
West Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of North Riverside Board of Trustees met December 16

Webp meeting41

Village of North Riverside Board of Trustees met Dec. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Mayor Hermanek called the meeting to order with a Pledge of Allegiance and a Roll Call. In attendance were Trustee Czajka, Trustee Demopoulos, Trustee Flores, Trustee Mandel, Trustee Mengoni and Trustee Sarro.

Others in attendance were Administrator Belmonte, Finance Director Scarpiniti, Attorney Hayes, Police Commander Erhenberg, Fire Chief Kiser, Recreation Director Mrozik, and Public Works Director Kutt.


Trustee Czajka moved seconded by Trustee Demopoulos to approve the revised agenda for this meeting. Roll Call Vote:

AYES: Trustees Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mandel, Mengoni, Sarro

NAYS: None. Motion carried



Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Sarro seconded to approve the Cash Receipt Report for the month of November, 2019 in the amount of $. Roll Call Vote:

AYES: Trustees Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mandel, Mengoni, Sarro

NAYS: None. Motion carried


Trustee Sarro moved, seconded by Trustee Mengoni to approve the November 18, 2019 Village Board Meeting Minutes as presented. Roll Call Vote:

AYES: Trustees Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mandel, Mengoni, Sarro

NAYS: None. Motion carried


Trustee Czajka- (Judiciary, Ordinances, Recreation)

Trustee Czajka read the following report from the Recreation Department:

The Winter/Spring Fun Guide should have arrived on your doorsteps by last week. We have a lot of new and exciting programming for all ages. If you have not received your book, please feel free to stop by the Recreation Office for a copy.

We would like to thank everyone who attended our heartwarming holiday events. All involved truly made each event wonderful. On behalf of myself and the Parks and Recreation Department we would like to wish everyone a warm and joyous holiday season.

Trustee Demopoulos( Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks & Garbage)- No report

Trustee Flores- ( Police, Fire & License)- No report

Trustee Mandel ( Water, Sewers, Drainage & Zoning)

Trustee Mandel submitted the Brookfield-North Riverside Water Commission Meeting Minutes from the November 13, 2019 meeting with Clerk Ranieri.

Trustee Mandel thanked the village for adding a suicide hotline number in the Village Newsletter.

Trustee Mengoni- ( Finance Health & Appropriations)

Trustee Sarro read the following reports for Trustee Mengoni from the Finance Committee Meetings:

Meeting Date: October 28, 2019

Trustee Mengoni, Chairman

Trustee Flores

Trustee Sarro

Others in attendance were Mayor Hermanek, Trustees Czajka, Demopoulos and Mandel, Administrator Belmonte, Finance Director Scarpiniti and Consultant Bob Kallian.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm and the following is a summary of the meeting:

Item #1: Discussion on Vision/Mission Statement: Chairman Mengoni called on Mr. Bob Kallian who gave a power point presentation on developing a Vision Statement. He went over his list of community attributes which were included in his letter to Finance Director Scarpiniti as a guide to the committee and board members to consider including some of these points in developing North Riverside’s vision statement. There was discussion among all board members and the Mayor as to what they would like to see in the vision statement.

Trustee Sarro submitted a vision statement that read “Our vision is a small community with a big heart of excellence through government working with residents and businesses by providing high quality of services for an outstanding quality of life”. Trustee Mandel wrote a statement that read “The small Village that is proud to be home to the National Guard Armory and that welcomes new business and all people to be part of the Small Village with the Big Heart”. Mr. Kallian said we should only include things that the Village has control of. Administrator Belmonte shared a statement that a resident submitted which read “To maintain a vibrant business climate along with a thoughtful leadership group whereby all residents may be proud to call North Riverside their home”.

All trustees and the Mayor made recommendations on what they would like to see in the vision statement, some had bullet points written down which they shared with the group. Chairman Mengoni suggested that staff come up with 3 or 4 recommendations to review at our next meeting on Monday, November 25th

There being no further business the meeting was adjured 6:50 p.m.

Meeting Date: November 6, 2019

Trustee Mengoni, Chairman

Trustee Flores

Trustee Sarro

Others in attendance were Mayor Hermanek, Trustee Mandel, and Finance Director Scarpiniti. Trustees Czajka and Demopoulos were absent.

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm and the following is a summary of the meeting:

Item #1: Discussion of 2019 Tax Levy: Finance Director Scarpiniti discussed in detail the overly complex tax levy process in Cook County. She provided an in-depth evaluation of the components used to determine the property tax cap limits in North Riverside and their impact on the Village’s upcoming levy request. State law requires the Village to determine its estimated tax levy at least 20 days prior to final adoption. The approved levy must be filed with the Cook County Clerk’s Office before December 31st. A public hearing is only required if the estimated levy request is 5% or higher than last year’s tax extension.

The annual levy sets the amount of money needed to be collected from local property taxes to support village operations for the upcoming budget year. The County will automatically add a 3% loss of collection factor to the Village’s request each year. Because North Riverside is subject to tax caps, the 2019 levy request will be limited to an increase of 1.9%, the 2018 CPI Index. Based on detailed discussions with both Township Assessors, Staff anticipates very little new construction growth and a declining EAV environment due to the loss of several large retailers in 2019. As such, Staff recommended the Village Board freeze its 2019 tax levy request at last year’s level of $561,000. The Village has not collected its full levy request in any of the past five years. Director Scarpiniti emphasized that requesting a levy amount above $561,000 would be futile since the County would be required to lower the Village’s request to comply with the tax cap laws and therefore, limit the amount of revenue collected. After a question and answer session with the Committee, Trustee Mengoni asked the remaining board members present for additional questions, comments or clarification needed, which both replied they had none. Director Scarpiniti asked for questions or comments from the audience, which there were also none.

Trustee Sarro motioned and Trustee Flores seconded to accept Staff’s recommendation and adopt the 2019 tax levy of $561,000. When asked, Mayor Hermanek voted in favor of the motion and Trustee Mandel voted No. There was no further discussion on the question. The motion passed committee and Attorney Hayes was directed to prepare the proper ordinance for passage at the December 16th board meeting.

Director Scarpiniti then discussed the Village’s outstanding 2016 revenue bonds and the impact to the Village’s annual property tax levy. She explained how the Village legally pledged sales tax and other operating revenues NOT property taxes for the repayment of the annual principal and interest. However, because this debt is still backed by the full taxing authority of the Village, Cook County is required by law to collect property taxes to fund the annual debt service until the Village files the necessary directive to forgo the collection of property taxes. As such, the Village has a legal obligation to order the County not to collect property taxes unless the pledged revenues are estimated to be insufficient to cover the debt service. Director Scarpiniti explained that this is just an annual bookkeeping function and formality as the 2016 bond ordinance mandates the Village to repay the debt from revenues other than property taxes. She further confirmed that the estimated revenues pledged would be sufficient to fully fund the bond payments. Trustee Mengoni asked all present for any questions, comments or clarification needed prior to a formal motion; all responded there were none.

That being the case, Trustee Sarro motioned and Trustee Flores seconded to abate the 2016 Alternate Revenue Bonds and to certify the Village is in legal compliance with the bond ordinance. Trustee Mengoni agreed. When asked, Mayor Hermanek voted in favor of the motion and Trustee Mandel voted No. There was no further discussion on the question. The motion passed committee and Attorney Hayes was directed to prepare the proper ordinance for passage at the December 16th board meeting.

Item #2: Resolution for West Cook County Solid Waste Agency:

Administrator Belmonte previously distributed a draft resolution to all board members for consideration at the upcoming November 18th Village Board Meeting. The resolution set forth who will represent the Village of North Riverside in the position of Director and Alternate Director on the West Cook County Solid Waste Agency Board of Trustees. The purpose of the Solid Waste Agency is to band communities together in an effort to protect the environment and control the rising costs for the transfer and disposal of municipal solid waste by participating members. There were no questions or comments by the committee.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.

Meeting Date: November 25, 2019

Trustee Mengoni, Chairman

Trustee Flores

Trustee Sarro

Others in attendance were Trustees Mandel, Administrator Belmonte, Finance Director Scarpiniti and Bob Kallian.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm and the following is a summary of the meeting:

Item #1: Discussion on Vision/Mission Statement: Trustee Mengoni called on Finance Director Scarpiniti who distributed a memo with three suggested Vision Statements that staff had crafted. (See attached) These statements included some of the points suggested by the trustees at the October 28th finance committee meeting. After a discusstion by the trustees it was decided that example number three was best with the addition of saying the small village with a big heart, the final Vision Statement reads as follows;

North Riverside is the Small Community with a Big Heart with a vision of excellence; demonstrated by a professional, responsive and responsible government working together with its citizens, employees and businesses to create a vibrant community with an outstanding quality of life through collaboration, innovation and sound management. Bob Kallien than laid out the next steps in the process, first is to meet with the department heads to see what they think North Riverside and their departments should look like in the next 3-5 years. Discuss the core services and non-core services their departments provide and what they feel their departments will need in the future. Items such as equipment and personnel that are approved should be added to the long term capital projects in the Village’s budget.

Second would be to meet with local business owners to discuss what they feel their properties would look like in the next 3-5 years. Those invited to the meeting would be the Mall general manager, the managers of the Kohl’s and Tony’s strip malls and the Costco general manager. The third and final open discussion would be in late February or early March and would include an open forum on a Saturday to meet with residents to disclose all the findings of this process and invite a question and answer session.

There being no further business the meeting was adjured 6:41 p.m.

Trustee Sarro- (Public Buildings, Grounds, Lights, Transportation, Plan Commission)-


Mayor Hermanek read the following updates from the Community Development Department:

 Presale- The department performed 9 single-family and two commercial inspections totaling $3,645.00 in revenue.

 Permit Totals- The department issued 35 residential and commercial permits totaling $13,542.46 in revenue.

 Diamond Factory- Submitted an application for permit for a tenant buildout at 7353 W. 25th Street. Cost of construction: $40,000.

 9030 W 23rd Street- Permit issued for a new 2 car garage. Cost of construction: $23,000.

 2412 S 1st Avenue- Permit issued for a new 2 car garage. Cost of construction: $23,000.


 Request from the Chicago Suburban Radio Association (CSRA) to utilize the northerly shelter and flat space to the north of the shelter located roughly behind the Police Department and Public Works space on June 27th and 28th


Trustee Czajka moved and Trustee Mengoni moved to approve the above request from CSRA. Motion carried unanimously.


Trustee Mengoni moved, seconded by Trustee Sarro to approve the list of bills submitted for this meeting totaling $481,752.06 and to have them paid out of proper funds when such funds become available. Roll Call Vote:

AYES: Trustees Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mandel, Mengoni, Sarro

NAYS: None. Motion carried


Trustee Sarro moved and Trustee Flores seconded to approve the 2019 Tax Levy Ordinance (19-O-11) and to waive the reading. Roll Call Vote:

AYES: Trustees Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

NAYS: Trustee Mandel

Motion carried

Trustee Flores moved and Trustee seconded Mengoni to approve an Ordinance Abating the Tax Hereto Levied for the year 2019 to Pay Principal of and Interest on $2,760,000 General Obligation Bonds( Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2016, of the Village of North Riverside, Cook County Illinois (19-O-12) and to waive the reading. Roll Call Vote:

AYES: Trustees Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

NAYS: Trustee Mandel

Motion carried





Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Flores seconded move into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters, tentative agreement between village and firefighters and real-estate matters. Roll Call Vote:

AYES: Trustees Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mandel, Mengoni, Sarro

NAYS: None. Motion carried


Open session resumed at 8:29pm. After discussion in executive session, there was a consensus from the board to approve the fire contract and an ordinance would be passed at the next Village Board Meeting on January 6th

There was also a consensus to give the village authority to purchase the Presbyterian Church property on 8th avenue and 24th. The board also gave consent to the restructuring of the business office as presented by Director Scarpiniti.


Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Sarro seconded for adjournment of this meeting at 8:35pm. Motion carried unanimously.
