Village of River Forest Historic Preservation Commission met Dec. 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the Commission:
I. Call to Order
II. Public Testimony
III. PUBLIC HEARING – Application #17-01 - Certificate of Appropriateness application for the DEMOLITION of the single family residence located at 747 William Street, River Forest, IL, a structure listed on the Village survey of architecturally or historically significant properties.
IV. DISCUSSION AND DELIBERATION - Application #17-01 - Certificate of Appropriateness application for the DEMOLITION of the single family residence located at 747 William Street, River Forest, IL, a structure listed on the Village survey of architecturally or historically significant properties.
V. DECISION REGARDING CERTIFICATE OF APPOPRIATNESS - Application #17-01 - Certificate of Appropriateness application for the DEMOLITION of the single family residence located at 747 William Street, River Forest, IL, a structure listed on the Village survey of architecturally or historically significant properties.
VI. Other Business
VII. Adjournment