
West Cook News

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

OAK PARK-RIVER FOREST CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: River Forest Business Forum - Professional Service Providers


Oak Park-River Forest Chamber of Commerce issued the following announcement on May. 21.

The Village of River Forest Economic Development Commission wants to hear from you about your business concerns.

We know that the needs and concerns for professional service providers are unique. So we want to hear from you about how we can help you now and in the future.

Join us for an informal chat over Zoom with Village and Chamber staff so we can learn about your business, your challenges over the last year and your vision for the future. Come and share your ideas! We want to hear from you.

Just register for this forum and the zoom log-in information will get sent to you in the registration confirmation.

REGISTER at https://www.oprfchamber.org/.../river-forest-business

Original source can be found here.

Source: Oak Park-River Forest Chamber of Commerce