
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Schiller Park Historical Society Commission met June 12.

Village of Schiller Park Historical Society Commission met July 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Commissioners Present: Dan Sliwicki, Warren Schuhrke, June Oulund, Diana Caffero, Bonnie Gardeck, Hilde Kilian

Library Representative: Tina Setzer

Curator: Katlyn Froslan

Guest and Volunteers: Marjorie Manchen (Mayor’s Assistant), Mila Stryjecka, Chris Klug, Russ, Klug, Keith Granum

Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Dan Sliwicki, Chairman, at 10:07 AM.

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Roll call: Dan, June, Warren, Bonnie, Hilde, Diana.

Minutes: Motion made to accept May minutes by Diana, seconded by Bonnie. Unanimous – June, Bonnie, Warren, Hilde, Diana all yeas.

Public Comments and Historical Society Volunteers: None

Library Report: Tina reported on the first grade library visit which went very well. Students were awestruck by the presentation and were well behaved. Tina would like to continue the fourth grade visits and add a seventh grade visit. This way all three public schools in the district will be involved. Also Franco Patellico contacted her regarding the Historical Society. He would like a list of commissioners and their e-mail. Dan will look into this matter.

Tina will put our information on the Digital Reader Board Sign. It will include our hours, phone number and any programs we have for the public.

The Historical Society members were not aware of the “Ice Cream Social” the library had to kick off their summer reading program. So we hope to work on better communication.

Financial Report: We have as of May 30, 2017 - $4,391.13 in the Bank, $149.35 in our cash on hand. We would like to start a Building Search Fund. Dan and Russ will look into the matter. Also make the Mayor and Trustees aware of our plans.

Communications: We need to renew our subscriptions to American Association for State and Local History for $115.00. Motion made by Diane seconded by Warren to pay for the subscription. Unanimous June, Bonnie, Warren, Hilde, Diana all yeas.

NEIL meeting is looking for a place for September 2018. We will coordinate with them. The next NEIL meeting is at Elk Grove High School Sept. 9th.

Curator: Katlyn and Kyle have sorted through 85 boxes. Kyle’s hours have been extended. Next month Katlyn would like to start training the commissioners on Past Perfect. The boxes are uniformed and labeled and the information is stored.

Unfinished Business: Wall of Honor went well even though it rained. It was well attended and the 60176 site has the ceremony, this site broadcasts events promoting Schiller Park.

Renaming of the Kennedy Baseball Field into Shelton Park was spearheaded by Mr. Gort and Mr. Caffero. The ceremony was held under the tent and also well attended. Former Governor Quinn was present.

The Cemetery Walk was a practice for the Leyden students on Saturday June 10th. More students will be present on June 17th. June has given them the script and has been in contact with Mr. Palolla. Students will received a letter of thanks for participating in the walk.

Our next public event will be the Car Show August 27, 2017 from 12:00 to 5:00 PM.

Adjournment: Motion made by Bonnie, seconded by June to adjourn the meeting at 11:25.
