
West Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Forest Park Zoning Board of Appeals met February 5

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Village of Forest Park Zoning Board of Appeals met Feb. 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. The regularly scheduled meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. A quorum was present. Jenny Corral, Rhonda Santana, Frank Grieashamer, Kathy Mennella, Wayne Bernacki, Chairman Mark Cwik, Lisa Manzo (Secretary), Matt Welch (Village Attorney), John Schneider (Director of Community Development), Nick Walny (Village Planner) and Ryan Adriatico (Village Planner). Absent: Bruce Boreson

Chairman Cwik stated that this meeting will also include members of the Plan Commission and requested a roll call of attendance for them.

3. A quorum was present. Chairman Patricia Letarte, Mike Rickert, Alma Montenegro, Linda Suwalski, Teresa Badillo and Daniel Particelli. All members were present.

4. Member Grieashamer made a motion to accept the minutes of January 8, 2020. The motion was seconded by Member Mennella and approved to place them on file as presented.

5. Old Business: ZBA 19-11 – Wayne Filosa, 9501 Franklin Avenue

Member Grieashamer made a motion to continue ZBA 19-11 to the next regularly scheduled meeting of March 4, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Police Station Community Room. Member Mennella seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.

6. New Business: None.

7. Staff Update: Presentation by Camiros regarding the Comprehensive update to the Village Zoning Code.

Mr. Schneider came forward and introduced Arista Strungys from Camiros to the Boards. She is one of the staff members that is conducting the Zoning Code Re-write for the Village. Both boards warmly welcomed and thanked her for coming this evening.

Ms. Strungys came forward and introduced herself to the members. She made a presentation to the members explaining the technical review of the Village of Franklin Park’s Zoning Ordinance performed by Camiros. The purpose of the review was three fold. First, the review provides a more in depth understanding of the Village’s current zoning regulations as they move toward drafting the ordinance update. Second, it allows for the identification of additional issues not identified during meetings and interviews with Village staff and stakeholders. Third, it introduces concepts and regulatory approaches that set direction for substantive revisions to be included in the new Ordinance.

Ms. Strungys stated that the new zoning code is to be user-friendly and will reflect all sections of the code, i.e. Introduction, Districts, Uses, Development Standards, Administration and Applicability.

Ms. Strungys continued to touch on different sections of the code such as temporary uses which the current Ordinances does not address. Such temporary uses are: Farmers Markets, Real Estate Sales Offices/Model Unit, Temporary Mobile Food Sales, Temporary Outdoor Entertainment, Temporary Outdoor Sales, and Temporary Storage Containers.

Ms. Strungys went on to describe and categorize the various zoning districts within the Village such as Residential (R-1 through R-5), Commercial (C-1, C-2, C-3, CM), Downtown, Industrial, Special Purpose Districts, maintain the O’Hare Corridor District as well as to eliminate the oPLU Intensive Public Land Use Overlay District and the P1 and P2 Off-Street Parking District.

Ms. Strungys stated that design standards can be added to the commercial districts to ensure the quality of new development. She further stated that the accessory use and structure section of the code needs updating. Only a select few accessory structures are specifically controlled in the Ordinance. Accessory structures and uses need to be pulled from the general zoning provisions and regulated separately in their own section. The Ordinance update should include a comprehensive list of accessory structures and include regulations for each in terms of size/dimension, height, placement, and other dimensional and location requirements. She continued that the accessory use section can address urban farming trends, such as chickens and bees.

Ms. Strungys discussed exterior lighting standards, permitted encroachments, parking requirements, landscaping standards, and sign requirements.

She further stated that the Administration section of the Ordinance should be re- organized to make the processes easier for applicants to follow. Currently, the responsibilities and procedures are found in different articles.

Lastly she went over Planned Developments and Non-Conformities.

Ms. Strungys stated that if anyone would like to obtain Franklin Park Zoning Update information to please visit the website that was created called: www.franklinparkzoning.com.

She thanked both Boards for their time and enthusiasm in listening to her presentation. The members of both boards commended her for her work, time and effort put forth into this project and thanked her and the staff of Camiros as well.

8. Public Comment: Began at 7:52 p.m.

Kaloin Kouzamanov came forward at this time. He asked if the zoning maps would be changing if the zoning code is changing. Ms. Strungys stated that yes, if the zoning districts are amended, then the maps would also reflect the change. Mr. Kouzamanov also asked if the public would have any input in regard to future uses. Ms. Strungys stated that there will definitely be public input as there will be public hearings during the steps of this zoning code re-write process. She strongly encourages that the public be involved with this process. She thanked Mr. Kouzamanov for his presence this evening and for his input.

Mr. Adriatico stated that on February 19, 2020 there will be a public hearing regarding the Des Plaines River Trail with Christopher Burke Engineering and encourages all to attend.

Public comment ended at 7:56 p.m.

9. A motion was made by Member Grieashamer to adjourn the meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals. It was seconded by Member Mennella. All in favor. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
