Oak Park Township Youth Services Committee met Nov. 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
In Attendance: Pat B., John W., Ashley S., Jhontia W., Dick B., Dave Y., Sarah M., Willie M.
Approval of last meeting’s minutes: Motion to approve made by Dave, Seconded by Dick.
Public Comments: None
Director’s Report: Review of Interventionist report (handout provided). On October 20, John performed a site visit at Friday Night Place. For the first time in their history, girls are participating in basketball at this program. Dominique’s Girls on the Rise program continues to cover interesting topics and the girls are really responding to the curriculum. On November 8th, John will be speaking at a mentoring workshop at Concordia University for Dr. Victor Govindaswamy’s students. The three Interventionists have been busy with their weekly Cargo Circles at Longfellow and Holmes and they will be adding circles at Irving next week.
River Forest Liaison Report: River Forest Liaison Carla Sloan was unable to attend the meeting, but did forward news that Karen Taubman will be the new River Forest Trustee Liaison to the YSC.
Oak Park Liaison Report: No report as Oak Park Liaison Eric Davis was unable to attend.
New Business: Willie suggests inviting representative(s) from each of the school district boards to attend our youth services meetings (and vice versa) so that more information can be shared among partnering agencies. After some discussion, Sarah suggests the committee focus on building relationships between board members of D90 and D97 to help improve intergovernmental relationships and open lines of communication. The committee feels that this would help serve their new vision of focusing on helping youth in transitional periods. As we approach the contract review period, the committee feels this would be the perfect opportunity to have a chance to speak directly to program administrators about the changes that were made this year to the contract request forms.
Old Business: At last month’s meeting, the committee discussed voting on a vice chair. Willie suggests that since our Chairperson is an Oak Park representative, our Vice Chair should be a River Forest representative. Dick nominates Cal Davis for the Vice Chair position. David seconds the motion and Jhontia votes to close nominations. The motion passes unanimously without further discussion.
Meeting Adjourned at: 8:50 P.M.
Motioned by: Sarah M., Seconded by Jhontia W.