Brookfield Village President Michael J. Garvey | Riverside Brookfield Landmark
Brookfield Village President Michael J. Garvey | Riverside Brookfield Landmark
Village of Brookfield Conservation Commission met Feb. 25
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Reports
1. Chair
2. Staff Update
3. Trustee Liaison
V. Old Business
1. South Kiwanis Park Planning Update
2. Planning for Earth Day Event at the Library
VI. New Business
1. Wyatt Widmer and Kevin Leodinh Sign Oaths of Reappointment to the Conservation Commission, Terms to Expire Feb. 14, 2028
2. 2025 Sustainability Planning
3. Workday Scheduling
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Adjournment