
West Cook News

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Lyons Township Area Communications Center Operations Board met September 8.

Meeting 06

Lyons Township Area Communications Center Operations Board met Sept. 8.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

Call to Order The Operations Board of LTACC was called to order at 10:10 by Executive Director Kim Knutsen. On roll call, as read by E/D Knutsen the following were:

Present: Chief Renee Strasser, Chief Pamela Church, Chief Ed Rompa, Chief Don Gay, with E/D Kim Knutsen presiding.

Absent: Chief Pat Kenny, Chief Dean Maggos,

Introduction of News Media/Guests None

Public Comment None

Approval of Minutes

Motion: To approve minutes from August 25, 2016 as presented. Chief Rompa made a motion to approve and Chief Strasser seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Old Business

A. Project Status Updates-

1. Tyler Technologies (TT) – October 24, 2016 is no longer a viable “go-live” date primarily due to the fact that IRMA is unable to provide coverage until after November 1st, the fiber is still not connected, and LTACC’s ISP Administrative Hearing for PSAP recognition has not taken place. E/D Knutsen and IT Pat Schramm had a conference call with TT regarding a new “go-live” date. TT stated they would be unable to provide the full resources to “go-live” until the week of March 20, 2017. At that time, we would also implement Law Records, Fire Records, CAD Mobile and Field Report Writing making a full transition. E/D Knutsen will provide an updated training schedule when it becomes available.

Chief Rompa asked if dispatchers could still move into the center in January without the TT CAD system live. E/D Knutsen advised it would not be possible from a technology perspective because the computers have already been set-up with the new TT software and both the new and old versions cannot run simultaneously. E/D Knutsen would like to move LaGrange’s dispatch operations into the new room as soon as the phone lines are in place and have them continue utilizing the Valor CAD system. This could prove advantageous as it will allow for testing of the other dispatch equipment prior to “going-live” with TT CAD. It would also allow for the records/parking construction to proceed as scheduled.

Chief Church asked about how a March 20, 2017 date impacts the ETSB budget.

2. Construction/Renovations - The renovations are underway at LaGrange PD. The radio vendor has indicated their installation timeline will need to be modified beyond the timeframe that was initially provided. They will not install equipment in the new LTACC IT Room until the HVAC equipment is installed and working.

3. ISP Consolidation Application – E/D Knutsen believes LTACC’s ISP Administrative Hearing date will be either September 19th or 20th in Springfield. It will then take up to 30 days for the ISP Administrator’s PSAP recommendation.

4. LEADS – The CDC application is stalled due to a delay in a fingerprint background response. Chief Church will intercede and formally request the necessary fingerprint response be resent to Village of Western Springs.

5. Fiber – E/D Knutsen said LTACC is still waiting for the fiber project to be completed, and a network diagram provided. Western Springs’ permits are all complete. The reason for the delay this time is unknown. Chief Rompa will contact the 3rd Party installation group to inquire.

6. TYCO Alarm project – The contract revisions have been submitted to Tyco for revisions. The LTACC Attorney is working on the necessary ordinance.

7. EMD – Several T/C/O’s EMD certifications are near expiration and must be renewed. Each Department will manage the recertification of their personnel. EMS coordinators performing quality assurance for LTACC will be required to complete Power phone online call assessment training.

New Business

A. None


• Motion: To approve payment of $31,923.00 to Construction Solutions of Illinois (Payment #1) for work completed as per the contract executed 08/19/16. Chief Gay made a motion to approve and Chief Church seconded the motion. All were in favor.

• Motion: To approve payment of $1716.92 to Wold Architects and Engineers for services rendered through 30% of construction Administration per contract. Chief Strasser made a motion to approve and Chief Gay seconded the motion. All were in favor.

• Motion: To approve payment of $987.00 to PowerPhone for (3) Call Assessment Training/Certifications for FD members to be able to perform QA for EMD calls as required. Chief Gay made a motion to approve and Chief Rompa seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Other Business – Chief Gay advised his department is now using E-Dispatch as is LaGrange Park FD and Western Springs FD. LaGrange T/C/Os have already successfully dispatched utilizing the new software.

Motion To Adjourn To Closed Session If Required

Additional Comments


Motion to adjourn at 11:10 by E/D Knutsen, seconded by Chief Strasser. All were in favor.
