
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Riverside Planning and Zoning Commission will meet June 27.

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Village of Riverside Planning and Zoning Commission will meet June 27.

Here is the agenda provided by the Commission:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call


Jill Mateo

Commission Members

Edward Hannon Joel Marhoul

Adrian Mendoza Jacqueline Miller

Theresa Pelletier Alyson Scanlon

3. Approval of Minutes:

A. Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting minutes of May 23, 2018

4. Visitors, Petitions, Citizen Requests, and Communications:

5. Liaison Report:

A. Village Board Update

6. Public Hearings and Recommendations:

A. PZ18-02 – Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments – Various changes to the Village’s garage and driveway regulations are proposed.

1. PUBLIC HEARING to consider Text Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance relative to garage and driveway regulations. Affected sections include, but may not be limited to, Section 8-4-1 (Definitions), 8-4-4 (Width, Encroachments), 10-4-3 (Bulk Requirements), 10-4-5 (Use and Bulk Requirements Tables), and 10-7-3 (Accessory Structures and Uses)

2. DISCUSSION, MOTION AND RECOMMENDATION by Planning and Zoning Commission to the Village Board regarding the request for Text Amendments set forth in 6.A.1 above.

7. Old Business:

A. Continued discussion and recommendations to Staff on draft Text Amendments related to stoops/porches.

8. New Business:

9. Information:

10. Adjournment:
