
West Cook News

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Village of River Forest's email to residents outlines governor's executive order to stop spread of COVID-19


Village of River Forest Board of Trustees | vrf.us

Village of River Forest Board of Trustees | vrf.us

The Village of River Forest's government leaders reached out to their residents in an email dated March 26 regarding Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s executive order that requires Illinois residents to stay home in order to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak. The email outlined the mandates in the executive order and discouraged residents from several activities.

Village leaders reiterated that residents must stay home except for permitted activities. They also explained other requirements of the order, such as staying home if sick or self-quarantining for two weeks after travel to a hot spot like New Orleans, Florida or New York. 

The email informed residents that all physical facilities like playgrounds and tennis courts are closed, as are parks and all school properties.

Although Village residents are required to stay home, travel for essential activities is allowed.

In the executive order, Pritzker outlined the activities for which residents are allowed to leave home: For activities and tasks necessary for health and safety (e.g., seeking emergency services, getting medicines and supplies, if going to the doctor); to obtain necessary supplies and services or to deliver them to others (e.g. groceries, supplies to work from home, or products to keep the home sanitized and healthy); to conduct essential work activities (e.g. healthcare, public health operations, human services, government or essential infrastructure); and to care for others.

Residents are allowed to exercise and walk pets as long as 6 feet of social distance is maintained.

Village leaders encouraged each citizen to take unprecedented action in these unprecedented times.

"As your Village leaders we are asking you to rethink your actions in light of the Governor’s order and make every effort to comply," the email said. "We understand the urge to go outside and engage with your friends and neighbors in our community. Public health officials are insisting that if we adhere to social distancing - stay 6 feet apart from each other - we can slow the spread of the virus to your neighbors and loved ones.”

Seniors in need of help should reach out to the Township Senior Service by calling 708-383-8060, or visiting https://www.oakparktownship.org/senior-services/.