
West Cook News

Monday, March 10, 2025

Village of Stickney The Board of Trustees met June 20.

Webp meeting 05

Village of Stickney The Board of Trustees met June 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees were present:

Trustees Hrejsa, Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos and Torres

Absent: Trustee White

Trustee Savopoulos moved, duly seconded by Trustee Milenkovic to remove item 7 from the agenda.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Hrejsa, Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos and Torres

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee White

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Trustee Torres moved, duly seconded by Trustee Hrejsa to approve the minutes of the previous regular session on Tuesday, June 6, 2017.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Hrejsa, Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos and Torres

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee White

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Trustee Savopoulos moved, duly seconded by Trustee Milenkovic that the bills, approved by the various committees of the Board, be approved for payment, and to approve warrants which authorize the Village Treasurer to draw checks to pay the bills, to be signed by the authorized signers, as provided for by the Ordinances of the Village of Stickney.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Hrejsa, Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos and Torres

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee White

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

At this time Mayor Walik asked Fire Department Captain Omari Silvera to step forward to be sworn in to the rank of Assistant Fire Chief effective date of the promotion was June 20, 2017.

Trustee Kapolnek moved, duly seconded by Trustee Torres to pass and approve Ordinance 2017-10, “An Ordinance Amending “W” Zone Parking.”

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Hrejsa, Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos and Torres

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee White

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

After the vote the Mayor explained that we are moving the “W” parking at 41st also the 7100 block to the 7000 block because they are also having problems with the restaurant because they are valeting cars from the restaurant. We are going to try to eliminate that.

Trustee Milenkovic moved, duly seconded by Trustee Hrejsa to pass and approve Ordinance 2017-11, “An Ordinance Amending Public Comment at Village Board Meetings.”

Prior to the vote, Trustee Hrejsa asked for an explanation. Village Attorney Jessica Fese informed us that, “The Village used to have a three-minute rule for public comment. It is pretty common in a lot of municipalities in Illinois. We decided to reinstitute that in order to maximize how many people can speak at a board meeting. It will give more people the opportunity to have their concerns heard. That is what this ordinance is about.”

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Hrejsa, Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos and Torres

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee White

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Trustee Savopoulos moved, duly seconded by Trustee Torres to approve Resolution 11-2017, “A Resolution Authorizing and Approving a Certain Agreement with Reimer Dobrovolny & Karlson LLC for the Village of Stickney.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Hrejsa, Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos and Torres

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee White

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

Trustee Savopoulos moved, duly seconded by Trustee Kapolnek to approve a waiver to the Stickney-Forest View Lions Club for the Pavilion Fees during their September 24, 2017 4th Annual Lions Run for Hope.

Upon the roll call, the following Trustees voted:

Ayes: Trustee Hrejsa, Kapolnek, Milenkovic, Savopoulos and Torres

Nays: None

Absent: Trustee White

Mayor Walik declared the motion carried.

MAYOR’S REPORT: Mayor Walik congratulated our Assistant Fire Chief Omari Silvera. He will do a fine job. Keep up the good work. He then thanked everyone who came out on Saturday for the alley clean up. It was estimated that 39% of the alleys were finished. Approximately 30 people came out including public works. A lot of residents came out to help. Parks & recreation came out and other volunteers.

CLERK’S REPORT: Clerk McAdams had copies of the 2016 Cook County Tax Rates from David Orr’s Office. She invited people to come up and get copies of tax rates that pertain to the recent Equalized Assessed Evaluation.


Trustee Hrejsa provided an update on Music in the Park. This coming week there will be a cruise night.

Trustee Kapolnek congratulated the new Stickney Fire Department Assistant Fire Chief Omari Silvera.

Trustee Torres told us that that the new Blight Inspector, Ed Bartunek, is working out very well. So far he has written 44 warnings on what has to be done on the property. A lot people have complied. He has talked to them verbally and has written them up.

Trustee Milenkovic congratulated the new Assistant Fire Chief.

Trustee Savopoulos said he is working on a sign that will go on the Welcome to Stickney sign located at the entrances to the Village. The sign will say, “We Support our First Responders”, Police, Fire, Paramedics, and military branches, Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force. It will cost approximately $175.00 each.


Treasurer Paul Nosek informed us that we have met with all the department heads to go over the budget. Everything is looking very good. In the coming weeks he will meet with the finance committee. We will have a budget to present to the board shortly.

Public Works Supervisor Joe Lopez mentioned that July 4, falls on a Tuesday. The schedule will be one day late. The Supervisor informed us that there will be another alley clean-up day. This time they will pick certain alleys and let the residents know in advance by a flyer. This way they could come out to join the efforts.

Fire Chief Jeff Boyajian announced that the Fourth of July is coming up. He gave various facts concerning the dangers of fireworks.

Police Chief Dan Babich noticed that no one was in attendance from the last meeting with complaints because he went personally to their homes with his Deputy Chief and resolved them. He then addressed the “Big” fireworks... Some of the things that you see in a regular Fourth of July show. Some people get carried away and blow up some cannons. He has seen some people blow their faces off or lose a hand. He asked that people be careful. If anybody is shooting off the big stuff just call. He believes in taking strong enforcement on it. Being so dry it could start a fire. Everybody wants to have fun and enjoy the holidays. Whatever goes up does come down.

In addition, he asked people to be careful. He had his department meeting with all his officers. He gave them what his goals and objectives are for this department since he took over on May 3. One of them is traffic enforcement. The big thing is going to be the alleyways. It is going to be the stop signs. Especially when it comes around school time. We are going to be out there heavy. He himself will be out there writing as the chief. This is not the way I want to meet you. I can still write them and run with the big dogs instead of just lying on the porch. He will be out there and his guys will be out there doing some serious enforcement. He will be watching over the months to see if there is going to be improvement. There have been many complaints. He said that it is a great department and a great village. He said, “I am honored to work with this board and honored to be a representative of this community.”

The clerk reminded the audience that the next board meeting will be July 5, because of the July 4, holiday.

There being no further business, Trustee Savopoulos moved, duly seconded by Trustee Milenkovic that the meeting be adjourned. Upon which the Board adopted the motion at 7:25 p.m.
