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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Maywood Board of Trustees met December 5.

Meeting 09

Village of Maywood Board of Trustees met December 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1.Call to Order

The Regular Board Meeting of Tuesday, December 5, 2017 was called to order by Mayor Edwenna Perkins at 7:01 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 125 South 5" Avenue, Maywood, IL 60153.

2. Roll Call

Upon roll call by Viola Mims, Village Clerk, the following answered Present: Mayor Edwenna Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers, Absent: None. There being a Quorum Present, the meeting was convened.

Staff Attendance:

Willie Norfleet Jr., Village Manager

Lanya Satchell, Finance Director

Craig Bronaugh Jr., Fire Chief

Valdimir Talley Jr., Police Chief

John West, Public Works Director

Michael Jurusik, Village Attorney

William Peterhansen, Willage Engineer

3. Invocation

Ms. Loretta Robinson gave the invocation.

4. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Everyone remained standing and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

5. Approval of minutes for the Village Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, November 21, 2017.

Motioned by Trustee Yarbrough and Seconded by Trustee Rivers to approve the minutes for the Village Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting of Tuesday, November 21, 2017.

Discussion: None

Ayes; Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

6. Oaths, Reports, Proclamations, Announcements and Appointments

A. Mayor's Report and Theme: "A shift is coming: things are changing in our favor when the people get a mind to work."

1. Discussion concerning individual(s) who is to provide travel arrangements for Mayor and Board of Trustees.

Mayor Perkins requested the Board make the decision on the person responsible for travel arrangements. Mr. Norfleet responded the credit card will be provided to the mayor's assistant when making travel plans for the mayor and the trustees to complete the process from beginning to end. The card should be returned once the transaction has been completed.

There was a consensus by the Board to accept the manager's recommendation for the mayor's assistant to complete the travel arrangements for Mayor Perkins and the Board of Trustees.

B. Village Manager's Report(s):

1. Discussion and consideration regarding Fire Department Foreign Fire Insurance (FFI). Tax Allocation.

Chief Bronaugh reported the funds are used for daily items including living supplies and toiletries and can be used for larger ticket items such as self contained breathing apparatus.

Motioned by Trustee Brandon and Seconded by Trustee Lightford to approve this item.

Discussion: None

Ayes: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

2. Discussion and consideration regarding PY2017 CDBG Engineering Agreement between the Village of Maywood and the Edwin Hancock Engineering Co. for Furnishing of Professional Engineering Services for the 20" Avenue and Warren Street Improvements Project in Maywood, Illinois.

Motioned by Trustee Yarbrough and Seconded by Trustee Rivers to approve this item.

Discussion: None

Ayes: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I, Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

C. Village Attorney's Report(s): None

7. Finance Management Report(s):

A. Approval of Village of Maywood Warrant List No. 200442 through November 29, 2017 Expenditures in the total amount of $775,099.11.

Motioned by Trustee Rivers and Seconded by Trustee Yarbrough to approve Warrant List No. 200442 through November 29, 2017 in the amount of $775,099.11.

Discussion: None

Ayes: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

B. Discussion of Village of Maywood Open Invoices Reports as of November 30, 2017 in the amount of $3,289,361.93.

No Action Taker

8. Old Business

A. Resolution Approving and Authorizing Execution of a Temporary Construction Easement for the Union Pacific Railroad Company as Part of the Union Pacific Railroad Company's Third Rail Line Project (.055 Acres / 2,402 Square Feet of Existing Public Right-Of-Way for Track Construction), including the Temporary Construction Easement attached as an Exhibit, with a cover memo dated November 15, 2017 from Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Mr. Norfleet requested this item be moved to the next meeting.

Motioned by Trustee Rivers and Seconded by Trustee Yarbrough to move this item to the December 19, 2017 meeting.

Discussion: None

Ayes: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

B. Resolution Approving and Authorizing Execution of a Permanent Easement for the Union Pacific Railroad Company as Part of the Union Pacific Railroad Company's Third Rail Line Project (.031 Acres f 1,341 Square Feet of Existing Public Right-Of-Way for Railroad Improvements), including the Permanent Easement Agreement attached as an Exhibit, with a cover memo dated November 15, 2017 from Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Mr. Norfleet requested this item be moved to the next meeting.

Motioned by Trustee Yarbrough and Seconded by Trustee Lightford to move this item to the December 19, 2017 meeting.

Discussion: None

Ayes: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

C. Memorandum dated October 2, 2017 from the Village Engineer, with Union Pacific Railroad offer packets and appraisals used to determine the financial offers for the two (2) Easements.

Information Only

9, Omnibus Agenda

A. Motioned by Trustee Rivers and Seconded by Trustee Lightford for the approval of the Omnibus Agenda Items A - h with the exception of Item h,

Discussion: Trustee Sanchez sought clarity on the absence of the September billing for Item D. Mr. Norfleet responded the bills are submitted for approval when they are received.

A.Discussion and Approval of 2018 Alley and Roadway Improvements Project - Madison Street TIF Engineering Agreement to provide preliminary, design, and construction engineering services within the boundaries of the Madison Street TIF. B. Approval and discussion of 2016 Alley and Parking lot Improvements - Pay Estimate No. 5 and Final. The project involves Alley Improvements between Main Street and Lake Street, between 9th and 8th Avenues, 6th and 5th Avenues, and 5th and 4th Avenues. Parking Lot Improvements are included at the Villageowned property adjacent to the proposed Maywood Fine Arts Building on 5th Avenue. This project is being funded through the St. Charles Road TIF Escrow No. 4, C. Agreement Between IElinois Council of Police and Willage of Maywood, Illinois, Covering Maywood Police Patrol Officers, May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2020, including Summary of the New Police Patrol Contract. D. Approval of payment to Allied Waste Service in the Village of Maywood for garbage pick-up services for the month of August and October 2017 in the amount of $283,500.00, E. Approval of payment to Henry Schein for the purchase of a new Ambulance Cot for the Maywood Fire Department in the amount of $5,826.00. F. Approval of payment to exipol for the Law Enforcement Policy Manual and Daily Training Bulletins! Subscription August 1, 2017 - July 31, 2018 in the amount of $9,845.00. G. Approval of payment to Village of Melrose Park for water services provided from the Village of Melrose Park in the amount of $50,272.56.

Discussion: Trustee Sanchez sought clarity on the person involved in negotiations on Item C. Mr. Norfleet responded based on what is trying to be achieved can involve himself, Chief Tally, the Village Attorney and Union representatives.

Ayes: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

Pulled Agenda Item:

H. Approval of payment to Winkler's Tree Service for tree removals/trimming for the Village of Maywood Public Works Department in the amount of $7,844.48.

Motioned by Trustee Rivers and Seconded by Trustee Yarbrough to approve payment to Winkler's Tree Service in the amount of $7,844.48.

Discussion: Mayor Perkins inquired why a full payment of $169,012.08 was not being submitted for approval, Mr. Norfleet and/or Ms. Satchell responded items added to open invoices are added for approval when funds become available.

Ayes: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

10, New Business:

A. A Resolution Approving the Regular Meeting Schedule of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Maywood for Calendar Year 2018, with a cover letter dated November 29, 2017 from Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Mr. Norfleet requested the following revisions to the 2018 schedule - to cancel January 2, 2018 from the schedule and to schedule only one meeting during the summer months beginning with June 5, July 17 and August 21, 2018.

Motioned by Trustee Brandon and Seconded by Trustee Yarbrough to accept the Summer Schedule with revisions as June 5, July 17 and August 21, 2018 and to cancel the January 2, 2018 meeting.

Discussion: None

Ayes: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

B. An Ordinance Approving the Offering for Sale of Certain Surplus Village-owned Real Estate referred to as the 2017 Bundled Surplus Properties" under the Village's Tax Reactivation Program.

Motioned by Trustee Brandon and Seconded by Trustee Lightford to approve this item.

Discussion: None

Ayes: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

C. A statement for Lega Services for October 2017 Pertaining to General Matters, in the amount of $6,808.00, with a cover memo dated November 29, 2017 from Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, itd.

Motioned by Trustee Yarbrough and Seconded by Trustee Rivers to approve legal Services in the amount of $6,808.00,

Discussion: None

Ayes: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent; None

Motion Carries

D. A statement for Legal Services for October 2017 Pertaining to 911 Dispatch Consolidation, Economic Redevelopment and Employment Labor Matters, and Litigation Matters, in the total amount of $32,888.70, with a cover memo dated November 29, 2017 from Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Motioned by Trustee Wellington and Seconded by Trustee lightford to approve legal Services for October 2017 Pertaining to 911 Dispatch Consolidation, Economic Redevelopment and Employment labor Matters, and Litigation Matters in the amount of $32,888.70.

Discussion: None

Ayes: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Nome

Motion Carries

E. Motion to direct Willage Manager to send a written request to Mayor Edwenna Perkins to repay the Village of Maywood an amount equal to $150.00, which is a debt owed to the Willage from 2013 for the improper use of Village funds when Mayor Perkins paid DJ Brown to play music at a private political party.

Discussion: Trustee Brandon suggested review of a number of questionable debts owed to the Village beginning in 2007 prior to the Mayor's appointment. Trustee Yarbrough was in favor of the suggestion.

Motioned by Trustee Rivers and Seconded by Trustee Lightford to direct the Village Manager to send a written request to Mayor Perkins to repay the Village of Maywood $150.00.

Discussion: Trustee Brandon sought clarification of the approval process by Mr. Barlow, Willage Manager at the time of the request. Mr. Norfleet gave an overview of the approval process, Trustee Wellington sought clarity on the approval of the payment. Ms. Satchell commented $5000 or more requires Board approval.

Ayes: Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, A. Sanchez, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) Wellington and Trusteel. Brandon

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

F. Motion to direct the Village Manager to send a written request to Mayor Edwenna Perkins repay the Village of Maywood an amount equal to $495.00, which is a debt owed to the Village from 2014 for the improper use of Village funds when Mayor Perkins paid to have resident Isiah Brandon attend a North Park University Training Program called, 2014 Boot Camp for New Nonprofit CEOs." See Willage of Maywood Check No. 83322 dated 6/13/14 and a North Park University Check No. 03601.33 dated 7/17/14 and related invoice and documents.

Motioned by Trustee Rivers and Seconded by Trustee lightford to direct the Willage Manager to send a written request to Mayor Perkins to repay the Village of Maywood $495.00.

Discussion: None

Ayes: Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Nays: Mayor Perkins and Trustee I. Brandon

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

Additional Items

•Trustee Brandon made comments and requests regarding outstanding debt to the Village from 2007.

Motioned by Trustee Brandon and Seconded by Trustee Wellington to send a written request to former Trustee Audrey Jaycox to reimburse the Willage of Maywood for misuse of funds during traveling.

Discussion; None

Ayes: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) I. Brandon and K. Wellington

Nays: Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, A. Sanchez, M. Lightford and R. Rivers

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Failed

11. Public Hearing: 2017 Real Estate Tax Levy - This item was discussed after Item 6A.

1. Call to Order (7:25 p.m.)

2. Roll Call

Upon roll call by Viola Mims, Village Clerk, the following answered Present: Mayor Edwenna Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough. E. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers. Absent: None

3. Acknowledgement of the Public Notice in a Local Newspaper

Mr. Norfleet read the Public Hearing Notice published in the Chicago Sun-times on December 19, 2017.

4. Notice of Proposed Real Estate Tax Levy for the Village of Maywood for Year 2017.

Mr. Norfleet read the Notice of Proposed Real Estate Tax Levy,

5. Presentation on the 2017 Real Estate Tax Lewy by the Village Manager and Finance Director.

A. Discussion of an Ordinance of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Maywood, Cook County, Illinois providing for the Levy, Assessment and Collection of Taxes for the Year 2017 Tax Levy,

Ms. Satchell gave an overview of the composition of the recommended 3%. 2017 Estimated Tax Levy published in the Sun-Times. The components of the recommended Tax Levy for 2017 are as foFlows: Corporate Fund $12,804,253.00, Recreation Fund $82,500 (no change), Police Pension Fund $4,136,079.00 (increase of only 1.86%) and Fire Pension Fund $2,691,888.00 (increase of only 2.59%).

B. General discussion of the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 (May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2018) Village of Maywood Budget, the 2017/2018 Budget Amendments, the Proposed Fiscat Year 2018-2019 (May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019) Village of Maywood Budget and 2017 Tax Levy Adoption process and schedule.

Mr. Norfleet reported this matter will be addressed before the end of the Fiscal Year.

6. Questions and comments by the Board Members - None

7. Questions by the Public and Public Comment

Comments from the Public-Comments were made by the following individuals: L. Redmond, L. Robinson, S. Smiley, N. Booker, G. Clary, A. Dorris and K. Sorenson. Comments are available upon request in the Clerk's office.

Response to Public Comments - Mr. Norfleet, Trustee(s) Brandon and Sanchez responded to public comments, Comments are available upon request in the Clerk's office.

8. Final questions and comments by Board Members - None

9. Motion to move the below items to the December 19, 2017 Willage Board meeting for final action.

A. An Ordinance of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Maywood, Cook County, Illinois providing for the levy, Assessment and Collection of taxes for the Year 2017 Tax Levy, with Certification of Compliance with Truth and Taxation law.

Motioned by Trustee Wellington and Seconded by Trustee Sanchez to move the Ordinance of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Maywood, Cook County, Illinois providing for the Levy, Assessment and Collection of taxes for the Year 2017 Tax Lewy, with Certification of Compliance with Truth and Taxation Law to the December 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting.

Discussion: None

Ayes: Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers.

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

B. An Ordinance authorizing certain amendments to the Fiscal Year 2017/2018 (May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2018) Village of Maywood Budget (Amendment No. 1).

No Action Required

10. Motion to close the Public Hearing (8:30 p.m.)

Motioned by Trustee Rivers and Seconded by Trustee Wellington to close the Public Hearing.

Discussion: None

Ayes; Mayor Perkins, Trustee(s) H. Yarbrough, I. Brandon, A. Sanchez, K. Wellington, M. Lightford and R. Rivers.

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carries

12. Public Comment:

Comments from the Public - Comments were made by the following individuals: M. Larry, L. Redmond, L. Robinson, K. Sorenson and G. Clay

Response to Public Comments - Mr. Norfleet responded to public comments,

13. Information Purposes Only:

A. The Nate Comic Inc. organization is requesting funding from the Village of Maywood for After-School Safe Zone Program in the amount of $5,000. Nathan Lee is CEO of Nate Comic Inc.

No Action Taken

14. Motioned by Trustee Brandon and Seconded by Trustee Yarbrough to recess into Closed Session at 10:13 p.m. for the purpose of discussing:

A. Pending Litigation, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1).

B. Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee or legal counsel 5 ILCS 120/20c) (1).

15. Adjournment

Mayor Perkins and the Board of Trustees adjourned the December 5, 2017, Regular Board Meeting with a Motion by Trustee Brandon and a Second by Trustee Rivers at 10:44 p.m., in the Village of Maywood Council Chambers.

The Vote was affirmed unanimously by the Board of Trustees at 10:44 p.m.




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