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Village of Schiller Park Village President and Board of Trustees met July 20

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Village of Schiller Park Village President and Board of Trustees: met July 20.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order:

II. Pledge of Allegiance:

III. Roll Call: President N. Caiafa

Trustee M. Diaz Trustee R. Klug Trustee J. Golembiewski Trustee T. Deegan Trustee R. Lima Trustee C. Gorzynski; Village Clerk R. Jos

IV. Approval of Minutes:

Regular Board Meeting of June 15, 2017 Special Board Meeting Minutes of June 29, 2017

V. Persons Wishing to be Heard:

VI. Consent Agenda for Consideration and Action:

A. Acknowledgement of receipt, and authorization to place on file the following:

1. Report from the Fire Department for the month of June 2017.

2. Report from Department of Community Development for the month of June 2017.

3. Letter from Michael P. McAuliffe, House of Representatives, 20th District to Chief Chiodo thanking the Department for their participation on June 10th during the Kids Health and Safety Expo.

4. Letter from Sister Rosemary Connelly, Executive Director Misericordia Heart of Mercy Center to request solicitation on Friday April 27 and Saturday April 28, 2018 for their Annual Jelly Belly Candy Days.

5. Letter from resident Sue Chmura, 4620 N. Kolze Avenue to Chief Chiodo thanking the shift on the ladder truck for stopping at the lemonade stand her neighbor’s little girl had set up on a Saturday morning. She told it made the little girl’s day and hers also.

6. Letter to Chief Fragakis from Sergeant Jim Scheib commending Officers Stoffel, Klug Bravo and Cavalieri for their actions in apprehending a suspected car thief, along with the help of Radio Operator Perry. One suspect jumped into the Des Plaines River and Firefighters Dehmlow and Miletta helped pull the suspect from the water.

7. Report from Groot for the Month of May 2017.

VII. Committee Of The Whole Discussion Items:

1. GW Associates – Engagement for Audit and Financial Statements

2. Bid Services Pending – 2017 Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Program contractor

3. Proxit – Pay for Police records server (structured query language relational database management system)

4. Physio Control – Buy two (2) Automatic External Defibrillators for Fire Dept. (Grant reimburse)

5. Physio Control – Agreement for Fire Dept. Life Packs and AED’s

6. Declare Surplus Property – Dispose of water/sewer utility equipment, old phone

7. PT Paramedic – Appoint/Confirm two for Fire Dept. 8. Auxiliary Police Officer – Appoint/Confirm one for Police Dept.

9. Training – Use restaurant pad for Fire Dept. vehicle machinery classes (info)

10. Workers Compensation Adjuster – Agreement for services

11. Air Raid Siren – Purchase w/remote control from MCD

12. Police Evidence Lockers, Police Officers’ Lockers

13. Gerardi Construction – Payment for Water Main replacement projects

14. Alliant Mesirow – Designate as employee health insurance broker

15. SOC – Membership dues (vote), JDA Airport Consultant (info)

16. JPH – Development consultant 17. Senior Citizens – Permit fee waiver, reimbursement (info)

18. Zoning Variances – Seniors filing fee credit to permit (info)

19. TIF – Feasibility / Plan Consultant

20. Deputy Village Clerk – Appoint/Confirm

21. Village Manager’s Report

22. Village Engineer’s Comments

23. Department Managers’ Comments

VIII. Committee Reports For Consideration And Action:

A. Public Works (Streets, Water, Storm Water, Engineering, Fleet/Building Maintenance) Diaz Chr., Klug, Golembiewski:

1. Motion to approve an Agreement with Globe Construction as the low responsible bid contractor in amount of $28,074.61for 2017 Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Program services.

2. Motion to authorize payment #2 in the amount of $357,940.85 to Gerardi Sewer and Water Company for work on the 2017 Water Main Replacement Projects.

B. Recreation (Parks, Special Events, Senior Services, Library) Klug Chr., Lima, Golembiewski:

No Report

C. Community Development (Planning, Zoning, Health, Building, Environment, and Transportation) Golembiewski Chr., Gorzynski, Lima,:

1. Motion to approve payment to Suburban O’Hare Commission (SOC) a total of $2,500.00 for membership dues.

2. Motion to approve a professional services agreement with JPH Inc. (Jack Hynes) to perform development consultation at an hourly rate of $80 and authorize the necessary officers and officials to execute the agreement.

D. Public Safety (Police, Fire Emergency Management, 911 and EMS) Deegan Chr., Diaz, Gorzynski,:

1. Motion to approve payment of $8,235.84 to Proxit for purchase and installation of an SQLRDBMS server for Police record-keeping.

2. Motion to authorize the purchase two (2) AED’s from Physio Control for the Fire Department in the amount of $4,806.50.

3. Motion to approve payment to Physio Control $4,559.04 for annual maintenance of Fire Department Life Packs and AED’s.

4. Motion to approve the purchase of Police evidence lockers and lockers for a separate female police officer’s locker room in the total amount of $6,631.00 from Tiffin Metal Products.

5. Motion to approve payment totaling $3,180.00 to Braniff Communications for an air raid siren remote control device for the existing Village Hall siren.

E. Administration/Finance (Human Resources, Insurance, Bills, Legal) Lima Chr., Diaz Deegan:

1. Motion to approve the current List of Bills in the amount of $909,.

2. Motion to approve engagement of GW & Associates to perform the Annual Audit and Financial Statements of the Village for fiscal year ending April 30, 2017, in an amount not to exceed $46,500.00 and Public Library for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2017, in an amount not to exceed $3,500.00 (the latter to be paid by the Library Board); and authorize the necessary officers and officials to undertake such actin and effectuate same.

3. Motion to approve an agreement with Veritas Claims in the amount of $9,800.00 for Workers Compensation administrative services.

4. Motion to designate Alliant Mesirow Insurance Services Inc. as the exclusive insurance broker for the Village employee health insurance services and benefits program.

F. License (Business, Liquor, Ordinances, Utilities, and General Permits) Gorzynski Chr., Deegan, Klug:

No Report

IX. Report of the Mayor for Consideration And Action:

A. Proclamations:


B. Appointments:

1. Auxiliary Police Officer Jeeshan Rafi

2. Part-time Paramedic Joshua Pfest

3. Part-time Paramedic Dan Schultz

4. Deputy Village Clerk Melissa Gocek

C. Other Matters:

A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Surplus Property

X. Other Business:

Citizens Wishing to be Heard

XI. Executive Session:

1. Purchase or Lease of Real Property, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5),

2. Setting of a Price for the Sale or Lease of Property, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6)

3. Pending Litigation, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)

4. Probable or Imminent Litigation, 5 ILC 120/2(c)(11)

5 Salary Schedules for one or More Classes of Employees 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)

6. Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Certain Employees 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

7. Collective Bargaining Negotiations Matters 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)

8. Discussion of Minutes of Meetings Closed under the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)

9. Security Procedures, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8)

XII. Adjournment
