
West Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Countryside Plan Commission Zoning Board of Appeals Met August 4

City of Countryside Plan Commission Zoning Board of Appeals met Aug. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Roll Call: Secretary Grotzke called the Roll of Members physically present as follows:

PRESENT: Chairman Richard Fullmer, Jr, Secretary Tina Grotzke, Michael Anderson, Steve Kehr, Marco Gutierrez, Ronald Ward, Danielle Edenfield, Robert Schwarz

Absent: Jon Gertsmeier

Also Present: Attorney Peck, Planning Manager, Richard Trent


The minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 7, 2020 were previously distributed to the Board Members.

Chairman Fullmer asked if there were any corrections to be made to said minutes. There being no corrections or additions, motion made to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 7, 2020, as presented.

A motion was made by Mr. Ward, seconded by Mr. Anderson, that this matter be APPROVED, as presented. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 8 Chairman Fullmer, Anderson, Grotzke, Ward, Kehr, Schwarz, Edenfield,


Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Gertsmeier

Chairman’s Comments

Chairman Fullmer stated the Rules of Proceeding for the Hearing before the Plan Commission – Zoning

Board of Appeals will follow a strict order of presentation. A sign-in sheet for Interested Persons addressing the Board is located at the podium. This hearing is being recorded. Please silence all cell phones and pagers.

Action Items – None

Public Comment – None, no one present.

Other Business

1. Case #PSU19-0001: Consideration of a Special Use – Follow up

a. To consider granting a Special Use to permit a dog grooming business with no overnight boarding of animals in the B-1 Zoning District at the subject property – 6558 Joliet Road.

Mr. Anderson moved to open the discussion in this matter, seconded by Ms. Grotzke and carried by unanimous voice vote. PM Mr. Trent presented the Staff Report. He stated that this matter came before the PC/ZBA in June 2019; they recommended approval and the City Council approved the request on June 19, 2019 – ORDINANCE 19-11-O. A number of residents expressed concerns at that time about the potential issues that might arise from opening such a business. Several conditions were placed upon Mr. Zugic’s Special Use variation at that time, including the need for an update after six (6) months of operation. His business did not open until November 2019; the original follow-up was scheduled for May 2020 but due to the coronavirus, all matters were put on hold. The COVID pandemic has closed many businesses including Mr. Zugic’s business, from mid-March to early May.

Mr. Trent provided photos of the dog grooming business, SE corner of Willow Springs Road & Joliet Road within the Willow Springs Plaza, adjacent to Rosati’s Pizza. New photos taken show NOVI Grooming – very well maintained. Concerns expressed by residents last year during the public hearing consisted of the following: any animals in the rear or south area of building; acoustic insulation/sound barrier installed; early hours and howling of dogs throughout the day; waste problem; clients walking dogs in the back alley; and back door open or closed? Staff notified those residents who expressed concerns (as well as the rest of the original mailing list). Previous meeting minutes were included in the Staff Report.

Staff notified everyone in the vicinity by first class mail. Staff has not received any responses, written or oral, with regard to the operation of the business. Mr. Zugic is here to update the Board. There are no residents present tonight.

Chairman Fullmer asked if any citations have been issued – No. Any phone calls to the office – no phone calls or complaints received regarding the business.

Mr. Novica Zugic addressed the Board; his business was closed from mid-March until May 1, 2020.

Hours of operation are from 8 am to 5 pm, per Mr. Zugic. Business is pretty good; he began with twenty (20) clients and is now up to six hundred (600); they are booked up for the next three (3) weeks. He is not taking any more clients. Ms. Grotzke volunteered some information; she is a client and lives in the vicinity of the shop. She has no complaints; he does beautiful work and the area is very clean. Adjacent tenants do not have a problem. Dogs are not walked in the back alley. Mr. Trent again stated that he has received no complaints expressing displeasure with the business. The premises are very clean; everything is organized; many awards are seen displayed through the windows. Mr. Zugic stated that he won those awards in competitions. Wall Posters are displayed exhibiting various dog grooming hair styles. Chairman Fullmer and Board members thanked Mr. Zugic for attending tonight’s meeting.

Old and New Business

Mr. Trent discussed an upcoming case for a Plat of Resubdivision at 9840 W. 58th St. – directly across from Ideal Elementary School. It is an approximate 39,000 sq. ft. lot within the R-3 District; minimum lot size is 7,500 sq. ft. The proposed frontage would be 66’ for one lot and 65’ for the second lot.

Another request (Variance application) may be for a secondary monument sign at the former Air Liquide building, 5230 East Avenue. The Petitioner has not completed their application; they were given until Monday to complete the process in order to make the September agenda. There will be two (2) different businesses on the property; it has been partitioned with the back half occupied by a contractor who does kitchen countertops; and the front will be occupied by an embroidery company.

Kiddie Academy has not come back with a subsequent proposal. Mr. Trent recommended that they pursue a Traffic Impact Study; he also suggested that they contact the Alderman of that Ward to gauge community sentiment.

A new project in the Industrial District may be forthcoming – bundled as an Industrial PUD. No other information is available; there has never been one of this kind in the state. Other states out west have similar operating businesses, but not in Illinois.

The 2018-2020 Zoning Case log has been updated. The next meeting is scheduled for September 1, 2020. Zoning Board members have all now signed up for the Harassment Prevention Training.

Mr. Kehr asked about Home Depot. Mr. Trent spoke to their representative, Daniel Grove with KimleyHorn. He stressed the importance of City-imposed conditions that must be met. Mr. Grove will convey the City’s wishes to his client with the purpose of getting them back on track. The City has been patient for years. Mr. Trent will stay on top of this matter.


A motion was made by Ms. Edenfield, seconded by Mr. Schwarz that this meeting be ADJOURNED. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 8 Chairman Fullmer, Anderson, Grotzke, Ward, Kehr, Schwarz, Edenfield,


Nay: 0

Absent: 1 Gertsmeier

Chairman Fullmer declared the meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m.
