City of Northlake City Council met July 16
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:11 P.M. Mayor Sherwin asked everyone to stand for the pledge of allegiance. Mayor Sherwin called for the roll.
Roll Call:
Present: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Padilla, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski and Patti
Others Present: Nancy Pauletto, City Clerk Carol Lampard, Finance Director Mark Sterk, Attorney Jay Militello, Deputy Chief of Police Dale Roberts, Superintendent Public Works
Mayor Sherwin presented the minutes of the regular meeting held on June 11, 2018. Alderman Patti made a motion to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held June 11, 2018; seconded by Alderman Grochowski. Mayor Sherwin asked if there were any additions or corrections. Mayor Sherwin called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion to Accept the Minutes of the May 21, 2018
City Council Meeting Carried
Alderman Patti made a Motion to Reappoint Richard Haack and Carol Lampard to the Police Pension Board; seconded by Alderman Padilla. Mayor Sherwin called for the roll.
Roll Call: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Padilla, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski and Patti
Nays: None
Motion to Reappoint Richard Haack And Carol
Lampard to the Police Pension Board Carried
Alderman Grochowski made a Motion to Reappoint Rebecca Morgan to the Youth Advisory Board; seconded by Alderman Patti. Mayor Sherwin called for the roll.
Roll Call: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Padilla, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski and Patti
Nays: None
Motion to Reappoint Rebecca Morgan to the Youth Advisory Board Carried
Alderman Patti made a motion to pay the warrants and vouchers if and when the funds become available; seconded by Alderman Padilla. Mayor Sherwin called for the roll.
Roll Call: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Padilla, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski and Patti
Nays: None
Motion to Pay The Warrants and Vouchers Carried
Mayor Sherwin stated a traffic study had been done at the intersection of Laporte and Bernice where a child was struck by a car to determine the best solution. This will be addressed on next month’s agenda.
A motion was made to approve a raffle license to the American Legion Post 888. Questions were asked and answered. Mayor Sherwin called for the roll.
Roll Call: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Padilla, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski and Patti
Nays: None
Motion to Approve a Raffle License to the American Legion Post 888 Carried
Alderman Patti made a Motion to approve Ordinance O-15-2018; An Ordinance Providing for the Submission to the Electors the Question of Whether the Office of City Treasurer Should be Abolished; seconded by Alderman Padilla. Mayor Sherwin called for the roll.
Roll Call: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Padilla, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski and Patti
Nays: None
Motion to Approve Ordinance O-15-2018; An Ordinance Providing for the Submission to the Electors the Question of Whether the Office of City Treasurer Should Be Abolished Carried
Alderman Patti made a Motion to approve a donation of $1,500.00 to U-Turn Covenant Church for their Back to School Hope Fest; seconded by Alderman Contreras. Mayor Sherwin called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion to Approve A Donation of $1,500.00 to U-turn Covenant
Church for their Back to School Hope Fest Carried
Alderman Padilla made a Motion to approve the installation of ADA Compliant Railings for the Morse Drive Pedestrian Bridge; seconded by Alderman Patti. Mayor Sherwin called for the roll.
Roll Call: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Padilla, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski and Patti
Nays: None
Motion to Approve the Installation of Ada Compliant Railings
For the Morse Drive Pedestrian Bridge Carried
Alderman Patti made a Motion regarding petition to intervene in a duty disability police pension; seconded by Alderman Padilla. Mayor Sherwin call for the roll.
Roll Call: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Padilla, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski and Patti
Nays: None
Motion Regarding Petition to Intervene in A Duty Disability Police Pension Carried
Alderman Straube made a Motion to approve Resolution R-10-2018; A Resolution Approving a Sales Tax Sharing Agreement with Aldi Inc.; seconded by Alderman Contreras. Mayor Sherwin called for the roll.
Roll Call: Alderman Straube, Feldmann, Contreras, Padilla, Werba, Gonzalez, Grochowski and Patti
Nays: None
Motion to Approve Resolution R-10-2018;
A Resolution Approving a Sales Tax Sharing Agreement With Aldi Inc. Carried
Alderman Patti made a Motion to table the discussion regarding ground lease and related agreements for the Wisdom Village II Senior Citizen Building; seconded by Alderman Padilla.
Mayor Sherwin called for a voice vote. All were in favor. The Motion carried.
Delmar and Anna Baker had attended tonight’s meeting to discuss with the council placing speed controls at the intersection of Laporte and Bernice. They were pleased to hear that it will be on next month’s agenda.
There being no further business, Alderman Straube made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Alderman Grochowski. Mayor Sherwin called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion to Adjourn Carried
Meeting Adjourned 7:22 p.m.