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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Central Stickney School District 110 Board met May 3.

Webp meeting 11

Central Stickney School District 110 Board met May 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order:

President Pro-Tem Basa called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m.

Roll Call:

R. Navarro

J. Sears

I. Izquierdo

E. Olmo

K. Gilbert

J. Basa, President Pro-Tem

A. Diaz, Secretary Pro-Tem

Also Present:

C. Leahy, Superintendent

J. Toschi, Principal

M. Murdaugh, Recording Secretary

Pledge of Allegiance:

President Pro-Tem Basa called for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mission Statement:

The Mission of Charles J. Sahs School, in cooperation with students, parents and community, is to provide a safe educational environment that encourages all children to reach their fullest potential while promoting academic growth, building character, developing citizenship, and creating lifelong learners.

Public Comment:


Oath of Office and Seating of New Officers:

Member Navarro motioned, Member Gilbert seconded to appoint Irene Izquierdo and Enrique Olmo to the School Board of Education.

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor of motion

Nays: None

Motion carried.

President Pro-Tem Basa administered the Oath of Office to the Board of Education #110 appointed Board Members Izquirdo and Olmo. New appointed Board Members were congratulated and took their seats at the Board.

Elect President:

Secretary Pro-Tem Diaz motioned, Member Navarro seconded to nominate Jacqueline Basa as Board President

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor of the motion

Nays: None

Motion carried.

President Basa Pro-Tem was approved as new Board President

Elect Vice President:

Member Sears motioned, President Basa seconded to nominate Member Navarro as Board Vice President.

Member Gilbert motioned, Member Izquierdo seconded to nominate Secretary Pro-Tem Diaz for Board Vice President

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor of the motion for Member Navarro

Nays: None

Voice Vote on the original motion for Member Navarro as Vice-President.

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor of the motion

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Member Navarro was approved as new Board Vice President.

Elect Secretary:

Member Gilbert motioned, Member Sears seconded to nominate Member Secretary Pro-Tem Diaz as Board Secretary.

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor of the motion.

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Secretary Pro-Tem Diaz was approved as new Board Secretary.

Date and Time of Regular Board Meetings:

Vice President Navarro motioned, Member Gilbert seconded to set the third Wednesday of each month (unless a holiday) at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time of regular meetings.

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor of the motion.

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Appoint Attorney:

Member Sears motioned, Secretary Diaz seconded to retain Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick & Kohn as the Board of Education Attorney.

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor of the motion

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Appoint Bookkeeper:

Vice President Navarro motioned, Member Sears seconded to retain Baker Tilley as bookkeeper.

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor of the motion

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Appoint Architrect:

Member Olmo motioned, Member Gilbert seconded to retain SPM Architects as the District Architect firm.

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor of the motion

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Appoint IASB Representative and Alternate:

Member Gilbert motioned, Vice President Navarro seconded to appoint Secretary Diaz IASB Representative.

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor of the motion.

Nays: None

Motion carried.

President Basa motioned, Member Sears seconded to appoint Member Gilbert alternate IASB Delegate.

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor of the motion

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Appoint AERO Representative:

Member Izquierdo motioned, Secretary Diaz seconded to appoint Member Sears AERO Representative

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor of the motion

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Appoint Scope Representative:

Vice President Navarro motioned, President Basa seconded to appoint Dr. Leahy SCOPE Representative.

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor of the motion

Nays: None

Motion carried


Member Gilbert motioned, Vice President Navarro seconded, to adjourn the meeting.

Voice Vote: Ayes were in favor

Nays: None

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
