
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Cicero Township Board met July 11.

Webp meetingroom01

Cicero Township Board met July 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

On roll call there were present: 

President: Dominick

Clerk: Punzo-Arias 

Trustees: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Porod, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso.

Thereupon, President Dominick declared a quorum present and the meeting duly convened and requested that all present in attendance stand and join in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

On motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Garcia, the minutes of the Regular Meeting held Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 10:00 o'clock A.M., were approved, the reading being dispensed with, each member having received a copy.


On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Garcia, the list of bills itemized in Warrant #13, dated July 10, 2017, in the total amount of $2,020,354.33, the list of manual checks dated June 23 thru July 6, in the total amount of $43,086.00, and the list of online payments dated June 23 thru July 5, in the total amount of $0.00, were accepted, placed on file and approved for payment; action taken by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Porod, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso. Nays: None.

On motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Porod, payroll (Estimated Corporate $1,434,734.70 & Library $26,521.21) was approved for the active employees listed on the printout dated 07-05-17; action taken by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Porod, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso.

Nays: None.


On motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Banks, permission was granted the Kiwanis Club to solicit funds on Friday, September 22nd through Sunday, September 24th from ll:00 AM to 7:00 PM at the intersection of 16th Street & 61st Avenue.

On motion of Trustee Garcia seconded by Trustee Raleigh, permission was granted Cardinal Council No. 1691, K. of C. to conduct their annual Tootsie Roll Sale on Friday, September 15th & Saturday, September 16th.

On motion of Trustee Banks seconded by Trustee Raleigh, permission was granted Good Shepherd Church to conduct its annual "Back-to-School Fun Fare" on Saturday,

August 29th from Noon to 3:00 PM. Also, upon availability, a fire truck would be provided for this event.

On motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Virruso, permission was granted K.C. Hughes Council 1005 to hold their "Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Collections" on Wednesday, September 6th, from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM at the Town of Cicero Municipal Complex.

On motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Porod, permission was granted St Mary of Czestochowa Parish to conduct their Parish Festival, which includes food and alcoholic beverage sales, music, bingo, games and raffle. Permission was also granted for the closure of 30th St from 49th Ave to 48th Ct from 8:00 AM on Saturday, August 19th to 9:00 PM on Sunday, August 20th.

Starting: Saturday, August 19th 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Ending: Sunday, August 20th 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM

On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Garcia, permission was granted the Salvation Army to conduct a "Back-to-School Rally" which includes food and non alcoholic beverage sales, music, games and prizes on Sunday, August 13th from 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM, their parking lot located at 2337 S. Laramie Ave.

On motion of Trustee Banks seconded by Trustee Porod, permission was granted Victoria Court Carriages to have a horse drawn carriage travel along the designated route on Saturday, July 15th from 12:20 PM to 1:00 PM, contingent that a certificate of insurance, naming the Town of Cicero as one of the insured, be submitted.


On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Garcia, the Collector's Office Report ($2,385,074.82) and the Revenue Summary Report ($2,017,933.23) for the month of

June/17, submitted by Fran Reitz, Collector, was accepted and placed on file; action taken by the following vote:

Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Porod, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso. Nays: None.


On motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Garcia, the Ordinance amending Chapter 94, entitled "Traffic", Section 94-182, entitled "Stop Streets Generally; Schedule

XII" of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Cicero, Illinois, was accepted, placed on file and approved for passage by the following vote:

Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Porod, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso.

Nays: None.

(The purpose of this ordinance is to add the Intersection to this list of stop streets for the Town to regulate traffic and to ensure the proper installation and maintenance of the corresponding stop signs.)

Section 94-182: Stop Streets Generally; Schedule XII

30th Street an Avenue, all eastbound traffic on 30th Street shall co a complete st at 54th Avenue.

On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Raleigh, the Ordinance granting a parking variance for the operation of a design, marketing and print shop at 2134 South 61st Court, was accepted, placed on file and approved for passage by the following vote:

Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Porod, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso.

Nays: None.

On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Garcia, the Ordinance granting a special use permit for the operation of a gas station and convenience store at 5147 West Roosevelt Road, was accepted, placed on file and approved for passage by the following vote:

Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Porod, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso.

Nays: None.


On motion of Trustee Garcia seconded by Trustee Raleigh, the Resolution authorizing and approving the settlement of litigation and the execution of a settlement agreement in the case of F. Garza v Town of Cicero, (Case No 2016 WC 016148), was accepted, placed on file and approved for adoption by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Porod, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso. Nays: None.

On motion of Trustee Garcia seconded by Trustee Porod, the Resolution authorizing and approving the settlement of litigation and the execution of a settlement agreement in the case of M. Porras v Town of Cicero, (Case No 2016 WC 033407), was accepted, placed on file and approved for adoption by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Porod, Raleigh, Reitz, Wirruso. Nays: None.

President Dominick opened the meeting to the public for their comments. a No citizen comments acknowledged

On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Porod, the board adjourned at 10:13 A.M. to meet in Executive Session.

On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Banks, the board reconvened at 11:02 A.M. to Open Session.

On motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Porod, the minutes of the Executive Session held Tuesday, June 27, 2017, were accepted and approved.

On motion of Trustee Reitz seconded by Trustee Virruso, the project manager was authorized to negotiate a settlement per terms discussed in Executive Session relative to Agenda Item ill-A: "3604 -14 S. Laramie"; action taken by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Porod, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso. Nays: None.

On motion of Trustee Reitz seconded by Trustee Banks, the town attorney was authorized to draft a settlement agreement per terms discussed in Executive Session relative to Agenda Item ill-B "Munive v Town of Cicero"; action taken by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Porod, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso. Nays: None,

On motion of Trustee Reitz seconded by Trustee Garcia, the town attorney was authorized to negotiate a settlement per terms discussed in Executive Session relative to Agenda Item #11-B "P. Santiago v Town of Cicero"; action taken by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Porod, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso. Nays: None.

No discussion was held regarding Executive Session Agenda Item #11-D.

On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Garcia, the board then stood adjourned at 11:04 A.M. to meet on Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 10:00 A.M., in the Town Hall, Town of Cicero,
