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Village of Western Springs Public Works and Water Committee met November 6

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Village of Western Springs Public Works and Water Committee met Nov. 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Committee Members Present

William Siffermann- Trustee

Alan Fink-Trustee Chairman

Staff Present

Matthew Supert- Staff

Casey Biernacki-Staff

Erin Duffy-Staff


Ingrid Velkme- Village Manager

Alice Gallagher- Village President

Grace Turi-Finance Director

John Mastandona-Assistant Director of Finance

1) Public Comment -None

2) Approval of Minutes without corrections.

Motion to approve Trustee Siffermann and seconded by Chair-Trustee Alan Fink.

3) B&W Engineering Services Agreements for Elevated Tank

Director Matthew Supert presented Baxter & Woodman Engineering Services Agreements for 2020 and 2021 IEPA loan related capital improvement projects. All agreement prices are not to exceed unless otherwise noted. The projects are as follows:

Phase I Engineering: Elevated storage tank repainting- $21,000. The Village intends to repaint and maintain the 1,000,000gallon elevated water storage tank. The attached proposal outlines the scope and fee for Phase 1 Design Services.

Proposal for Loan Assistance- A proposal and application for a low-interest loan is available for preparation through the IEPA’s Public Water Supply Loan Program. The anticipated projects in this funding are the elevated Water Storage Tank repainting and the Clausen Avenue Roadway and Watermain improvements.

The Village Board approved the engineering services agreement for Clausen Avenue during the October board cycle. A separate engineering agreement for construction services is anticipated in early 2020.

4) 2018 Roadway-Final Costs, Change Order and Foxford Development Reimbursement

Assistant Director Casey Biernacki reported the 2018 Roadway Program has reached final completion and quantities have been agreed upon. The project included the concrete reconstruction of Johnson Avenue (47th to Burlington) and Lawn Avenue (47th to north of Elm) with relief sewer installation and streetscape improvements.

Summary of Final Construction Costs

The Foxford Development financially participated in the reconstruction of a portion of Johnson Avenue, per their building permit requirements and their reimbursement agreement which was ratified in October of 2018. The agreement required tat they pay the estimated cost of $88,037.25 prior to construction. The actual cost of their portion of the work was $80,960.25. The Village is required to return the difference of $7,077.00 to Foxford upon approval of the final contract payment.

The final construction cost to the Village of $1,610,189.33 is 4.87% lower than the contract cost of $1,690,646.66.

Assistant Director Casey Biernacki reported the summary of engineering costs to the Committee. Phase II Design Engineering was primarily performed by the Municipal Services Department with assistance from James J. Benes & Associates. Smithgroup JJR was subcontracted by James J. Benes for all streetscape related items.

Budget Amendment for Roadway Referendum Fund $28,220.45

Assistant Director Casey Biernacki reported to the Committee a budget amendment is required for $28,220.45 in the Roadway Referendum Fund for 2018 construction costs. The Village originally budgeted $1.4 million for roadway construction costs associated with Johnson Avenue (47th to 45th) and Lawn Avenue (Burlington to Elm). The last block of Johnson Avenue (45th to Burlington) was added to the project in April of 2018, with approval from the Village Board date April 5, 2019, with expectations for a future budget amendment.

5) Central Avenue Update Memo and Meeting Minutes

Assistant Director Casey Biernacki reported to the Committee a kickoff meeting for the Central Avenue Reconstruction project at IDOT District 1 in Schaumburg with the Federal Highway Administration was on October 22, 2019. The Village and James J. Benes & Associates attended the meeting. A project overview to federal representatives and identified project boundaries. Preliminary guidance on their requirements for construction standards, submittals, was presented and provided to everyone in attendance.

An overview of the project was discussed and highlighted. The street will need to be widened to meet FHWA standards. The Park District has a walking path at Elm Street on Central Avenue that will need to be modified and brought up to current ADA standards. The FHWA requested a letter from the Park District as a non-monetary sponsor the project. The Park District provided the Village that letter of support. Lastly, it was reported the FHWA stated that they do not believe the project will be let for bidding September 2020 due to environmental clearances.

Assistant Director Casey Biernacki reported a public meeting will occur sometime before the end of the year to introduce residents and adjacent stakeholders to the project. Letters will be mailed to the residents in the area once a date is set.

6) Well No. Four Scheduled Maintenance

Erin Duffy, Water Plant Superintendent presented the Well No.4 Maintenance to the Committee. She reported Village Staff is proposing to complete scheduled preventative maintenance on Well #4 in January 2020. The work is anticipated to take approximately six to eight weeks. The normal cycle between well overhaul and maintenance is approximately 8-10 years. The well was last overhauled in the early Spring of 2010 and the current scheduled maintenance would fall within the maintenance schedule at approximately nine years since the last maintenance. A cost and test report for Well No. 4 was presented to the Committee for review. A representative from Suez is anticipated to attend the November 11th. Board meeting to answer any questions.

7) Capital Summary Report

Director Matthew Supert presented the Capital Summary Report to the Committee on the Ridgewood Oaks Detention Basin. James J. Benes & Associates is finalizing cost estimates and scheduling the bidding process, anticipated for late 2019.

Well No. 5 Transmission Main- Swallow Construction has completed the direction boring of the new transmission main. Trenching work has been completed and crews are awaiting improved weather to complete the concrete patching.

Well No. 5 Drilling- Layne Christensen completed the 24-hr. test pumping last week with great results. The pumping equipment is in the bidding phase and scheduled for a December 5, 2019 bid opening. The equipment specified is Baker-Hughes.

Well No. 5 Electrical & Pumping-Total Budget $1,510,350. Phase I Engineering 90%. completed.

Standpipe Repainting-The first portion of the exterior work has been completed and the contractor has welded a new railing to the top of the tank. The tank is expected to be drained during the first or second week of September. Phase I and Phase II Engineering 100% done. Erin Duffy, Water Plant Superintendent reported they will be filling the tank on November 11, 2019 and begin to take samples. Village Manager asked if the monopoles will remain and Director Supert reported these will be removed.

2018 Roadway Program-the project has reached final completion. Upon agreement of quantities, the improvements will be accepted and all work within the contract will be warranted for a period of one year. The Village has rejected Red Oaks as part of this project. These trees will be replaced in the spring.

2019 Roadway Referendum- West lane of Clausen Avenue has been re-opened for public use. All pavement work on Clausen has been completed and residents are free to use the street and driveways. The west curb lane on Lawn Avenue was poured October 25, 2019. Staff and the contractor will be discussing the schedule for restoring the parkways of both streets and how the weather may impact. Sod work will be completed in the spring.

2019 MFT Resurfacing Program- All concrete work has been completed and all streets have undergone asphalt grinding. The contractor is scheduled to complete patching and install new asphalt pavement during the week of November 4, 2019. Assistant Director reported the contractor is unable to pave in freezing temperatures but may do Saturday work.

IEPA Loan-Clausen Water Main Replacement- Project overview- all work 100% completed.

Central Avenue Reconstruction/MWRD Sewer Separation- The professional services agreement (PSA) with James J. Benes & Associates for Phase I and Phase II Engineering has been approved. Engineering tentatively scheduled to be completed in early spring 2020 with construction following in 2021.

West Suburban Mass Transit District (WSMTD) Grant Phase 2 Project-Village Staff and the contractor form Utility Dynamics have been working with the BNSF to obtain an occupancy permit. The permit is required for all work completed within the BNSF right-of-way. The completion of the project depends when the permit arrives.

2019 Sewer Televising Program- The 2019 Sewer Televising Program will mark the 5th year in the MWRD Inflow and Infiltration Control Plan. All areas in the project have been televised. The contractor remains on-call for any additional emergency work required in 2019.

2019 Smoke Testing Program-Project is 100% completed.

8) Storm Event Review- Director Matt Supert reported to the Committee the Storm Event review. He reported we would assess all the areas and do a formal drainage study to obtain a better idea of the area that floods. Director Supert stated he would do a FOIA request to the Cook County Highway Maintenance Department to determine what work has been done to the drainage structure & other areas affected. The Committee discussed if a lift station could be a possibility.

President Gallagher inquired as to how long will the drainage study take. Staff will develop a list to do a drainage study and obtain proposals from engineers. It could be approximately two months for a study. President Gallagher stated this is very important to move forward with an engineering drainage study. President Gallagher asked if there is a storm is there anything, we can do to prevent these situations on a temporary basis for the harder hit areas.

9) Other- Trustee Siffermann asked about the upward lighting on the entrance signage and it still presents a shadow at night. It is difficult to see the letters specifically heading north bound. Director Supert reported it is the angle of the lighting. Staff consulted the designer of this signage. Committee discussed if the color of the letters could be changed to improve visibility.

Motion to adjourn by Trustee Siffermann Seconded by Chair Fink

The meeting adjourned at 8:22 A.M.
