valtierrez

0 Nays: None

0 Abstain: None

0 Absent: None



It was moved by Ms. Grant, seconded by Mr. Valtierrez, that the Board of Education of Proviso Township High Schools District 209 reconvene the Regular Meeting at approximately 7:51PM.

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

7 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Ms. Grant, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Medina, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Valtierrez

0 Nays: None

0 Abstain: None

0 Absent: None



Mr. Alexander asked for those present to stand for a moment of silence. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE

Mr. Alexander led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Ms. Grant read the D209 Vision Statement into the record.


It was moved by Mr. Wagner, seconded by Mr. Valtierrez that the Board of Education of Proviso Township High Schools District 209 amend the agenda to move item 14M – Personnel Report on the consent agenda before citizen comments.

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

6 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Ms. Grant, Mrs. Kelly, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Valtierrez

1 Nays: Mrs. Medina

0 Abstain: None

0 Absent: None



It was moved by Ms. Grant, seconded by Mr. Valtierrez that the Board of Education of Proviso Township High Schools District 209 accepts the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the amended personnel report.

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

6 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Ms. Grant, Mrs. Kelly, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Valtierrez

1 Nays: Mrs. Medina

0 Abstain: None

0 Absent: None



It was moved by Ms. Grant, seconded by Mr. Alexander that the Board of Education of Proviso Township High Schools District 209 accepts the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve items:

14-M-1-1 Calvin Davis

14-M-1-2 Cyrus McGinnis

14-M-1-8 Vanessa Schmitt

14-M-1-9 Michelle Hassan

14-M-1-11 Kevin Brown

14-M-1-12 Daniel Johnson

14-M-1-13 Michael Pritchard

14-M-1-16 Fred Aguirre

14-M-1-18 Albert Brass

14-M-1-19 William Breisch

14-M-1-22 Joseph Kosina

14-M-1-23 Kisha Lang

14-M-1-25 Shaylon Walker

14-M-1-28 William Garrett

14-M-1-29 Elizabeth Martinez

14-M-1-30 Rodney Hull

14-M-1-31 Nicole Wilson

During discussion, there were concerns raised about the salaries offered being decreases for many current administrators, individuals being rehired after leaving or retiring from the district. Mr. Wagner stated that it was important for the community to understand that the administrative restructuring was being done by using Title 1 funds more efficiently and will decrease the administrative overhead. He stated the results were more money for the students.

Ms. Grant inquired if the Board regarding voting on the individuals pulled would be separate or grouped together. The consensus of the Board Members was to vote on the group as a whole.

Mrs. Medina raised concerns regarding the qualifications an individual that was hired as consultants for the district. Ms. Patterson clarified that the previous superintendent had hired a former consultant in an administrative position, therefore the precedent has been set in this matter. Mrs. Medina also raised concerns regarding the qualifications for the recommended transportation director and there was discussion among the Board members regarding his dedication to the district and his current qualifications. Ms. Patterson clarified that he has been doing transportation for the district for years. Mrs. Medina inquired regarding recommended technology director’s qualifications, applications received and past working relationship with the Superintendent. Mrs. Medina also commented regarding the applications for the public and community information officer position as she has concerns regarding the communication coming out of the department currently.

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

5 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Mrs. Kelly, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Valtierrez

2 Nays: Ms. Grant, Mrs. Medina

0 Abstain: None

0 Absent: None


Mr. Alexander congratulated all the approved new staff members.


• Ernest Travis commented regarding information provided to administrators before the restructuring and how faculty feel betrayed by the Board.

Mr. Alexander reminded the public that per District policy they are to conduct themselves with respect when addressing the Board.

• Antoinette Gray commented regarding the state of the district and change is hard. She stated the board is ensuring students will have a better opportunity. 

• Carissa Gillespe commented regarding the “Setting the Record Straight” mailing, rehiring of past administrators, and naming suggestions for Proviso East Stadium.

• Howard Ray commented regarding Proviso West improvements and congratulations to the graduates.

• Claudia Holland commented regarding test scores, grades and the scholars. 

• Maggie Riley commented regarding moving the District forward, rehiring of past administrators, positions being hired that were not posted, expenses and comments that have not been read into the record.

Ms. Patterson stated she previously commented regarding administrators. She also apologized to Mr. Garrett’s family for comments made during discussion. Mrs. Medina thanked employees who gave their service to the District and apologized that they were not given an opportunity.


Ms. Grant read the FOIA report into the record.


Mr. Alexander congratulated the Class of 2021. He stated these students have accomplished so much and they have pushed through and persevered. The Board recognizes the greatest class and thanked them for being an example of perseverance. He stated that that the graduates will be able to tell their grandchildren about their high school experience and graduation. Mr. Alexander thanked the Board of their cooperation and stated they will do great things together. He thanked Dr. Henderson, and let the community know that the superintendent is only doing what the Board hired him to do and he has delivered. Mr. Alexander stated the superintendent has provided COVID vaccinations for all Proviso students and there are many organizations that now would like to participate with Proviso. He stated that there are upcoming events in the summer such as community town hall meetings, the summer flight, redesign of the website, bringing food services and transportation in house. Per District policy, the Board President is the spokesperson for the Board and will continue to control the narrative. He stated the community has a dream for the schools and the Board will help accomplish the dream.


Dr. Henderson stated that the administration will always do what is right for the students and staff of Proviso. He stated the Board is holding the administration and himself accountable to do the best for the students. Dr. Henderson introduced the Proviso West Family and Career Leaders of America (FLCCA) team from Proviso West High School lead by Ms. Constance Jesukaitis. He stated that the FLCCA scholars were recognized and celebrated for achieving certificates of distinction in the “Going for the Gold” ceremony. He further stated it marks the first time that Proviso West High School competed against 134 students from twenty different high schools. He introduced the following scholars and presented them with their medals: Breanne Escamilla – Gold- Most Outstanding Distinction- Professional Career Wardrobe, Chloe Lyman-Silver- Pre School Lesson, Kedriana Curry- Silver- Professional Career Wardrobe, Shaniece Hassan-Silver Professional Career Wardrobe, Takiyah Taylor-Bronze- Professional Child Care Provider, Aaliyah Lewis- Bronze – Fashion Window Display, Frida Jimenez- Bronze Fashion Window Display, and Nayelli Nava – Bronze-Fashion Window Display. Dr. Henderson and the Board of Education congratulated the scholars and Ms. Jesukaitis for the outstanding achievement.

Mr. Starck-King next presented the financials to the Board for review. He answered questions from the Board regarding any penalties the District may receive by hiring employees that were retired. He next reviewed the recision of fund transfer action item. Mr. Starck-King stated that the fund transfer approved by the Board in February 2021 had not been booked by the Treasurer’s Office yet, therefore the recision on the transfer was being recommended. He stated District’s ESSER II application in the amount of $5,699,246 has been approved by ISBE and greatly reduces the need for the transfer of funds. The District will be able to use the ESSER II funds for the proposed addition of HVAC resources to two Proviso East and Proviso West to make the buildings more equitable to the one high school that has an HVAC system to filter air in accordance with the recommended guidelines for the coronavirus pandemic. Mr. Starck-King stated that by rescinding the transfer, funds will be available in the Education and Operations funds to be used in educational and operational purposes. Mr. Starck-King stated that based on the estimated ESSER ARP allocation for the District, the next two $4.5 million scheduled transfer may be able to be eliminated also. He answered questions from the Board regarding the donations to the District and the timing of the checks for the Bears Cares grant. Mr. Starck-King answered questions questions from the Board regarding the bill list.

Mr. Taylor next presented on the action item for the PMSA dump truck bid. He reviewed the need for the dump truck and the quotes received and answered questions from the Board regarding the warranty. Mr. Dolter reviewed the Sequence 2 permitting schedule and stated that there was a resubmission to MWRD on the Proviso East HVAC work due to additional flood prevention design work and the Proviso West HVAC permits are currently being reviewed by MWRD. Mr. Taylor answered questions from the Board regarding the HVAC infrastructure work at Proviso East and West. Ms. McClinton reviewed the walk throughs that were completed in the cafeteria at Proviso East and Proviso West and stated that there has been a discussion regarding the work that can be completed before the 2021-2022 SY, during breaks and summers. There was a discussion between Ms. McClinton and the Board regarding the electrical infrastructure and the installation of charging lockers throughout all campuses. She reviewed the change order tracking and stated that landscaping has commenced at all campuses. Ms. McClinton stated that Gilbane has begun accepting applications for internships and stated there will be one intern from Proviso East and one intern from Proviso West who will receive the same experience as the college interns. There was a discussion among the Board requesting if the intern can present to the Board at the end of their term.

Mr. Johnson reviewed the partnership with SHIELD Illinois COVID-19 testing. He stated that beginning May 12, 2021, all student athletes will be tested. Mr. Johnson also stated that the district has established a partnership with Jewel to have a vaccination clinic at Proviso West on May 19, 2021 for Proviso Township students and stated that notices have gone out to incoming freshman to the district regarding the clinic. Mr. Johnson next introduced Mr. Alfred Walker to provide a brief update on the food service review. Mr. Walker stated the goal is to provide a high quality meal for the students when they return to campus and wants to make sure they’re excited about lunch. He stated that bringing food services into the district would help to develop a food service workforce who are all D209 employees and add more hands on experience and training for the staff. Mr. Johnson stated that the food service positions and kitchen supervisor positions have been posted and they are looking at hiring approximately 27- 30 staff members. Mr. Walker stated the goal is to keep lunch free, increase participation, stay healthy and develop lifelong eating habits. Mr. Johnson stated that bringing food services in house now requires Proviso to purchase their own food, which has a lot of administrative overhead and a way to decrease those costs would be to enter a food cooperative where the average cost savings is 9%. There was a discussion among the Board and administration regarding unionizing the positions for staff and ensuring staff is able to make a living wage.

Dr. Howard provided a brief review of the Proviso Summer Flight programs. She stated that all summer programs will occur at PMSA due to the construction at Proviso East and Proviso West. She stated that credit recovery, Pirate quarter 5 and Accelerate Math will begin on June 7, 2021 with original credit beginning on June 14. She also stated that the enrichment programs will begin June 28. Dr. Howard stated that there will be transportation provided to all Proviso East and Proviso West students. Dr. Howard answered questions from the Board regarding a reading course during summer flight. Ms. Tanaka provided an update for the Board on the International Baccalaureate programs throughout the District. She stated that Proviso East and Proviso West have worked collaboratively to build the programs and both academies have competed a virtual visit with the IB DP consultant. She stated that the IB DP application for authorization, action plan and other ancillary materials have been completed and are ready for review and submission to the International Baccalaurette Organization. Ms. Tanaka next reviewed the IB CP virtual visit. She stated that Proviso West had their virtual visit for IB CP, and that the visit was very promising. Ms. Tanaka stated that the staff is very enthusiastic and they have continued to collaborate with the parents, students and stakeholders. She next reviewed PMSA’s 5 year review completion and stated that she has received excellent feedback from roundtable discussions with the parents, guardians and students. Ms. Tanaka stated there is an action plan for the PMSA IBDP program which plots out the next steps. She stated the next step for Proviso East and Proviso West is to have an authorization visit depending on the fall semester. She provided a brief review for the Board regarding the differences between IBCP and IBDP. Ms. Tanaka answered questions regarding the annual fee for the programs. There was a discussion between the Board and administration regarding a student entering Proviso from a full IB school and how they would be placed into the Proviso programs. Mrs. Kelly inquired what the percentage of 9th grade on track students in the MSA programs was currently, Ms. Tanaka said she would provide that information to the Board. Dr. Henderson stated this concludes the Superintendent report.


It was moved by Mr. Wagner, seconded by Ms. Grant that the Board of Education of Proviso Township High Schools District 209 accepts the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the consent agenda as amended.

• Bill List - Action Item

• Approval of Resolution Rescinding Inter-Fund Transfer for Capital Projects Purposes - Action Item

• FMP - Phase I Sequence 2.2 Bids - Sports Equipment - East - Action Item 

• FMP Phase I Sequence 2.2 Bids - Theater Cove Lighting Proviso East - Action Item

• PMSA Dump Truck - Action Item

• Band Instruments Bid - Proviso West - Action Item

• Food Purchasing Cooperative - Action Item

• Minutes - Action Item

• Illinois High School Association - Action Item

• Policy Manual Updates 1st Reading - Action Item

• Donations to the District - Chicago Bears Cares - Action Item

• Donations to the District - Paramount Media - Action Item

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

5 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Ms. Grant, Mrs. Kelly, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Wagner

0 Nays: None

0 Abstain: None

2 Absent: Mr. Valtierrez, Mrs. Medina



It was moved by Mr. Wagner, seconded by Mr. Alexander that the Board of Education of Proviso Township High Schools District 209 accepts the superintendent’s recommendation to approve the bill list as presented.

During discussion, Ms. Grant stated there were two items she believed that should not be paid by the district. There was a discussion among the Board and legal regarding using vendors that are related to employees. Mr. Gleason clarified that the district has received the goods, therefore the district is responsible for paying for the goods. There was also a discussion among the Board regarding the printing expenses for the “Setting the Record Straight” mailer. There was a discussion regarding personal ethics among the Board, Mr. Alexander stated that the Board does not proceed unethically, the Board is governed by policy, therefore the policy should be addressed.

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

4 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Mrs. Kelly, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Wagner

1 Nays: Ms. Grant

0 Abstain: None

2 Absent: Mrs. Medina, Mr. Valtierrez




Ms. Grant proposed that the Board discuss the policy regarding vendor procurement. Mr. Alexander suggested Ms. Grant work with Mr. Gleason to develop the policy and then present it to the Board for first reading. There was a discussion among the Board about the policy committee restarting, however concesus was to bring it to the Board for first reading.

Ms. Patterson inquired about the Board expectations during graduation. Ms. Wilson provided a brief update of the times the Board members should arrive for each ceremony. She stated that there are approximately 200 families registered for Proviso East and Proviso West for graduation and 120 families registered. She stated there will be additional information sent to the Board members.


It was moved by Mr. Wagner seconded by Mr. Alexander that the Board of Education of Proviso Township High Schools District 209 be adjourned at approximately 10:46 PM.

Upon roll call, the following members voted:

5 Ayes: Mr. Alexander, Ms. Grant, Mrs. Kelly, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Wagner

0 Nays: None

0 Abstain: None

2 Absent: Mr. Valtierrez, Mrs. Medina


Adjourned 10:46 PM
