
West Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Forest Park Public Library Board of Trustees met June 15

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Village of Forest Park Public Library Board of Trustees met June 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Opening of Meeting

A. Karen Childs called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

B. Roll call: Trustees present: Lin Beribak, Keary Bramwell, Karen Childs, James Pekoll, Brooke Sievers, and Emily Victorson. Staff present: Pilar Shaker. Guests present: none.

C. Victorson made a motion to approve the agenda for the June 15, 2020, Board meeting, as submitted. Sievers seconded the motion and it carried.

Beribak aye                 Sievers aye

Bramwell aye              Victorson aye

Pekoll aye                   Childs aye

D. Pekoll made a motion to approve the May 18, 2020, Board meeting minutes, as submitted. Beribak seconded the motion and it carried.

Beribak aye                 Sievers aye

Bramwell aye              Victorson aye

Pekoll aye                   Childs aye

E. Public comment: none.

Reports: Presentation and Discussion

A. Director’s Report: Sievers and Childs have to review the closed meeting minutes before the July meeting. The Finance Committee will be meeting soon. Shaker asked if the Board wanted to change who was on which committee. Victorson expressed confusion at the Fines Free explanation in the newsletter. Shaker said they’d re-word it in other promotional materials. Pekoll mentioned that he was not given the option to donate to the library as part of the Village parking sticker online renewal process. Shaker explained that the online renewal fundraiser happened during a specific month (maybe February). Beribak mentioned that not printing on both sides of the flyer promoting the fundraiser was a missed opportunity. Shaker explained Alicia was concerned about recouping the printing fees.

Sievers asked how curbside pick-up was going. Shaker reported it’s going slowly. Many patrons have placed holds, but the pick-up hasn’t been strong. Bramwell asked how patrons that are used to browsing (like picture books) can find books when they don’t know what to put on hold. Shaker explained the process and said they’d promote it.

Committees were volunteered for and re-assigned:

Finance Committee: Beribak and Pekoll

Strategic Plan: Sievers and Bramwell

Policy Committee: Childs and Sievers

Building Committee: Bramwell and Victorson

Victorson mentioned that she contacted Mayor Hoskins and said that she would be willing to step down if he had someone else in mind. Mayor Hoskins has already had someone reach out to Shaker requesting additional information.

B. Treasurer’s Report: The Per Capita Grant has been awarded, but funding for this is not solid given the State’s financial status. Beribak reported that the Library has spent 8.3% of the budget so far.

C. Board Committee Reports: none met.

D. Trustee Reports: none.

Old Business


New Business

A. Sievers made a motion to approve the payment of bills in the amount of $36,037.86, as submitted. Beribak seconded the motion and it carried.

Beribak aye                 Sievers aye

Bramwell aye              Victorson aye

Pekoll aye                   Childs aye

B. Victorson made a motion to approve the payment of the June 19, 2020; July 3, 2020; and July 17, 2020, payrolls. Childs seconded the motion and it carried.

Beribak aye                 Sievers aye

Bramwell aye              Victorson aye

Pekoll aye                   Childs aye

C. Discussion of Phase 2 Reopening Plan

Shaker explained that Monday, July 6th would be the first day this plan takes effect. It does not take effect the first day Illinois is in Phase 4.

Pekoll asked about the 30-min. time limit and if that’s realistic. The time limit will only be enforced if other patrons are waiting. Pekoll recommended a firm limit of one 30-min session per day with no exceptions. Sievers disagreed and didn’t think that a time limit should be enforced if no one is waiting. Many computer tasks cannot be done in 30 minutes such as filing for unemployment. Shaker explained that taxpayers shouldn’t be told they can’t use something when no one is waiting. Bramwell asked about parents needing a computer with children. Shaker explained that a child can be with the parent and a laptop.

Victorson asked about patrons that hang out at the library all day. Shaker mentioned a sign at the front door that will list the available services. Staff will get training on how to communicate with patrons about the new guidelines and to be sure they’re not excluding a specific population or user group. Many patrons used to stop by while out on walks or bike rides to cool off, get drinks, and use the restrooms.

Shaker said there are a lot of decisions to be made about who uses which restrooms (suchs as the single-user restroom reserved for staff only) and other details. She wants to make sure staff feel safe and have safe spaces to use.

Shaker emphasized that the plan is a procedure, not a policy and can change as the staff learn best practices and adjust to patrons’ requests and usage patterns.

D. Victorson made a motion to Begin Phase 2 In Alignment with Restore Illinois Phase 4, as submitted. Beribak seconded the motion and it carried.

Beribak aye                 Sievers aye

Bramwell aye              Victorson aye

Pekoll aye                   Childs aye

E. Sievers made a motion to approve the IPLAR draft, as submitted. Pekoll seconded

the motion. Shaker explained the report. Sievers asked if there were any new questions or new data that we need to collect for FY21. Shaker said no new data needs to be collected. There was a new question about serving patrons on the autism spectrum.

The motion carried.

Beribak aye                 Sievers aye

Bramwell aye              Victorson aye

Pekoll aye                   Childs aye

No executive session


Victorson made a motion to adjourn at 7:38 pm. Childs seconded the motion and it carried.

Beribak aye                 Sievers aye

Bramwell aye              Victorson aye

Pekoll aye                   Childs aye
