
West Cook News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

River Forest Village Board discusses talks with WideOpenWest

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At a recent meeting, the River Forest Village Board discussed talks with cable provider WideOpenWest to allow them to build infrastructure in the village.

The River Forest Village Board of Trustees is the legislative and policy-making body of the village. It includes the village president and six trustees.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.


A regular meeting of the Village of River Forest Board of Trustees was held on Monday, September 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room of Village Hall, 400 Park Avenue, River Forest, 1L.


The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. Upon roll call, the following persons were:

Present: President Adduci, Trustees Conti, Corsini, Cargie, Colwell-Steinke, and Gibbs Absent: Trustee Dwyer Also Present: Village Clerk Sharon Halperin, Village Administrator Eric Palm, Assistant Village Administrator Lisa Scheiner, Police Chief Greg Weiss, Deputy Fire Chief Kurt Bohlmann, Public Works Director John Anderson, Management Intern Jonathan Pape, Village Attorneys Lance Malina and Greg Smith.


President Adduci led the pledge of allegiance.



Trustee Corsini thanked the Police and Fire Departments for conducting a September 11, 2016 memorial ceremony. She stated she attended the Lemon Aide fundraiser. Trustee Corsini thanked staff for the additional information regarding development provided in the building report.

Trustee Cargie stated that his wife attended Lemon Aide and she reported that it was well attended.

President Adduci stated that she had the privilege of welcoming guests to the Lemon Aide event on behalf of the Village Board of Trustees. She said she received a thank you note from Mark Witt regarding the honorary street sign recognizing the anniversary of the 700 block of William.


a. Village Board Regular Meeting Minutes - August 22, 2016 b. Village Attorney Invoice - July 2016 - $10,622.05 c. Monthly Department Reports d. Monthly Performance Measurement Report e. Village Administrator's Report

Trustee Cargie made a motion, seconded by Trustee Colwell-Steinke, to approve the Consent Agenda.

Trustee Corsini noted that a revised copy of the minutes had been provided. President Adduci stated one change involved a misspelled name and the other change involved moving comments from one section to another.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Conti, Gibbs, Corsini, Colwell-Steinke, and Cargie Absent: Trustee Dwyer Nays: None

Motion Passes.


Trustee Corsini noted a Finance Committee meeting will take place within the next two weeks. She stated that a review the audit report is on the agenda.



a. Approval of Plat of Subdivision - 7355 Greenfield Street (Subject to Demolition of the

Existing Home)

Trustee Corsini made a motion, seconded by Trustee Conti, to approve the Plat of Subdivision at 7355 Greenfield Street as proposed subject to demolition of the existing home and a requirement that the application for a final plat of subdivision must be completed within one year of approval.

In response to a question from Trustee Corsini, Assistant Village Administrator Scheiner stated anything built on the property would have to conform to current zoning regulations. The owners of the lot stated that a private individual purchased the lots and noted that the demolition permit has not been issued by the County.

Trustee Corsini commented that the lot is located within the Priory and she hopes that all flooding issues have been resolved. President Adduci noted that the grading ordinance would be utilized to address the flooding issues.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Conti, Gibbs, Corsini, Colwell-Steinke, and Cargie Absent: Trustee Dwyer Nays: None

Motion Passes.

b. Authorize the Sale of Real Estate Pursuant to 65 1LCS 5/11-76-2 (Nine Feet of Property Located in the rear of 117 Ashland) & Authorize the Village President and Village Clerk to Execute a Quit Claim Deed to Transfer the Property - Ordinance

Village Administrator opened the sealed bid that was submitted and stated that it was submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Toobin of 117 Ashland in the amount of $25.00.

Trustee Corsini made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steinke, to adopt an Ordinance authorizing the sale of real estate pursuant to 65 1LCS 5/11-76-2 - a portion of 117 Ashland; and, authorizing the Village President and Village Clerk to Execute a Quit Claim Deed to Transfer the Property.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Conti, Gibbs, Corsini, Colwell-Steinke, and Cargie Absent: Trustee Dwyer Nays: None

Motion Passes.

c. Award Contract for Public Improvement Work at 7820 Madison Street to Alliance

Contractors for $141,651.79

Village Administrator Palm stated that when The Promenade townhome development was approved there was an interest expressed by the Village to extend the streetscape improvements on Madison Street to the development. He noted that there was no interest by the developer to pay for the improvements. He described the process and stated that the cost seemed high for one block. He discussed the options outlined in his memo and recommended that the Village wait there are better economies of scale. Village Administrator Palm stated that the Village Attorney suggested that the Board could adopt an inducement resolution that commit funds out of the TIP district in advance, even though the TIP won't be in place until November. He explained that the General Fund would cover the cost of the improvements and be reimbursed at a later date. He noted that no final action could be taken on a resolution since it is not on the agenda.

Trustee Conti questioned how improvements would on the Forest Park side of Madison Street. President Adduci noted that there is a graveyard on the Forest Park side. In response to a question from Trustee Corsini, Public Works Director Anderson stated the improvement work involves the curb, sidewalk, and street lights. Village Administrator Palm confirmed that the median is not included in the work. He noted that the street lights are a significant portion of the expense.

In response to a question from President Adduci, Village Administrator Palm stated the area for the improvements is from the train tracks to Forest.

There was a brief discussion regarding the expense. There was a suggestion to consider it later if a more comprehensive plan is available rather than doing it piece-meal. President Adduci stated that it doesn't make sense to end the streetscaping at Forest. Village Administrator Palm stated that over the 23 year life of the TIF the Village would be likely to take the improvements to Thatcher and that the Board will decide on the timing. Trustee Corsini stated it is expensive whether it is paid out of the General Fund or TIF funds and that she is inclined to drop this and consider doing it in its entirely down the road. In response to a question from President Adduci, Village Administrator Palm stated the cleanest thing to do is to wait. Trustee Cargie noted that mobilization costs are a quarter of the cost of the work and it makes sense to wait and do several blocks together.

Trustee Corsini stated that the existing area is not in disrepair. Village Administrator Palm stated that any sidewalks or areas in need of repair will addressed.

In response to a question from Trustee Conti, Village Administrator Palm stated street lights and utility issues downline may drive up the cost. In response to a question Trustee Corsini, Village Administrator Palm stated that grant funds could be available for streetscaping in the TIF district.

President Adduci stated that it is reasonable to wait to perform the streetscaping and it would be nice to see the streetscape go all the way to Thatcher.

d. Update: License Agreement with WideOpenWest

Village Administrator Palm stated WideOpenWest (WOW) is a cable company that has systems primarily in the northwest suburbs but are in the south suburbs as well. He noted that they have been contracted by Verizon to run fiber and small cell antennae through various communities to expand data coverage. He said that WOW approached the Village earlier in the year. He noted that other utilities have a franchise agreement with the Village which provides the utility companies the ability to use the Village's right of way and the Village receives revenue in return. Village Administrator Palm stated when WOW first approached the Village, the Village treated the request like a cell phone tower and gave them a dollar amount which they felt was too high. He noted that there have been issues with Nicor and the Village wants to ensure the revenue is adequate to cover any expenses that result from another agreement. He reported that staff had other discussions with WOW regarding running dark fiber for the community that would connect Public Works, Village Hall and Pump Station as well as connecting Roosevelt, Lincoln, and Willard school buildings. He discussed the benefits, the plan, and the value to the Village as well as to the community. He said negotiations are in progress and he is hoping to have a final agreement by late September/early October.

Trustee Cargie questioned whether WOW would walk away if the Village went with a traditional approach. Village Administrator Palm stated the Village and WOW were far apart on a revenue agreement. He added that the fiber will be deeded to the Village and the Village will likely deed a portion to the school district and there would be no leasing charges involved.

President Adduci stated utilities lines are more reliable in the ground.

In response to a question from President Adduci, Village Administrator Palm stated the library will not be included initially because it's only one building with nothing to connect to. In response to a question from Trustee Corsini, Village Administrator Palm stated the District 90 building would be included in the connection with the schools.

Jn response to a question from Village Clerk Halperin, Village Administrator Palm stated that some of the fiber is aerial but most will use existing AT&T ducts or underground boring. In response to a follow up question from Village Clerk Halperin, Village Administrator Palm stated no boxes will be installed like those installed by AT&T and added that the worst we will see are small antenna on some utility poles. In response to a question from Trustee Corsini, Village Administrator Palm stated construction will not be as intrusive as we have seen in recent memory and should consist of mostly directional boring. He said WOW has come in with some plans and the Village has a telecomm expert reviewing it.

In response to questions from Trustee Conti, Village Administrator Palm stated that WOW is a cable company and that other fiber companies have approached the Village and the School District. He noted this will set somewhat of a precedent which is why the Village is trying to get something for it. He added that some towns are just signing off on the permit. He explained the history of WOW and what they're currently doing.

Trustee Corsini questioned how this would compete with the AT&T Lightspeed. Village Administrator Palm said he is not certain what AT&T's reach is within the Village. He explained some additional history of AT&T cable.

President Adduci stated fiber is the most reliable internet cable available. Village Administrator Palm noted that many places are moving away from TI lines. He indicated that there will be the ability to rely on one main connection with a back-up at Village Hall and one ISP for the Village. He estimated that the school should save $20,000 to $25,000 per year in leasing costs.



Trustee Cargie made a motion seconded by Trustee Conti, to adjourn the regular Village Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:34 p.m.

Roll call:

Ayes: Trustees Conti, Gibbs, Corsini, Colwell-Steinke, and Cargie Absent: Trustee Dwyer Nays: None

Motion Passes.

Sharon Halperin, Village Clerk