
West Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of North Riverside Board of Trustees met May 7.

Webp meeting 06

Village of North Riverside Board of Trustees met May 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Mayor Hermanek called the meeting to order with a Pledge of Allegiance and a Roll Call. In attendance were Trustee Bianco, Trustee Czajka, Trustee Demopoulos, Trustee Flores, Trustee Mengoni and Trustee Sarro.

Others in attendance were Administrator Belmonte, Finance Director Scarpiniti, Attorney Hayes, Deputy Police Chief Erhenberg, Recreation Director Mrozik, Public Works Director Kutt and Fire Chief Gaertner.

Approval Of Agenda:

Trustee Demopoulos moved seconded by Trustee Mengoni to approve the agenda for this meeting as presented. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Bids- None

Cash Receipt Report:

Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Sarro seconded to accept the Cash Receipt Report for the month of March 2018 in the amount of $2,448,404.26 as presented. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Approval Of Minutes:

Trustee Czajka moved, seconded by Trustee Demopoulos to approve the April 16, 2018 Village Board Meeting Minutes as presented. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Abstain: Trustee Czajka

Nays: None. Motion carried

Report Of Trustees:

Trustee Bianco- ( Water, Sewers, Drainage & Zoning)

Trustee Bianco read the following report from the April 23, 2018 Water, Sewer, Drainage & Zoning Committee Meeting:

Item #1: Discussion on Zoning: Trustee Bianco wanted to discuss the zoning districts of the Village to make certain any business who wanted to come to North Riverside would not have a problem because of zoning requirements. Administrator Belmonte gave the committee and board members a quick overview of our zoning catagorities; R1, R2, B1, B2 and B3. He explained the R1 & R2 where residential zoning, B1, B2 and B3 where business district with B1 being the most restrictive and B3 being the least restrictive. He explained the Mall and strip malls in the Village where all zoned B3 and places along Cermak Road west of 1st Avenue where mainly B1 districts with a couple of corners being B2. The Administrator also explained if a business wanted to come to an area and their business was not a permitted business within that district the ZBA would hold a meeting to listin to the concerns of that business and may change a zoning for a particular address. The Administrator said that has been done to help a couple of businesses come to town.

Item #2: Discussion on Business Development: Trustee Bianco read a prepared memo on how he thinks it’s important the Village take a pro-active approach to keeping businesses in town and also promote the Village of North Riverside. He thought it would be a good idea to develop a community development committee and maybe look into hiring a company to give the board an economic development plan. He mentioned that municipalites such as Forest Park, LaGrange and Berwyn have done such studies. The Administrator stated that he along with Karyn and Michelle in the Economic Development department continusally try to facilitate land owners with potencial businesses. He mentioned they have already made contact with the owners of the Toys R Us property with potencial businesses. Whenever a call comes in from broker about vacant store and property we direct them to the appropriate contacts. Staff works with all the managers in the business districts to help fill vacant property. Trustee Bianco said the Village needs to get on businesses who put up temporary signage and leaves them up for extended periods of time such as the property at 1st Avenue and Cermak Road. Administrator Belmonte said he would like to contact Forest Park to find out if they were satisfied with the performance with the company they hired and if they felt it was worth it. Trustee Bianco asked for a motion to instruct Administrator Belmonte to research some companies who develop economic development plans for municipalities motion was made by Trustee Demopoulos seconded by Trustee Flores, motioned passed by a 3-0 vote. Trustee Bianco polled the Mayor and other trustees and all agreed. Trustee Bianco told the Administrator that Forest Park used a company called Business District Inc. and Trustee Mengoni knew of a couple of companies, Tap Root and the Kellog School of Business, who preform studies. The Administrator will research these companies and report back at a future meeting.

Item #3: Discussion on Promoting Village: Trustee Bianco felt that this item was discussed already in the conversation above.

There being no further business the meeting was adjured 7:00 p.m.

Trustee Czajka- (Judiciary, Ordinances, Recreation)

Trustee Czajka read the following report from the parks and Recreation Department:

Thank you to all who supported the North Riverside Players production of Young Frankenstein. The attendance for this show reached record numbers.

On Saturday, May 5th, Mayor Hermanek and Director Mrozik attended the West Suburban Special Recreation Association Derby Gala. In support of the association, they were joined Riverside President Ben Sells and Proviso Township Supervisor Mike Corrigan. This event is crucial to the operation of the association as it has historically raised $40,000 annually. North Riverside was happy to support such a wonderful cause.

Please join us this Thursday from 10am until noon at the Village Commons for our annual Senior Fair. This fair boasts over 60 organizations providing valuable information to seniors, caretakers and loved ones. Various agencies will be offering free screenings for those that register. We will also have the Secretary of State Mobile Unit from 10am- 2pm in the Community Room.

On Saturday, May 12th, come out to Veterans Park to celebrate the start of the North Riverside Little League 2018 season. This is a special day as they open their 50th year of Little League here in North Riverside. Ceremony starts at 9am on field 3.

Trustee Demopoulos( Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks & Garbage

Trustee Demopoulos thanked the North Riverside Fire Department for the Spaghetti Dinner event.

Trustee Flores- ( Police, Fire & License)-No report

Trustee Mengoni- ( Finance Health & Appropriations)

Trustee Mengoni read the following report from the April 9th Finance Committee Meeting:

Item #1: Update on WC3 Consolidation:

Jason Rodgers, Executive Director of WC3, gave an in-depth update on the consolidation of dispatching services. The anticipated cutover date is Tuesday, May 8, 2018. Director Rodgers informed the committee that the last major project awaiting completion is the live connection of the fiber optics to the member communities. He anticipates the time remaining to complete this project is 2 days.

All current telecommunicators from the founding communities of North Riverside, Riverside and Brookfield were offered first rights to employment with the WC3. The WC3 has authorized 14 full time positions, with the goal of 11 positions being filled at the time of cutover. Currently, Director Rodgers has received written confirmation of 8 current telecommunicators transferring employment to the WC3– 3 from North Riverside, 3 from Brookfield, 1 from Riverside and 1 from McCook. Any shortages in personnel at the date of cutover will be filled with part time positions.

The WC3’s fiscal year runs on a calendar year basis and Director Rodgers will be going to his executive board within the next week with a formal budget recommendation for the first 7 months of operations. Once formally approved by his board of directors, he will forward a copy of the approved budget to each member community. Director Rodgers mentioned the WC3 will be applying for a state grant to help offset the costs of consolidation to the member communities. The grant application deadline is June 30, 2018. He will keep the communities updated throughout the grant process. Director Rodgers answered a number of questions from the committee and board members present.

Item #2: FY18 Financial Update:

Finance Director Scarpiniti previously distributed a preliminary and unaudited summary of projected revenues and expenditures for all Village funds as of March 31, 2018. She provided a very detailed financial overview of each fund and presented her projections for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2018. FY18 posed several financial challenges for the Village as a whole, as the General and Water & Sewer Funds - the two major operating funds of the Village, are expected to end the fiscal year with net operating losses of approximately $477,000 and $19,000 respectively. In addition, higher than expected costs for consolidation to the WC3 are expected to create an unanticipated net operating loss in the Emergency 911 Fund of approximately $97,200. Funding of this operating loss in the 911 Fund will need to be earmarked by an operating transfer from the General Fund, and consequently, has contributed to the size of the General Fund’s anticipated year end deficit.

Finance Director Scarpiniti answered numerous questions from the committee and board members present. She notified the committee that Fiscal Year 19 budget discussions will be especially tough given the confirmed loss of sales tax revenue from the closure of Toys R Us and Tony’s Finer Foods, in addition to the potential treat of closure by Carson’s. FY19 budget hearing are scheduled for May 30th and 31st.

There being no further business the meeting was adjured 7:15 p.m.

Trustee Sarro- (Public Buildings, Grounds, lights, Transportation, Plan Commission)-No report

Mayoral Report:

Mayor Hermanek read the following Community Development Department Updates:

• Presales- Performed 9 single-family and one multi-family presale inspections totaling $4,163.25 in revenue.

• Permit Totals- The department issued 36 residential and commercial permits totaling$12,010.30 in revenue.

• Burlington- Submitted a permit and drawings for minor, interior remodeling of their tenant space. Cost of construction: $95,000.

• North Riverside Park Mall- Submitted a permit and drawings for remodeling of the bathrooms in the Food Court area. Cost of construction: $300,000.

• Raymond James Financial (8400 W. 26th Street)- Submitted a permit and drawings for a first floor addition. Cost of construction not known at this time.

• Amigo Insurance (7907 W. Cermak Road) – Drawings to be submitted by early May to repair the damaged incurred to the structure due to traffic accident on December 24th.

• Big Corner Tavern (BCT)- Servpro will be submitting a demolition permit due to damage incurred by a fire on April 28th.

Mayor Hermanek stated that the Library Director Natalie Bazan was unable to attend the meeting tonight but gave a few updates. The Library was awarded the Back to Books Grant which will be used to increase in the Spanish language bi-lingual books. Veronica Martinez will be the new Administrative Assistant. Director Bazan was accepted into the Director University to learn all about the Illinois Library Laws and has a very active summer planned. The Library Newsletter will be coming out later this month.

Mayor Hermanek mentioned that Police Chief Garcia is attending the Cook County Sheriff’s Law Enforcement Award Ceremony along with Deputy Chief Garcia. The Cook County Sheriff’s Department Ceremony along with Cook County Sheriff Thomas Dart, has given awards to police officers throughout Cook County based on heroism, outstanding service and professionalism. This year our officers Sergeant Kopka and Corporal Paleo are receiving the Cook County Sheriff’s Award of Valor for the December 2016 Burlington Coat incidence where they saved a man that was being held as a shield at knife point.

Mayor Hermanek made the following appointments:

Trustee Bianco moved and Trustee Czajka seconded to concur with the Mayor’s appointment of Ken Krochmal and Brent Bernal to the position of Zoning Board of Appeals with an expiration date of 4/30/23. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Trustee Flores moved and Trustee Mengoni seconded to concur with the mayor’s appointment of Brian Jicha to the position of Police Pension Board with an expiration date of 4/30 20. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Trustee Flores moved and Trustee Mengoni seconded to concur with the Mayor’s appointment of Ken Rouleau to the position of Fire Pension Board with an expiration date of 4/30/21. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Trustee Demopoulos moved and Trustee Bianco seconded to concur with the Mayor’s appointment of Dave Witken (Chairman), Sue Willoughby and Philip Walsh to the position of Recycling Committee with an expiration date of 4/30/19. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Trustee Bianco moved and Trustee Demopoulos seconded to concur with the Mayor’s appointment of Dave Witken to the position of Brookfield North Riverside Water Commission with an expiration date of 4/30/22. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Trustee Flores moved and Trustee Sarro seconded to concur with the Mayor’s appointment of Paul Skryd to the position of Civil Service Commission with an expiration date of 4/30/21. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Trustee Czajka moved and Trustee Bianco seconded to concur with the Mayor’s appointment of Sandra Buckley, Annette Corgiat, P.J. Folz, George Georgopoulos, Alan Meyer, and Al Sarro to the position of Citizens Recreation Committee with an expiration date of 4/30/19. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried


The Chicago International Christian Church request permission to solicit on Cermak Road and 1st Avenue on May 12th.

Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Bianco seconded the request from the Chicago International Christian Church. Motion carried unanimously.

Approval Of Bills:

Trustee Mengoni moved, seconded by Trustee Bianco to approve the list of bills submitted for this meeting totaling $425,037.85 and to have them paid out of proper funds when such funds become available. Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Trustees Bianco, Czajka, Demopoulos, Flores, Mengoni, Sarro

Nays: None. Motion carried

Ordinances And Resolutions- None

Unfnished Business:

Trustee Mengoni called a Finance Committee Meeting on May 14, 2018 at 6pm.

New Business-None


• Marybelle Mandel asked about the possibility of putting a sidewalk on the Northeast and Northwest corner of 1st Avenue for disabled people. Director Kutt stated that some of the property Mrs. Mandel was referring to was not village property but will look into it.

• Barbara Wilson thanked the Village Board.

• Jim Zak thanked the North Riverside Police and Fire on a job well done during the BCT fire.


Trustee Mengoni moved and Trustee Demopoulos seconded for adjournment of this meeting at 7:30 pm. Motion carried unanimously.



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