At a recent meeting, the Westchester Library Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole discussed library renovation plans.
Below is the agenda for this meeting, as provided by the committee.
JUNE 13, 2016 WESTCHESTER, IL 60154
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Call to Order and Roll Call. President Cathy Kuratko called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
Present: President Cathy Kuratko, Vice President John Lamberti, Treasurer Gerald Chenski, Secretary Demitrus Evans, Trustee Sandra Trojak-Laszkiewicz and Trustee Heather Susnik (arrived at 7:05 PM). Absent: Trustee Jenice Hampton.
Also present: Assistant Director Bonnie Schwanz and Business Manager Allison Muzal
3. Public Comment-None
4. Discussion Items
A. Assistant Director Schwanz gave a summary of Final Expenses for Roofing Project
B. Review Policies
6.7 Americans with Disabilities Act, -no change
6.11 Grievance, -no change
6.12 Illegal Drugs and Alcohol/Drug Free Workplace, -Decided for changes to paragraph 1 for clarity
6.14 Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act -no change
6.16 Special Gifts, Donations or Gratuities and -no change
6.19 Political Activity -no change
C. Library improvement ideas –Staff still interviewing designers, no movement on the HVAC, hired the construction manager, back office deciding color scheme with architect, children’s stair case project on hold.
D. Annual resolution, no wage update by DOL since July, 2015, establishing prevailing rate of wages, Resolution #2016-02.
E. Budget amendment - We are reducing wages budget and increasing equipment purchases. Expecting changes to health care, next meeting will vote on budget amendment.
5. Unfinished Business -None
6. Public Comment –No comments
7. Board Member Comment – receiving positive community comments, Trustee Heather Susnik will be absent for next meeting
8. Adjournment - At 7:28 PM President Kuratko motioned to adjourn, second by Trustee Laszkiewicz, 6 aye, 0 nay, 1 absent.
Submitted by Demitrus Evans, Secretary, Westchester Public Library Board of Trustees