
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Cicero Township Regular Board met March 28.

Cicero Township Regular Board met March 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Appropriation Ordinance on Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 10:04 A.M., in the Town Hall Council Chambers, Town of Cicero.

On roll call there were present: President: Dominick Clerk: Punzo-Arias

Trustees: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh. Attorney: James Vasselli

Thereupon, President Dominick declared a quorum present and the hearing duly convened.

Town Clerk Punzo-Arias stated proper notice was given in the Lawndale News on March 12th, 2017 and a copy of the 2017 Appropriation Ordinance was on file for public inspection in the Town Clerk's office for ten days as required by law.

Town Clerk Punzo-Arias opened the hearing to public and board members comments or questions.

No comments were made from either the public or Town Board Members.

Finance Director Assistant Daniel Schultz was present to address any questions by the Board or the public which covered the annual budget.

The Board of Trustees of the Town of Cicero met Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 10:00 A.M., in the Town Hall Council Chambers, Town of Cicero.

On roll call there were present: President: Dominick Clerk: Punzo-Arias Trustees: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh.

Thereupon, President Dominick declared a quorum present and the meeting duly convened and requested that all present in attendance stand and join in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

On motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Garcia, the minutes of the Regular Meeting held Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 10:07 o'clock A.M., were approved, the reading being dispensed with, each member having received a copy.


On motion of Raleigh seconded by Trustee Garcia, the Proclamation celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Cicero was accepted and placed on file.

The following seniors received a certificate along with a rose for being Super Seniors 90 and Beyond for the month of March:

Mary Anderson Violette Jember

Millie Cichowicz Maria Nieves

Rose Fico Frances Zajac Mary Forsberg

Approval of Bills

On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Raleigh, the list of bills itemized in Warrant #6, dated March 23, 2017, in the total amount of $3,081,640.88, the list of manual checks dated March 9 thru March 22, in the total amount of $96,420.00, and the list of online payments dated March 10 thru March 22, in the total amount of $327.84, were accepted, placed on file and approved for payment; action taken by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh. Nays: None.

On motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Walsh, payroll (Estimated

Corporate $1,431,199.15 & Library 827,258.28) was approved for the active employees listed on the printout dated 3-22-17; action taken by the following vote:

Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh.

Nays: None.

By Trustee Banks:

Resolved, that the list of medical claims listed on the printout for the month of February/2017, prepared by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Illinois, in the total amount of $1,278,310.54, be accepted, placed on file and approved for payment.

Which was on motion of Trustee Banks seconded by Trustee Walsh, approved by the following vote:

Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh. Nays: None.

By Trustee Wirruso:

Resolved, that the life and accidental death & dismemberment insurance premium for the month of April/2017, prepared by Dearborn National, in the total amount of $5,136.30, be accepted, placed on file and approved for payment.

Which was on motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Walsh, approved by the following vote:

Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh. Nays: None.

By Trustee Raleigh:

Resolved, that the stop loss insurance policy premium for the month of

April/2017, prepared by Symetra, in the total amount of $27,216.93, be accepted, placed on file and approved for payment.

Which was on motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Garcia, approved by the following vote:

Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh. Nays: None.


On motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Virruso, permission was granted Our Lady of Charity Parish to conduct a religious procession on Good Friday, April 14th, from 12:00 PM on route outlined in their request.

On motion of Trustee Walsh seconded by Trustee Raleigh, permission was granted

Our Lady of Charity Parish to conduct a conduct a carnival, which includes carnival rides, food, alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverage sales, games and music on their parish grounds:

Starting: Thursday May 18th 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Friday May 19th 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Saturday May 20th 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Ending Sunday May 21st 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM


On motion of Trustee Reitz seconded by Trustee Virruso, the Ordinance making appropriations for all corporate purposes for the Town of Cicero, County of Cook, State of Illinois, for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2017, and ending December 31, 2017; (2017 Annual Appropriation Ordinance & Estimate of Revenues by Source - Total Appropriation - All Funds $182, 169,143.00), was accepted, placed on file and approved for passage by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh. Nays: None.

On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Raleigh, the Ordinance vacating portions of certain alleys and a street (as listed in Exhibit "A") and authorizing the Town President to enter into a certain vacation agreement with M & J Asphalt Paving Company Inc. and D-4 Properties, LLC (ouvners/operators of 3113-31 17 S. 61st Cit & 3125 S. 61st Ct), was accepted, placed on file and approved for passage by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Wirruso, Walsh. Nays: None.

The following ordinances granting Zoning are based on recommendations by the Zoning Board of Appeals and leave was given to take the following four ordinances on one roll call:


(“O'” 22-17) 1) 5745 W 35th Street - Parking Variance for a Retail Food, Special Event Storage / Preparation Business ("O' 23-17) 2) 6116 W Cermak Rd - Parking Variance for a Money Transfer & Mail Supply Store ("O' 24-17). 3) 6117 W Cermak Rd - Parking Variance for Massage Services Spa ("O' 25-17) 4) 1419 SAustin Blvd - Special Use Permit & Height Variance for Personal Wireless Telecommunications

Which four ordinances relative to zoning were on motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Banks, approved for passage by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh.

Nays: None.


On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Raleigh, the Resolution granting an application for a filling station license (3737 S. Cicero Avenue) for the Town of Cicero, was accepted, placed on file and approved for adoption by the following vote:

Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh.

Nays: None.

On motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Reitz, the Resolution authorizing the sale of certain real property located at 4716 W. 12th Place (Francisco & Fidel Ortega, Buyer, purchase price of $7,500.00), was accepted, placed on file and approved for adoption by the following vote:

Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh. Nays: None.

On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Raleigh, the Resolution authorizing and approving the settlement of litigation and the execution of a settlement agreement in the case of E. Perez v Town of Cicero, (Case No 2016 WC 017577), was accepted, placed on file and approved for adoption by the following vote:

Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh.

Nays: None.

New Business

On motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Garcia, the Board concurred with the recommendation of the Police & Fire Commission for the following promotions in the Cicero Fire Department:

Name Position Jeffrey M. Penzkoffer Assistant Fire Chief Michael O. Laria Lieutenant James C. Guido Engineer

Action taken by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh.

Nays: None.

Fire Chief Dominick Buscemi administered the oath of office to newly promoted Assistant Fire Chief Jeffrey M. Penzkoffer, Lieutenant Michael O. Laria and Engineer Jamey C. Guido.

President Dominick opened the meeting to the public for their comments.

On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Raleigh, the board adjourned at 10:45 A.M. to meet in Executive Session.

On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Raleigh, the board reconvened at 11:45 A.M. to Open Session.

On motion of Trustee Raleigh seconded by Trustee Garcia, the minutes of the Executive Session held Tuesday, March 14, 2017, were accepted and approved.

On motion of Trustee Reitz seconded by Trustee Virruso, the town attorney was authorized to negotiate a settlement per terms discussed in Executive Session relative to Agenda Item #12-A: "A Sanchez v. Town of Cicero"; action taken by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh. Nays: None.

On motion of Trustee Reitz seconded by Trustee Garcia, the town attorney was authorized to negotiate a settlement per terms discussed in Executive Session relative to Agenda Item #12-B: "La Playita v. Town of Cicero"; action taken by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh. Nays: None.

On motion of Trustee Reitz seconded by Trustee Virruso, the town attorney was authorized to retain Attorney Craig Tobin of Tobin & Munoz, LLC as special counsel to indemnify the Town and/or official(s) pursuant Section 2-101 of the town code as discussed in Executive Session relative to Agenda Item #12-C; action taken by the following vote: Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh. Nays: None.

On motion of Trustee Reitz seconded by Trustee Garcia, the Project Manager was authorized to proceed and order appraisal as discussed in Executive Session relative to Agenda Item #12-D; action taken by the following vote:

Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh. Nays: None.

On motion of Trustee Reitz seconded by Trustee Garcia, the Project Manager was authorized to proceed and order appraisal as discussed in Executive Session relative to Agenda Item #12-E; action taken by the following vote:

Ayes: Banks, Cundari, Garcia, Raleigh, Reitz, Virruso, Walsh. Nays: None.

Executive Session Agenda Item #12-F was for informational purposes only.

No discussion was held relative to Executive Session Agenda Item #12-G.

On motion of Trustee Virruso seconded by Trustee Garcia, the board then stood adjourned at 11:47 A.M. to meet on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 10:00 A.M., in the Town Hall, Town of Cicero.
