Village of Brookfield Parks and Recreation Commission met February 18.
Here is the agenda as provided by the commission:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Minutes
A. Approval of January 21, 2020 minutes
IV. Public Comment
V. Correspondence
VI. Discussion Items
A. Staff Report
A.1 Recent Events
A.1.1. Family Bingo Night
A.2. Upcoming Events
A.2.1. Dr. Suess’ Birthday Party
A.2.2. Senior St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon
A.3. 2020/2021 Brook Park Afterschool Program
VII. Village Trustee Report
VIII. Old Business
A. Candycane OSLAD Grant
B. Ehlert Dog Park update
IX. New Business
X. Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 17, 2020
XI. Adjournment