City of Northlake Council met May 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Roll Call:
Present: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski And Patti
Absent: Alderman Padilla
Others Present: Carol Lampard, Finance Director
Nancy Pauletto, City Clerk
Mark Sterk, Attorney
Norm Nissen, Chief of Police
Dale Roberts, Superintendent Public Works
Mayor Sherwin presented the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 16, 2018. Alderman Patti made a motion to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held April 16, 2018; seconded by Alderman Feldmann. Mayor Sherwin asked if there were any additions or corrections. Mayor Sherwin called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion to Accept the Minutes of the April 16, 2018
City Council Meeting Carried
Alderman Patti made a motion to reappoint Sue Costantino to the Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning and Economic Development Commission; seconded by Alderman Feldmann. Mayor Sherwin called for the roll.
Roll Call: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski And Patti
Absent: Alderman Padilla
Nays: None
Motion to Reappoint Sue Costantino to the Zoning
Board of Appeals, Planning and Economic
Development Commission Carried
Alderman Patti made a motion to reappoint Sheila Morgan to the Youth Commission; seconded by
Alderman Grochowski. Mayor Sherwin called for the roll.
Roll Call: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski And Patti
Absent: Alderman Padilla
Nays: None
Motion to Reappoint Sheila Morgan
To the Youth Commission Carried
Alderman Patti made a motion to reappoint June Hunt to the Senior Citizens Commission; seconded by Alderman Werba. Mayor Sherwin called for the roll.
Roll Call: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski And Patti
Absent: Alderman Padilla
Nays: None
Motion To Reappoint June Hunt To The
Senior Citizens Commission Carried
Alderman Patti made a motion to pay the warrants and vouchers if and when the funds become available; seconded by Alderman Gonzalez. Mayor Sherwin called for the roll.
Roll Call: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski And Patti
Absent: Alderman Padilla
Nays: None
Motion to Pay the Warrants and Vouchers Carried
The Mayor noted the dates for tree planting has not yet been set. Alderman Grochowski made a motion to approve Ordinance O-09-2018; An Ordinance Vacating an Alley Located Between Dickens Avenue and McLean Avenue and an Easement Lying Perpendicular to the Alley in the City of Northlake, Illinois; seconded by Alderman Patti. Mayor Sherwin called for the roll.
Roll Call: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski And Patti
Absent: Alderman Padilla
Nays: None
Motion to Approve Ordinance O-09-2018; An Ordinance Vacating an Alley Located Between Dickens Avenue And Mclean Avenue and An Easement Lying Perpendicular to the Alley in the City of Northlake, Illinois Carried
Alderman Patti made a motion to approve Ordinance O-10-2018