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Village of Western Springs Public Health & Safety Committee Met September 2

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Village of Western Springs Public Health & Safety Committee met Sept. 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Members Present: Scott Lewis, Chair Alan Fink, Trustee

Staff Present: Chief Brian Budds, LES Deputy Chief Daniel Albrecht, LES Chief Patrick Kenny, Fire & EMS Deputy Chief Mike Kelly, Fire & EMS Susan Depner, LES

Others Present: Alice Gallagher, Village President Ingrid Velkme, Village Manager

Public Present: None

Electronic Attendance: This meeting was conducted via Zoom online platform in accordance with Illinois Governor Executive Orders: Number 2020-07 dated March 16, 2020, Number 2020-10 dated March 20, 2020, Number 2020-18 dated April 1, 2020, and Number 2020-32 dated April 30, 2020 (“Stay at Home" Order).

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 2, 2020.

2. Roll Call

Present were Scott Lewis, Chair, and Alan Fink, Trustee. Also present were Chief Brian Budds, LES, Deputy Chief Daniel Albrecht, LES, Chief Patrick Kenny, Fire & EMS, Deputy Chief Mike Kelly, Fire & EMS, Susan Depner, LES, President Alice Gallagher, and Manager Ingrid Velkme.

3. Approval of Minutes - June 18, 2020

MOTION: Trustee Fink made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 18, 2020 meeting. Chair Lewis seconded the motion and the minutes were approved by unanimous vote.

4. PD-2019-2020 IL Traffic Safety Challenge Award

Chief Budds reported that the Western Springs Police Department finished in third place in the Illinois Traffic Safety Challenge Championship category for 2019-2020. This is an impressive placing, since the department competes with much larger agencies. The department was not eligible in the Municipality with 11-25 Sworn Officers category because we finished in first place in this category last year and the rules state you are not eligible to place in the current year when you won the previous year. Chief Budds asked that this be reported at the September 14, 2020 board meeting.

5. Declare Surplus Equipment

Chief Kenny reported that the Fire Department's self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) was replaced in January of this year. The first four items on the Declare Surplus Equipment List were part of the trade-in for the new air packs. The last three items on the list are masks that are not valid anymore for use and will be destroyed.

MOTION: Chair Lewis made a motion to approve the Declare Surplus Equipment List. Trustee Fink seconded the motion and it was approved by unanimous vote.

6. PSI Contract Renewal

Chief Kenny spoke in favor of renewing the PSI contract. He reminded committee members that the Fire Department is a combination of paid on-call personnel and six contracted paramedics from PSI. Chief Kenny stated that the Fire Department has contracted with PSI and its predecessor, PSSI, since 1994. The contract has been renewed each time it is up for renewal based upon service. Chief Kenny pointed out that PSI is cooperative, the paramedics it provides are also paid on-call firefighters, which benefits the department, and PSI credited the village when they were only able to provide five paramedics rather than the usual six.

Chief Kenny reports that new language in this contract states that when there is an increase in the PSI pay rate, the contracted paramedics will also receive a pay increase as paid on-call firefighters. New language in the contract also calls for a two percent increase whereas previous increases have been 2.5 percent. This is due to the financial difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chief Kenny does not want to open the process to bidding because of the service of PSI and the continuity of operations provided by continuing to contract with them. Though costs may be less if a different company was chosen, Chief Kenny prefers PSI for the reasons stated.

The current contract's cost is $586,932. The new contract's cost would be $598,668.

Chair Lewis and Trustee Fink are comfortable with recommending this contract for renewal.

MOTION: Chair Lewis made a motion to advance the recommendation to renew the PSI contract to the Board for approval, Trustee Fink seconded, and the motion was approved by unanimous vote.

7. Public Comment


8. Other Business

Trustee Fink asked Chief Budds how the recent NIPAS training on Woodland Avenue went. Chief Budds explained that the Western Springs Police Department is a member of the NIPAS task force and that such trainings are held once or twice a year. The Board was notified of the training. He said the training went well and he expressed gratitude to the builder who allowed NIPAS to conduct the training in the house on Woodland Avenue that is to be torn down for new development.

9. Adjournment

MOTION: Chair Lewis made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Fink seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn was approved by a unanimous vote at 8:23 a.m.
