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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Village of Indian Head Park Planning & Zoning Commission met October 2

Webp meeting372

Village of Indian Head Park Planning & Zoning Commission met Oct. 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

CALL TO ORDER –Chairperson, Noreen Costelloe


Commissioner David Anderson

Commissioner Diane Gormely-Barnes

Commissioner Greg Scovitch

Commissioner Danielle Svestka

Commissioner Robert Tantillo

Commissioner Rachel Thompson



Mayor Tom Hinshaw

Trustee Rita Farrell-Mayer

Village Administrator John DuRocher

Nancy Pritz, fence discussion presenter


Chairperson Costelloe and the Planning and Zoning Commission members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


(A discussion requested by a group of Indian Head Park residents interested in the implementation of an amendment to the Village Ordinance No. 64-1).

Chairperson Costelloe began the Ordinance No. 64-1 discussion by introducing Ms. Nancy Pritz of 6465 Cherokee who is representing a group of residents interested in the possibility of an amendment to the village fence Ordinance No. 64-1, which does not allow for fences unless around a pool, adjacent to a commercial area, or in the case of a handicap individual.

Ms. Pritz began by stating that the residential base in Indian Head Park has changed greatly since 1964, the current population seems to include more young families and pets. Ms. Pritz believes the residents in the early years of the Village most likely preferred the Village Code which does not allow fences, but it may not be the case anymore. Ms. Pritz explained fences would keep children and pets safe, especially at the homes along Wolf Road. Ms. Pritz added it seems worthwhile for the Village to look into the possibility that a majority of residents may be in favor of amending the ordinance. Ms. Pritz stated fences would keep other residents dogs from coming onto your property, and added electronic fences can have a negative effect on pets. Commissioner Svestka asked if the Village can review the Enclosures for domestic animals (dog run) code as currently it is very restrictive.

Administrator DuRocher recited the steps necessary for a text amendment to the fence Ordinance No 64-1. The present ordinance allows for fences around pools, fences for residential properties bordering commercial areas, and in the case of a handicap situation. The petitioner will be required to pay the one thousand five hundred dollar text amendment application fee. Chairperson Costelloe suggested finding out in general, how many more residents are in favor of a text amendment before going through a public hearing process.

Administrator DuRocher noted, the Village can include a no binding or binding referendum on a ballot in order to receive the opinion of the residents. The next election possible would be April, 2019. Administrator DuRocher added, the referendum can only consist of three or four sentences.

The opinion of the group is that it would be a heavily attended public hearing and very passionate in opinion. Commissioner Tantillo suggested sending out a survey since so much more detail and exceptions to a fence text amendment can be included, adding detail in the proposition and under what circumstances a resident would be in favor of a fence, along with what areas in the Village, etcetera. Commissioner Tantillo offered the group assistance in accomplishing this goal if they choose. Trustee Farrell-Mayer and Commissioner Tantillo suggested Town hall meetings and articles in the smoke signal paper, along with the website, and Village Facebook page in order to educate the residents..


Two Indian Head Park audience members from 6509 Blackhawk Trail explained that their backyard faces Wolf Road and is very vulnerable now due to the vegetation removal by the COMED project. They noted that when they moved to Indian Head Park, they were not aware of the no fences allowed Ordinance, and their Realtor did not inform them. Now that the vegetation is removed, the Fire Department and motorcycles create very loud noise. They added that they would not request a fence around the whole yard but just in the back of the yard creating a barrier to Wolf Road.

Mayor Hinshaw stated the Village Board applied and received a grant from the County to conduct a study to implement a sidewalk on Wolf Road making it a complete street. If it is granted there may be a lot less vegetation on Wolf Road making it an even greater issue. The Village is waiting for the study results.

A discussion ensued.

In conclusion, Ms. Pritz thanked the Commission for their assistance. There are two possible paths to be taken, either a petition for a public hearing or an advisory referendum on the ballot. A survey was suggested prior to a public hearing or referendum. Chairperson Costelloe suggested that an essay for each the pros and cons of an amendment to the fence Ordinance 64-1 would be beneficial to residents

The Commission also decided to discuss the 10 year allowance deadline for the grandfathered in fences which have been possibly overlooked.


Chairperson Costelloe began the discussion by inviting Administrator DuRocher to present his redevelopment update. Administrator DuRocher supplied the Commission with a spreadsheet listing the following; name, address, parcel number, assessed evaluation, equalized assessed evaluation, total tax bill, along with the Villages portion, and square footage of the parcel. The total area is just over ten acres not including Public Works. Administrator DuRocher added the area does not provide any sales tax revenue, and business licenses are very minimal. None of the businesses meet the B5 business district criteria.

Commissioner Anderson mentioned the flood plain area by Flagg Creek cannot be developed, however does have value due to the open space, and nice view.

A discussion ensued.

Administrator DuRocher added the Villages portion of property tax from the supersite, is thirteen thousand dollars. In conclusion Administrator DuRocher stated that he is continuing to work with Counsel on re wording and changing the intention of this area, most likely either an entertainment or a warehouse district area.


Minutes of the Planning and Zoning September 4, 2018 meeting.

Chairperson Costelloe asked if there were any corrections to the Planning and Zoning minutes from September 4, 2018 as presented, and there were none. Commissioner Gormely-Barnes motioned, seconded by Commissioner Svestka to approve the September 4, 2018 Planning and Zoning meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote (7Ayes-0 Nays-0-Absent). 7-0-0.


There being no other business to discuss, Commissioner Scovitch motioned, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, to adjourn the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at 8:55 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

(7 Ayes-0 Nays-0 Absent). 7-0-0.
