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Village of Western Springs Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Met August 26


Village of Western Springs Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met Aug. 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Present: Chair Marcia Buell; Commissioner Janet Dahl; Commissioner James Maragos; Brian Budds, Director of Law Enforcement Services; Amy Eitapence, 10 Solutions; Susan Depner, Law Enforcement Services

Absent: Patrick Kenny, Director of Fire and EMS; Ingrid Velkme, Village Manager; Ellen Baer, Director of Administrative Services; Michael Jurusik, Village Attorney

Agenda Items:

Call to Order

Chair Buell called the meeting to order at 7:04 a.m.

Roll Call

Chair Marcia Buell, Commissioner Janet Dahl, and Commissioner James Maragos were present. Also present were Brian Budds, Chief of Police, Amy Eitapence of IO Solutions, and Susan Depner, Police Department Administrative Services Coordinator.

Approval of Minutes - August 19, 2020

MOTION: Commissioner Dahl made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 19, 2020 meeting. Chair Buell seconded the motion. All present were in favor and the motion was approved by voice vote.

Public Comment


Presentation by 10 Solutions for Upcoming Sergeant Promotional Process

Chief Budds spoke. He explained that we are in the planning process for the sergeant promotional process. The sergeant list is valid for three years and the current list expires this December. Chief Budds presented a cost estimate to the commissioners to partner with 10 Solutions for the sergeant promotional process.

Amy Eitapence from 10 Solutions then spoke. She stated that the cost estimate is the same as the last time we went through the sergeant promotional process; pricing has not changed. Amy explained that the process will consist of a written exam, which will be administered and scored by 10 Solutions, an assessment center, in which outside assessors will come in, and the oral interviews, which will be conducted by the commissioners. Amy, the commissioners, and Chief Budds will discuss the questions used at the previous sergeant promotional process and decide upon the questions to use for this process. Chief Budds said we will change up the questions this time.

Chief Budds then further explained the written exam: there will be a written In Basket, which will be emails the candidates will have to prioritize and respond to. The assessment center also falls under the written exam. This can include role-playing and may include a writing assignment. Candidates need to submit a letter of application and resume for the promotional process. Candidates need a score of 70 on the written exam to advance to the oral exam. Scoring is as follows:

40 percent written exam 

40 percent oral exam

15 percent Chief points, which includes input by the Deputy Chief and sergeants as well as Chief Budds 5 percent seniority points

Chief Budds expects approximately 10 officers to take the exam.

Chief Budds, Amy, and the commissioners then discussed the schedule for the process. A mandatory orientation session will be held for officers in October, tentatively October 8. The written exam and assessment center will be in November. The oral interviews will be in December, tentatively scheduled for December 3, from 3-9 pm.

Motion to Approve 10 Solutions to Administer Upcoming Promotional Process

MOTION: Commissioner Maragos made a motion to approve lo Solutions to administer the upcoming sergeant promotional process and waive the bidding process. Commissioner Dahl seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Other Business



MOTION: Commissioner Dahl made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Commissioner Maragos seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:31 a.m.
