
West Cook News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Straub: Fallout from referendum didn't influence resignation


Mickey Straub

Mickey Straub

Burr Ridge Mayor Michael “Mickey” Straub said that his effort to defeat Hinsdale D86’s $166 million referendum had nothing to do with his Nov. 12 announcement that he was stepping down from office. A Nov. 14 Chicago Tribune article cited Straub’s being “under fire from supporters” of the referendum as at least a partial factor in his resignation with two and a half years still left in his term.

But Straub recalled the article a “typical move by the left to attack and distract from the real issues.”

“I was originally thinking of stepping down in August,” Straub told West Cook News. “I actually stayed in office longer to help ensure that the referendum failed.”

Burr Ridge

He cited the Burr Ridge vote on the referendum (71.4 percent “no” as calculated by the group Fill South First) as indication of his still substantial political support in the village.

“I love Burr Ridge and being mayor and a public servant!,” Straub wrote in his resignation letter to Village Administrator Doug Pollock. “But now I feel my calling is elsewhere and I'm sorry that I just can no longer afford to put 20-30 hours per week as mayor for an annual stipend of $6,000."

Burr Ridge released a statement citing the village’s accomplishments under Straub’s tenure: “… the County Line Road bridge, new hotels, restaurants, businesses, annexations, and developments to a new waste hauler and a vibrant downtown plus the new senior living facilities and many other achievements.”

“The Village of Burr Ridge is indebted to Mayor Straub for his service and leadership over the last several years and wishes Mayor Mickey and his wife, Charmaine, the best of luck in all future endeavors,” the statement said.

Straub was first elected mayor in April, 2013 and again in 2017. His resignation is effective Monday, November 19 at 5 p.m.