
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Franklin Park Zoning Board of Appeals met July 6

Village of Franklin Park Zoning Board of Appeals met July 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. The regularly scheduled meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. A quorum was present. Rhonda Santana, Kathy Mennella, Frank Grieashamer, Jenny Corral, Wayne Bernacki, Chairman Mark Cwik, Lisa Manzo (Secretary), Joseph Montana (Village Attorney), Ryan Adriatico (Village Planner), Rudy Repa (Village Planner, Nick Walny (Village Planner) and John Schneider (Director of Community Development). Absent: Bruce Boreson,.

3. Member Grieashamer made a motion to accept the minutes of June 1, 2022. The motion was seconded by Member Mennella and approved to place them on file as presented.

4. Old Business: None

5. New Business: ZBA 22-08

Franky’s Red Hots

10000 Grand Avenue

12-28-131, 022, 024, 025, 026, 027, 034-0000

Chairman Cwik stated that this hearing is for a Conditional Use seeking a drive-thru at a permitted use (restaurant) in the C-3, General Commercial District per Section 9-5C 3 of the Franklin Park Zoning Code.

Chairman Cwik called the petitioners up at this time. He asked the petitioners to sign in and be sworn in. Mr. Frank Spano and Mrs. Maria Spano, petitioners, came forward. They signed in and were sworn in.

Mrs Spano distributed menus from Franky’s Red Hots to all the members at this time. Member Grieashamer stated that they be entered into the record as Exhibit A.

Mr. Spano began his presentation at this time. He gave some background on their family business. He stated that they have been in the food business since 1982. They currently have two other locations, one in Addison (for 26 years) and one in St. Charles (for over 7 years). They have a fast food business and serve hot dogs, gyros, burgers, beef, pizza, pasta and much more. They are here this evening to request a Conditional Use for the drive-thru at the 10000 Grand location.

Mr Spano continued that they plan to lease the property for three five year terms with an option to purchase the property. Hours of operation are from 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 10 a.m. – 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

Chairman Cwik opened this hearing to the public at this time. Chairman Cwik stated that since no public came forward, he closed public session.

Board Discussion began at 7:08 p.m.

There was some discussion regarding this hearing. The members asked if there were going to be any special events at the site which would cause overflow traffic at that corner. The petitioners stated that they will not have any special events in the parking lot. There was also discussion in regard to sufficient parking. Mr. Repa stated that they have met the parking requirement and that would not be an issue.

Board Discussion ended at 7:10 p.m.

Member Grieashamer made a motion to “approve ZBA 22-08 for 10000 Grand Avenue for a Conditional Use seeking a drive-thru at a permitted use (restaurant) in the C-3, General Commercial District per Section 9-5C-3 of the Franklin Park Zoning Code with the following conditions: 1. That the applicant maintain the required screening on the north property line, 2. That this proposed use complies with all Village regulations at all times.” Member Mennella seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote. Member Corral Yes; Member Bernacki-Yes; Member Boreson-Absent; Member Grieashamer-Yes; Member Mennella-Yes; Chairman Cwik-Yes; Member Santana-Yes. Six (6) Ayes, Zero (0) Nays, One (1) Absent, Zero (0) Abstain. The motion was carried.

Chairman Cwik reminded the applicant that this is a recommending body and all final decisions will be made by the Village Board of Trustees.

Chairman Cwik thanked everyone for attending this evening.

6. New Business: ZBA 22-09

W.E.B. Production & Fabricating, Inc.

10359 Franklin Avenue


Chairman Cwik stated that this hearing is for a Conditional Use for a “small metal products, design, fabricating and manufacturing” facility in the C-M, Commercial Manufacturing District per Village Code Section 9-5D-3 of the Franklin Park Zoning Code.

Chairman Cwik called the petitioners up at this time. He asked the petitioners to sign in and be sworn in. Mr. David Kendziera Mrs. Maureen Kendziera, petitioners, came forward. They signed in and were sworn in.

Mr. Kendziera began their presentation at this time. He gave some background on their company. He began by stating that they have a metals fabrication shop specializing in OEM parts, hand railings, and custom fabrication. They fabricate the products used by funeral homes throughout the country. They fabricate custom angles, railings, davits, small custom platforms, custom frames and other OEM assemblies. He continued that they are also an AISC certified structural steel erector. They have been in business since 1993 and have been in Chicago for 27 years. Their building was sold and now they had to find another location.

Mr. Kendziera added that are excited to move to Franklin Park. They will be good neighbors. They only have two (2) trucks that will be parked on site or in the building. They will have shipments come to the site approximately twice a week. There will be no stamping and no loud machinery. They send out the materials to be painted. Their hours of operation will be Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and if they are busy they will work on Saturday in house only from 7:00 a.m. to Noon.

Mr. Kenziera stated that they will have between 4-6 employees in the building, however they have 30-40 erectors that go directly out to the job sites. They will not be at the Franklin Park location. Discussion was had regarding parking, and staff confirmed that they have met the parking requirement.

Chairman Cwik opened this hearing to the public at this time. Chairman Cwik stated that since no public came forward, he closed public session.

Board Discussion began at 7:28 p.m.

There was some discussion regarding this hearing. Member Grieashamer added that conditions should be in place so that there be no outside storage of materials or raw product outside, and that there be no parking of employee or company vehicles on the street.

Board Discussion ended at 7:30 p.m.

Member Grieashamer made a motion to “approve ZBA 22-09 for 10359 Franklin Avenue for a Conditional Use for a “small metal products, design, fabricating and manufacturing” facility in the C-M, Commercial Manufacturing District per Village Code Section 9-5D-3 of the Franklin Park Zoning Code with the following conditions: 1. That all barbed wire shall be removed from the property; 2. That there be no outside storage of materials or raw product; 3. That there be no parking of employee or company vehicles on the street; 4. That this proposed use complies with all Village regulations at all times.” Member Mennella seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote. Member Corral-Yes; Member Bernacki-Yes; Member Boreson-Absent; Member Grieashamer-Yes; Member Mennella-Yes; Chairman Cwik-Yes; Member Santana

Yes. Six (6) Ayes, Zero (0) Nays, One (1) Absent, Zero (0) Abstain. The motion was carried.

Chairman Cwik reminded the applicant that this is a recommending body and all final decisions will be made by the Village Board of Trustees.

Chairman Cwik thanked everyone for attending this evening.

7. New Business: ZBA 22-10

Subdivision of Property - Village of Franklin Park 10500 Grand Avenue

12-29-203-050, 051-0000

Chairman Cwik stated that this hearing is for a Subdivision of property containing two PINS (12-29-203-050-0000 and 12-29-203-051-0000) into Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 of the Grand-Resurrection Subdivision for the property commonly known as 10500 Grand Avenue.

Chairman Cwik called the petitioner up at this time. He asked the petitioner to sign in and be sworn in. Mr. Ryan Adriatico, petitioner, came forward. He signed in and was sworn in.

Mr. Adriatico began his presentation at this time. He stated this hearing is to request a subdivision of the property for marketing purposes and to meet the MWRD requirements. This subdivision is being proposed to support the proposed redevelopment plans occurring at this commercial development at this time. The proposal is to subdivide the lots into three (3) parcels with easements for public utilities, improved storm water management facilities and the dedication of a public road for ingress and egress.

Chairman Cwik opened this hearing to the public at this time. Chairman Cwik stated that since no public came forward, he closed public session.

Board Discussion began at 7:34 p.m.

The members concurred that this was a straight forward case.

Board Discussion ended at 7:36 p.m.

Member Grieashamer made a motion to “approve ZBA 22-10 for a Subdivision of property containing two PINS (12-29-203-050-0000 and 12-29-203-051-0000) into Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 of the Grand-Resurrection Subdivision for the property commonly known as 10500 Grand Avenue.” Member Mennella seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote. Member Corral-Yes; Member Bernacki-Yes; Member Boreson-Absent; Member Grieashamer-Yes; Member Mennella-Yes; Chairman Cwik-Yes; Member Santana-Yes. Six (6) Ayes, Zero (0) Nays, One (1) Absent, Zero (0) Abstain. The motion was carried.

Chairman Cwik reminded the applicant that this is a recommending body and all final decisions will be made by the Village Board of Trustees.

Chairman Cwik thanked everyone for attending this evening.

8. New Business: Workshop to discuss and consider the adoption of a new Franklin Park Zoning Ordinance.

John Schneider came forward and gave the members another introduction to Arista Strungys from Camiros who was hired for the re-write and she was here this evening to conduct the second presentation of the draft Zoning Code.

Ms. Strungys came forward and continued discussion of the draft of the new Zoning Code. She was there to answer any questions the members may have and provide feedback to the various sections of additions and deletions.

Ms. Strungys went over each chapter of the new draft, section by section. She provided a summarized narrative of each section and paused for any questions or comments from the members. Various sections included definitions, landscaping, signage, zoning districts, non-conformities, enforcement, etc.

After this session, then a public session will be advertised for the public to provide their input.

9. Public Comment: None.

10. A motion was made by Member Grieashamer to adjourn the meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals. It was seconded by Member Mennella. All in favor. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
