
West Cook News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Cicero School District 99 Board of Education met Jan. 11

Cicero School District 99 Board of Education met Jan. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. The meeting was called to order by President Tomschin at 6:30 p.m.

II. Roll call was conducted and the following members were recorded present: President Tomschin, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi and Moreno. Absent: Vice-President Dominick and Member Segura.

III. A quorum was established.

IV. The pledge to the flag was recited.

Vice-President Dominick and Member Segura arrived at 6:31 p.m.

Dr. Calderin introduced Ms. Joanna Lago, Principal of Sherlock School. Ms. Lago welcomed the Board and thanked them and the district for their support. She noted that there were many reasons to celebrate. They made it a point to increase their family engagement this year and said that over 100 parents have to come to every “coffee with the principal” in monthly classroom visits. She also acknowledged Ms. Joy Sell, a First Grade Teacher, who achieved National Board Certification.

Also celebrated the partnership with the National Museum of Mexican Art and the CASA Program. She introduced the Folkloric Dance Group and they performed a dance routine for the audience.

Dr. Calderin gave a special thank you to the parents for coming out and allowing their children to perform for them. He noted it was a great partnership with the museums and Ms. Lago. He congratulated Ms. Sell and thanked her for her dedication and said he looked forward to having her help the students improve their outcomes.

V. Superintendent’s Report

Dr. Calderin noted that the following reports were placed in each Board Member’s packet. He asked them if they had any questions. They indicated none.

A. Informational Items

1. Monthly Board Report

2. Freedom of Information Act requests

3. Enrollment Report

4. Suspension Report

5. Security Report

Dr. Calderin introduced Ms. Kalyvas, for presentation of this month’s recipient of District 99’s Very Own Award.

6. Ms. Kalyvas presented this month’s recipient:

 Megan O’Malley, Special Education Program Supervisor at Goodwin School Mr. O’Malley received a pin and a certificate acknowledging her as one of District 99’s very own. There was a PowerPoint presentation highlighting Ms. O’Malley. Dr. Calderin congratulated Ms. O’Malley for being this month’s recipient.

7. Dr. Calderin acknowledged and congratulated this year’s recipients of the Daniel Murphy Scholarship Award as of this point. He noted this award will provide a 4-year scholarship to the high school of her choice.

 Gloria Garcia Gutierrez, applied at Cristo Rey High School.

 Enrique Mondragon Arenas, applied at St. Ignatius College Prep

 Rayshawn Hamler, applied at St. Ignatius College Prep

 Ricardo Garcia Chavez, applied at Fenwick High School.

This special award will cover all tuition fees, provided that they are accepted into the school and complete their required status with the school.

8. Treasurer’s Report – Ms. Ewa Klis, Manager of Business Affairs. She briefed them on the revenues, expenditures and monthly expenses. She indicated that as of December 5, 2022, the state owed the district $ 3,286,411.22. She asked them if they had any questions. They indicated none.

9. Departmental Updates

Dr. Calderin, Superintendent, reported the following updates:

 As reported last month, a survey was sent to the community regarding the strategic plan. He briefed on the results regarding the four goals being Communication, Assessment, Foundational Skills and Well-Being and the resources being offered to meet the goals.

He also said they would continue to increase the communications and process the goals of the strategic plan as we look to improve the district. 

Dr. Mary Mycyk, Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services, provided the following updates:

 Elementary Winter Band Concerts were a huge success. The next concert will be at Unity on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

Fun Fact: 479 students enrolled in band district-wide.

o 365 elementary students

o 114 Unity students

 Enrollment Update

o Current Enrollment: 8905.

o Kindergarten Enrollment: 826.

 Other Educational Highlights

o As of today, 1,663 classroom visits with feedback were conducted, with 46% of goal met.

o Teacher Feedback – 96% of teacher indicted the feedback has impacted their professional practice

She asked if they had any questions, they indicated none.

Ms. Elisabeth Nealon, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, reported the following updates:

 Care Solace Utilization

o She reported that the program continued to provide supports to all staff, students and District 99 families through case management and by providing case management for mental health services.

o Key performance Indicators included the following: 

Inbound Interactions 2,122, Family-initiated cases 27, communications 13,869, anonymous cases 108, referrals 299 and appointments into care 185.

 D99 Special Education Advisory Council will have the first meeting on January 31, 2023, 9:00 a.m. at Cicero West School.

 Unity’s Special Olympics basketball team will compete in the Regional’s Special Olympics Basketball Tournament on January 9, 2023.

She asked the Board if they had any questions. They indicated none.

Mr. Bryan Snyder, Chief Information Officer, provided the following updates:

 VoIP Cloud Project

o Phase I – Planning and design has been completed.

o Phase II – Implementation is now 95% complete.

o Phase III - Cutover and testing will begin in a phased approach, by building, once the implementation phase has been completed.

o Phase IV – Handoff and completion scheduled for January 31, 2023.

He asked the Board if they had any questions. They indicated none.

Ms. Rita Tarullo, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs/CFO/CSBO, provided the following updates:

 ISBE Review for Food services was confirmed for February 27-March 3, 2023.

 Bottle filler water fountains have been received for various school sits. The installations started today at the EC Center.

 Roosevelt Fence Project is in process and set to tentatively start during spring break.

 W2-s are being processed for employees and will be available for them to access in their employee portal.

 Security worked with technology to add district cameras to new physical server. This will improve quality and processing of videos.

 Transportation has been able to consolidate routes from 45 to 41 providing a cost savings to the district.

She asked the Board if they had any questions, they indicated none.

VI. Other Reports

A. Construction Report – Mike Murphy, CCS International, Inc., presented a PowerPoint and provided the following updates on various construction projects.

Unity Turf

 Exterior Works: Curb concrete forming and placement is in completion.

 Interior Work continue to be ongoing.

 Risks/Resolutions:

o Turf installation continued to be planned for spring 2023.

Unity Junior High School HVAC

 The bidding has been completed with contractor award in their packet for their approval.

o The equipment has been purchased through the pre-purchase program.

o Construction start was being planned by the contractor, Vision Construction.

Unity Junior High Roofing Project

 In the bidding phase with Mechanical and Electric Re-Bid opening scheduled for January 12, 2023.

 Lincoln Chiller

 In the bidding phase with Structural Steel Re-Bid opening scheduled for January 12, 2023.

 Chiller has been purchased thru the pre-purchase program. The current delivery date from the manufacture is August 14, 2023, pushing the project to start in the late fall of 2023.

Projects in Close-Out

 All multi-site Roofing Projects, Roosevelt, Cicero West RTU & Lincoln Gym and Sensory. Roosevelt Elementary (Open Items Status)

 Parking lot resurfacing and re-stripe is scheduled for spring 2023.

 Fencing is on hold until new generator arrives during spring break.

 Minor punch list and commissioning activities continue to be ongoing.

 Risks/Resolutions:

o None were apparent.

Multi-Site Roofing

 All four buildings were completed and closed-out.

 Risks/Resolutions:

o None were apparent.

Unity Junior High School Canopy Sprinkler Replacement

 Minor punch list work continued to be in progress.

Multi-Site HVAC

 Multi-Site HVAC Projects continued to be out of public areas.

Multi-Site Playgrounds

 Roosevelt, Goodwin and Cicero West were completed.

 Columbus West – MWRD Permit pending.

Capital Planning

 FGM Capital Improvement Plan is complete and being used for implementation planning.

On-Call/Emergency Services Trades

 Fencing award – public bid process scheduled in mid-January 2023.

 Elevator Consultant – contract is with recommended consultant, VDA, for their review and execution.

Mr. Murphy asked the Board if they had any questions. They indicated none.

VII. Correspondence

Secretary Terracino read a note from Dr. Calderin, thanking the Board for the get well flowers he received.

It was moved by Secretary Terracino and seconded by Member Couch to accept the correspondence and place on file. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Vice-President Dominick, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi, Moreno and Segura. Nays:

None. Motion carried.

VIII. Comments from the audience via conference call or in person.

A parent in the audience commented that he has two kids in the district. He noted that in his opinion, the Board of Education is doing great and said not to take his comments personal. He said that the website does not have any information on sustainability and said it was time to make a change. He noted that there are many programs available to the district for funding like solar energy that could create savings for the district. He noted that the district has a lot on their plate, but he felt that the district should have a sustainability plan in place.

IX. Board Moved To Executive Session

It was moved by Vice-President Dominick and seconded by Member Moreno to adjourn into Executive Session at 7:02 p.m. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Vice-President Dominick, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi, Moreno and Segura. Nays: None. Motion carried.


A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

B. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2).

C. The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5).

D. Security procedures, school building safety and security, and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public, or public property. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8).

E. Student Disciplinary cases 5ILCS 120/2(c)(9).

F. Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).

X. Adjourned From Executive Session

It was moved by Secretary Terracino and seconded by Member Segura to adjourn from Executive Session at 7:43 p.m. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Vice-President Dominick, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi, Moreno and Segura. Nays: None. Motion carried.

XI. Reconvened To Open Session

It was moved by Member Manouzi and seconded by Member Moreno to reconvene to Open Session at 7:48 p.m. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Vice-President Dominick, Secretary Terracino. Members Couch, Manouzi, Moreno and Segura. Nays: None. Motion carried.

XII. Action as a result of Executive Session if necessary

There was none presented.

XIII. Consent Agenda

President Tomschin asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda as noted below.

A. Approval of Minutes

1. Public Hearing on 2022 Tax Levy December 14, 2022

2. Regular Meeting Open Session December 14, 2022

3. Regular Meeting Closed Session December 14, 2022

B. Approval of Payrolls:

C. Approval of Bills:

D. Miscellaneous Monies

E. Approval of Purchase Orders over $ 25,0000.00

8. Fulcrum Mgmt. Solutions Subscription Renewal $ 26,460.00

F. Approval to go out to bid for a 5-year lease of new buses as part of approved leasing plan for the 2023-2024 school year

G. Approval to go out to bid for Milk Services for the 2023-2024 school year

H. Approval to go out to bid for Paper Supplies for the 2023-2024 school year

I. Approval to negotiate Food Service Contract Renewal with Open Kitchens for the 2023-2024 school year

J. Approval to negotiate Student Transportation Contract Renewal with Grand Prairie for the 2023-2024 school year

K. Approval of Aspire (Morton Private Wealth Strategies, Inc. Advisors/Raymond James) as an additional 403(b) Investment Vendor

L. Approval of Third Party custodian Agreement for Collateralized Municipal Deposits with BMO Harris

M. Approval of Bid Recommendations for the Roofing Project at Unity Junior High School

N. Approval of Bid Recommendations for the Chiller Replacement Project at Lincoln School

O. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between Cicero School District 99 and Northeastern Illinois University for the provision of 21st Century Community Learning Centers

P. Approval of Affiliation Agreement between Cicero School District 99 and Marquette University for the provision of Student Teaching/Clinical Field Experiences in Speech Pathology and Audiology beginning January 11, 2023 and ending on January 10, 2028

Q. Second Reading and approval of proposed revised policies: 2:100, 2:105, 2:150, 2:210, 2:250, 2:265, 3:10, 4:10, 4:55, 4:140, 4:165, 5:120, 5:20, 5:170, 5:190, 5:220, 5:250, 5:260, 5:280, 5:320, 5:330, 6:15, 6:20, 6:60, 6:65, 6:130, 6:250, 6:255, 6:260, 6:270, 6:340, 7:50, 7:70, 7:100, 7:180, 7:250, 7:285, 7:290 and 7:340

R. Waiver of First Reading and approval to adopt revised policy 6:50 School Wellness

S. Approval of Staff Travel for Conference Attendance

1. Leticia Brandt, Executive Director of Data Systems and Assessments and Dominique McBride, Data and Assessment Coordinator, 2023 National PowerSchool User Group (PSUG) Event, on March 20-23, 2023, in Las Vegas, Nevada

It was moved by Vice-President Dominick and seconded by Secretary Terracino to approve the Consent Agenda Items A through S as discussed in Executive Session and noted. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Vice-President Dominick, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi, Moreno and Segura. Nays: None. Motion carried.

XIV. Approval of Termination of Employee Victor Barron

It was moved by Vice-President Dominick and seconded by Member Moreno to approve the Termination of Employee Victor Barron. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Vice-President Dominick, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi, Moreno and Segura. Nays: None. Motion carried.

President Tomschin requested approved of the Personnel Report as discussed in executive session.

XV. Personnel Report

A. Certified Staff

1. Employment

Giavanna Caliendo, Special Education 2-4 Instructional Teacher, Lincoln School 

Emily Long, Special Education Structured Teacher, Cicero West School, pending medical and background verifications.

2. Resignations Rachel Esposito, Teacher, Unity Jr. High School, effective December 28, 2022 Maureen Faydash, Social Worker, Lincoln School, effective January 10, 2023

3. Other

a. Approval of amended contract for Monique Abbate, Director of Athletics and Activities

b. Approval of amended contract for Jack Rein, Director of MTSS

c. Approval of a Leave of Absence for Nicole C. LaRocco from December 22, 2022 through March 9, 2023

d. Approval of a Leave of Absence for Jessica Martinez, from March 6, 2023 through May 12, 2023

e. Approval of a Leave of Absence for Alyssa Scott from January 18, 2023 through February 8, 2023

f. Approval of a Leave of Absence for Barbara Spain from January 9, 2023 through March 10, 2023

B. Non-Certified Staff

1. Employment

Isabel Arellano, Phone Caller, Columbus West School

Livier Barraza, Substitute Custodian, District

Noah Bernklau, Substitute Custodian, District

Diana Estrada, Special Education Program Assistant, District

Gustavo Gonzalez, Resource Officer, District

Victor Gonzalez, Special Education Program Assistant, District, pending medical verification

Alexandra Gutierrez, Special Education Program Assistant, District, pending medical and background verifications

Yesenia Iniguez, Special Education Program Assistant, District, pending medical and background verifications.

Venisha Love, Data Analyst, District

Anayeli Mendez-Santiago, Lunchroom Supervisor, Lincoln School

Eric Vasquez, Substitute Custodian, District

Gustavo Vega, Painter, District

2. Resignations

Giavanna Caliendo, Special Education Program Assistant, effective January 11, 2023 

Karla Camarena, Substitute Custodian, District, effective November 28, 2022 

Diana Estrada, Lunchroom Supervisor, Columbus West School, effective January 13, 2023

Gina Estrada, Spec. Ed. Program Assistant, Columbus East School, effective January 6, 2023

Kevin Kraus, Spec. Ed. Program Assistant, Unity Jr. High School, effective December 22, 2022

Samantha Rodriguez, Spec. Ed. Program Assistant, Drexel School, effective December 20, 2022

3. Other

C. FMLA Requests

#5306, December 5, 2022 through December 4, 2023 (intermittent)

#1441, October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 (intermittent)

#2497, November 30, 2022 through March 8, 2023

#5848, December 5, 2022 through February 10, 2023

#5133, November 9, 2022 through February 14, 2023

#6123, November 7, 2022 through February 5, 2023 (intermittent)

#3856, December 5, 2022 through March 10, 2023

It was moved by Secretary Terracino and seconded by Vice-President Dominick to approve the Personnel Report as discussed in executive session. Roll call: Yeas:

President Tomschin, Vice-President Dominick, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi, Moreno and Segura. Nays: None. Motion carried.

XVI. Student Discipline Disposition

A. Student Number 990025501 shall be expelled for the remaining of the 2022-2023 academic school year. That said expulsion will be held in abeyance pending the successful completion of a program at Menta Academy.

It was moved by Member Moreno and seconded by Vice-President Dominick to approve the Student Discipline Disposition that was considered by the Board of Education as discussed in executive session as noted. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Vice-President Dominick, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi, Moreno and Segura. Nays: None. Motion carried.

XVII. Old Business

There was none to report.

XVIII. Informational Items

President Tomschin announced the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on February 8, 2023, 6:30 p.m. at Columbus West School. He thanked the staff at Sherlock and the families and students for an amazing performance this evening.

He the District 99 family a very happy new year.

XIX. Adjournment

It was moved by Vice-President Dominick and seconded by Member Segura to adjourn from Open Session at 7:50 p.m. Roll call: Yeas: President Tomschin, Vice-President Dominick, Secretary Terracino, Members Couch, Manouzi, Moreno and Segura. Nays: None. Motion carried.




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