Village of Hillside President and Board of Trustees met June 25.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Joseph T. Tamburino. Board members and those present recited the pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The following members responded as present at roll call:
Mayor - Mayor Joseph T. Tamburino
Clerk - Linda L. Gould
Trustees - Frank J. Lomeli, Sr.
David V. Delgado
John N. Kramer
Valerie J. Farries
Marvin A. Watson
Absent - Trustee Lytton H. Andersen
Also present were: Russell Wajda, Village Administrator; Police Chief; Jeffrey Pilz, Fire Chief; Joseph Pisano, Public Works Director; David Peters, Hanson Engineering; Ed Kwiatkowski, Hillside Firefighter/Paramedic; Anthony Faragia, EMA Director; George Gourley, resident; William O'Connor, resident; Roger Romanelli, resident; Ellis Funchess, resident
Town Hall Meeting::
Mayor Tamburino opened the Town Hall section of the meeting.
Roger Romanelli, 4406 Madison, asked if Village was pursuing the four arm crossing gates for the Wolf Road and Oak Ridge railroad crossings along with the median for the crossing by the high school? He stated that adding two more gate arms would be the quickest and more affordable way to address this issue.
Mr. Romanelli also asked about Warren and Forest Avenues stating that there are speeding cars, old signage, old stop signs and that Warren Avenue needs improvements. He also asked about a park at Warren and Granville Avenues and a traffic signal at Forest Avenue and Butterfield Road. He would like to meet and talk about Forest Avenue improvements.
Mr. Romanelli also requested that the Village have a zero tolerance on loud fireworks on the 4th of July.
As there were no further comments from the floor, Mayor Tamburino entertained a motion to close the Town Hall Meeting.
So moved by Trustee Kramer, seconded by Trustee Farries. All voting aye, motion carried.
Mayor Tamburino addressed Mr. Romanelli's questions. The Village of Hillside will be sending out a robocall reminding residents that the Ordinance on fireworks will be enforced for the 4th of July. This will also be noted on our website and Facebook page. Mayor Tamburino reminded all that if you hear something call the Police desk and this will be checked out.
Mayor Tamburino asked Engineer Peters to respond to the railroad Quiet zone. Engineer Peters reported a response from the FRA is anticipated within the next few days from the revised Notice of Intent. We are looking for the absolute minimum and most affordable plan for the taxpayers. If the improvements the FRA require, cost more than anticipated, we can then ask for the four gate system, which is significantly more expensive.
Mayor Tamburino reported that it looks like the funding has been pulled for the Butterfield Road project. The Prairie Path will stay. We have not started talks with IDOT regarding a traffic signal at Forest Avenue and Butterfield Road. As far as the signage, this can be handled through Public Works. Director Pisano reported that the signs are compliant for size and intensity. Stop signs were replaced from twenty-four to thirty inches. Stop bars have been re-striped. There is one stop sign still to be replaced.
Mr. Romanelli asked for clarification on the four arm gate crossing. Engineer Peters reported we are not pursuing that option right now. Mr. Romanelli said this is most affordable solution and asked why is it not being pursued. Mayor Tamburino reported we have to wait and see what the FRA says. He also said we may not have submitted the proposal that Mr. Romanelli asked for but we submitted what we have to. Mr. Romanelli had more questions on four gate system. Director Pisano reported the four arm gates is the most expensive because upgrades need to be made at the current crossings. We are looking to reduce costs, and will wait to hear from the FRA. We can then work our way through conversation.
Approval of Minutes:
Mayor Tamburino entertained a motion that there being no additions or corrections to the minutes for Regular Meeting of May 21, 2018, the minutes be accepted and approved.
So moved by Trustee Kramer, seconded by Trustee Delgado. All voting aye, motion carried,
Village of Clerk:
clerk Gould reminded the Village Offices will be closed Wednesday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day.
Clerk Gould presented the Consent Agenda.
All items on the consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered a part of the Board Member's committee business.
Illinois Department of Revenue: Sales tax returns for month of April, 2018, in the amount of $426,278.20. Amount received for April, 2017, in the amount of $381,626.62.
Illinois Department of Transportation: Motor Fuel Tax allotment for the month of May, 2018, in the amount of $17,191.22.
Approval of gross payroll for periods May 12 through May 25, 2018, in the amount of $296,318.34; May 26 through June 8, 2018, in the amount of $286,773.55; and June 9 through June 22, 2018, in the amount of $338,039.32.
Payment of bills for the month of June, 2018, in the amount of $838, 242.40.
Com Ed: Utility tax for the month of March, 2018, in the amount of $30,045.16.
NiCor Gas: Utility Tax for the month of April, 2018, in the amount of $13,281.38.
Excise Tax for the month of April, 2018, in the amount of $22,981.79.
Code Enforcement Officer's Reports (May, 2018).
Police Department Report (May, 2018).
Fire Department Report (May, 2018).
E.M.A. Report (April and May, 2016).
Public Works Department Report (May, 2018).
Building Inspector's Report (May, 2018).
Social Services Report (May, 2018).
Motion made by Trustee Watson, seconded by Trustee Farres, to accept and approve Consent Agenda.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Ayes:Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer, Farries, Watson
Nays: None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
Department Head Operating Reports:
Treasurer/Director of Economic Development: (John Flood)
Administrator Wajda reported tonight will be the first reading of the Appropriation Ordinance.
Police Chief: (Joseph Lukaszek)
Chief Lukaszek reported after looking up the reports for the 4th of July, 2017, there were eight calls for that day and twenty-one calls all week reporting fireworks. This is approximately 4.9% of calls. He reminded all to report loud fireworks. He again stated a robocall would be sent out and also be on our website and Village Facebook page.
Fire Chief: (Jeffrey Pilz)
Chief Pilz reported that new Fire Engine is now in Aurora for final preparations and delivery to firehouse is expected any day.
Firefighter/Paramedic Ed Kwiatkowski gave presentation on a Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) Program.
Public Works and Building Services Director: (Joseph Pisano)
Director Pisano reported permits have been issued for Krispy Kreme and construction will start soon at the Town Center.
Village Engineer's Report:
No Report
Village Administrator's Report:
No Report
Committee Reports:
Finance and Administration Committee:
(Trustee Kramer)
Trustee Kramer gave first reading of Appropriation Ordinance 18-09.
Public Services Committee:
(Trustee Andersen)
Motion made by Trustee Delgado, seconded by Trustee Kramer, to approve bid from A-One Group, Ltd., 1540 Jarvis Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, in the amount of $214,655.00, for Village Hall and Police Station façade.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Ayes: Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer, Farries, Watson
Nays: None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
Motion made by Trustee Delgado, seconded by Trustee Watson, to approve bid from Waukegan Roofing Company, 1320 Gladstone Avenue, Waukegan, IL 60085, in the amount of $275,950.00, for fire station roof replacement.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Ayes: Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer, Farries, Watson
Nays: None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
Motion made by Trustee Delgado, seconded by Trustee Kramer, to approve bid from Brothers Asphalt Paving Inc., 315 S. Stewart Avenue, Addison, IL 60101, in the amount of $943,332.64, for resurfacing of Madison and reconstruction of Craig, Raymond and Mueller.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Ayes: Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer, Farries, Watson
Nays: None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
Motion made by Trustee Delgado, seconded by Trustee Farries, to approve IDOT Resolution to use Motor Fuel Tax Funds for Madison and reconstruction of Craig, Raymond and Mueller, and authorizing Clerk to sign and execute same.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Ayes: Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer, Farries, Watson
Nays: None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
Motion made by Trustee Delgado, seconded by Trustee Watson, to approve Service Agreement between the Village of Hillside and Hanson Professional Services for MFT funds for the 2018 Reconstruction Project Construction and Engineering, and authorizing Mayor and clerk to sign and execute same.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Ayes: Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer, Farries, Watson
Nays: None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
115: Motion made by Trustee Delgado, seconded by Trustee Farries, to approve proposal from Continental Electric Construction Company, 815 Commerce Drive, Suite 100, Oak Brook, IL 60523, in the amount of $17,518.00, to upgrade the outdoor power panel located by the Veteran's Memorial to a 200 AMP service, and authorizing Village Administrator to sign and execute same.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Ayes: Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer, Farries, Watson
Nays: None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
Public Safety and Education Committee: (Trustee Watson)
Motion made by Trustee Watson, seconded by Trustee Kramer, to approve Fire Chief Pilz to attend the IAFC Executive Chief Officer Leadership Conference in Dallas, TX, August 7 through August 12, 2018, at a cost of $1,772.00.
Roll call vote resulted as follows: ves
Ayes: Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer, Farries, Watson
Nays: None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
Trustee Watson reported Community Awareness Meeting is Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room.
Zoning Committee: (Trustee Lomeli)
Motion made by Trustee Lomeli, seconded by Trustee Delgado, to accept and place on file the findings of the May 22, 2018 Zoning Board granting of petition submitted by Juan and Elva Rojo, 735 N. Lee Boulevard, Hillside, IL 60162, on the consideration for a Variance in R-2 Zoning District, on length of proposed garage (from 24' to 26') and the height of proposed garage (from 14' to 16'), at 735 N. Lee Boulevard, Hillside, IL 60162.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Ayes: Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer, Farries, Watson
Nays: None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
Motion made by Trustee Lomeli, seconded by Trustee Delgado, to accept and place on file the findings of the May 22, 2018 Zoning Board granting of petition submitted by Bluestem Condominiums, 1905 S. Wolf Road, Hillside, IL 60162, on the consideration for a Variance in R-4 Zoning District, to reduce the required front yard setback to allow for the creation of six additional parking spaces at 1905 S. Wolf Road, Hillside, IL 60162.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer,
Farries, Watson Nays:
None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
Motion made by Trustee Lomeli, seconded by Trustee Watson, to accept and place on file the findings of the Zoning Board granting Stephon Alford, 4500 Frontage Road, Hillside, Illinois, 60162, on the consideration for a Special Use Permit in a B-1 Zoning District, to add a child care center at 4500 Frontage Road, Hillside, IL, 60162.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer,
Farries, Watson Nays:
None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
Motion made by Trustee Lomeli, seconded by Trustee Farries, to Grant the Special Use Permit submitted by Stephon Alford, 4500 Frontage Road, Hillside, Illinois, 60162, on the consideration for a Special Use Permit in a B-1 Zoning District, to add a child care center at 4500 Frontage Road, Hillside, IL, 60162.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Ayes: Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer, Farries, Watson
Nays: None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
Technology Committee: (Trustee Delgado)
No report
Community Services Committee: (Trustee Farries)
Trustee Farries reported the Village of Hillside and the Human Relations Commission will be hosting a Meet and Greet event at the Community Center on Saturday, July 14th, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Trustee Farries also reported Summer Nights in the Commons on Tuesday nights begins July 24th with American English, and July 31st with 7th Heaven. Food and beer will be available for purchase, with cruise nights and market place.
Old Business:
New Business:
Finance and Administration Committee:
(Trustee Kramer)
Motion made by Trustee Kramer, seconded by Trustee Delgado, to approve Resolution 18-04, Transferring Money Appropriated From One Corporate Purpose to Another, and authorizing Mayor and Clerk to sign and execute same.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Ayes: Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer, Farries, Watson
Nays: None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
Public Services Committee:
(Trustee Andersen)
Motion made by Trustee Kramer, seconded by Trustee Delgado, to approve Ordinance 18-08, Ascertaining the Prevailing Rate of Wages effective September 1, 2017, for Laborers, Workmen and Mechanics employed in any public works project in the village of Hillside, and authorizing Mayor and clerk to sign and execute same.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Ayes: Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer, Farries, Watson
Nays: None Absent: Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
Village President :
No report
Next Board-of-a-Whole Meeting to be held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, July 9, 2018, in the Board Room of the Municipal Complex, 425 Hillside Avenue, Hillside, IL, 60162.
Mayor Tamburino entertained a motion to change the July Regular Board Meeting from July 23, 2018 to July 16, 2018.
So moved by Trustee Kramer, seconded by Trustee Delgado.
Roll call vote resulted as follows:
Ayes: Trustees Lomeli, Delgado, Kramer, Farries, Watson
Nays: None Absent; Trustees Andersen Motion declared carried
As there was no further business before the Board, Mayor Tamburino entertained a motion to adjourn.
So moved by Trustee Kramer, seconded by Trustee Delgado. All voting aye, motion carried.
Adjournment: 8:12 P.M.
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Linda L. Gould Clerk