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Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Riverside Board of Trustees met May 17.

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Village of Riverside Board of Trustees met May 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Village of Riverside Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, May 17, 2018, in Room 4 of the Riverside Township Hall, 27 Riverside Road, Riverside, IL. President Sells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call: Present: President Sells

Trustee Pollock

Trustee Jisa

Trustee Lumsden

Trustee Ballerine

Trustee Sedivy

Trustee Peters

Absent: None

Also Present: Village Manager Frances

Village Attorney Marrs

Village Clerk Haley

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Presentations / Public Comment

A. Public Comment – None.

V. Reports of Village Offices

A. Village President’s Report

1. Motion to appoint Sean O’Brien to the Riverside Parks & Recreation Board to fill a vacancy, term to expire 2020

President Sells stated that there is currently a vacancy on the Parks & Recreation Board. He recommended that Sean O’Brien be appointed to the Board to fill the vacancy. He called for a motion and second to confirm the appointment. Trustee Lumsden made a motion. Trustee Jisa seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Pollock, Jisa, Lumsden, Ballerine, Sedivy and Peters.

Nays: None.

Motion passed.

Mr. O’Brien was in attendance at the meeting, so Clerk Haley swore him in as the newest member of the Parks & Recreation Board.

B. Village Manager’s Report – None.

VI. Approval of Consent Agenda

A. Approve Voucher List of Bills May 17, 2018

B. Approve Village Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes May 3, 2018

C. File and review Board of Fire & Police Commissioners Meeting Minutes February 27, 2018

D. File and review Landscape Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes April 10, 2018

E. File and review Community Development Department April 2018 Monthly Report

F. File and review Fire Department April 2018 Monthly Report

G. File and review Police Department April 2018 Monthly Report

H. A Resolution authorizing the Village Manager to execute a sales agreement with Foster Coach Sales Inc., for the purchase of a 2019 Horton ambulance for an amount not to exceed $213,313

I. A Resolution authorizing the Village Manager to execute a sales agreement with Stryker Medical for the purchase of a Power Cot Stretcher and Power Load Stretcher Loading System for the 2019 ambulance for an amount not to exceed $38,833.08

J. A Resolution authorizing the execution of a Supplemental Agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd., for $7,500 in additional costs related to the Phase I Engineering Services for the Riverside Metra Station Pedestrian Improvements Project for a total contract cost of not to exceed $27,483

K. Motion to Approve a Memorandum of Agreement between the Village of Riverside and Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council/Lodge #39

President Sells asked if any of the Trustees required an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Hearing no requests, he then read the Consent Agenda aloud and called for a motion and second to approve the Consent Agenda.

Trustee Sedivy made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Trustee Peters seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Pollock, Jisa, Lumsden, Ballerine, Sedivy and Peters.

Nays: None.

Motion passed.

VII. Reports of Departments, Commissions and Trustee Liaisons – None.

VIII. Ordinances and Resolutions

A. An Ordinance Amending Title 8, Section 8-6-2 (Water Service Charges) and Section 8-7-9 (Sewerage Service Charges) of the Village of Riverside, Illinois, Village Code Finance Director Johns noted that Riverside purchases water from the Village of McCook. On April 3, 2018, McCook notified the Village of Riverside that they would be raising their rate by 1.81% effective June 1, 2018. The proposed ordinance will increase the Village’s current water rate from $9.57 per unit (100 cubic feet) to $9.74 per unit (100 cubic feet), an increase of $.17 per unit (100 cubic feet) or 1.75% increase. The Village’s current sewer rate will increase from $1.79 per unit (100 cubic feet) to $1.82 per unit (100 cubic feet), an increase of $.03 per unit (100 cubic feet) or 1.68%. This increase will cover the increase in commodity charges from McCook as well as operational increases. Ms. Johns stated that staff would review water rates annually and bring recommendations to the board for consideration annually or whenever there is a rate increase from McCook, whichever is more frequent.

President Sells called for a motion and second to approve the Ordinance. Trustee Ballerine made a motion to approve. Trustee Sedivy seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Pollock, Jisa, Lumsden, Ballerine, Sedivy and Peters.

Nays: None.

Motion passed.

B. An Ordinance Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year commencing January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2017 for Various Additional Expenditures and Revenues Finance Director Johns stated that during the fiscal year ending, December 31, 2017, there were a number of departments within the General Fund that exceeded their originally approved budgets. To help offset these additional expenses, there were many departments that performed better than budget. While there are many revenue streams that also outperformed their budget, in totality, General Fund revenues did not meet their budget and General Fund expenditures exceeded their budgets, resulting in a net deficit of approximately $230,000 before capital transfers. This Ordinance amends the 2017 Budget to include various expenditure and revenue items not previously budgeted and to adjust previously budgeted items.

President Sells called for a motion and second to approve the Ordinance. Trustee Pollock made a motion to approve. Trustee Jisa seconded the motion.

Trustee Sedivy said the deficit caught him by surprise. He asked Director Johns for confirmation that the 2017 Budget Ordinance must be amended to account for expenditures; however, there is no requirement to amend the Budget Ordinance to make adjustments for revenues. Director Johns confirmed that this is the case. She noted that the information she supplied the Trustees was presented to show instances where shortfalls were offset by corresponding overages in other categories. The primary reason for the shortfall according to Johns was that revenues fell short of estimates by $130,000 and expenditures were $135,000 more than projected.

Trustees Pollock and Sedivy asked for an explanation of what revenues fell short of projections. Manager Frances stated that she would provide the Board with additional information prior to the next meeting. She noted that one area where there was a major revenue shortfall was the per capita LGDF funding from the State of Illinois.

President Sells asked if the Trustees were inclined to delay voting on the ordinance until they had been given the additional information to review. Trustee Sedivy stated that he would like to delay the vote pending receipt of the details. He stated that he thought he had been paying close attention to the village’s finances; however, he was not aware that the village was running a deficit. Manager Frances stated that the Trustees are provided monthly financial reports and this information is included in them. She noted that the board approved some additional unbudgeted expenses in 2017. She also noted that the village had a large deductible that was incurred on an insurance claim, however, the Village has a significant amount of funds held in reserve with IRMA, the village’s insurance carrier. These funds can be withdrawn for operating purposes. Legal fees for code enforcement also exceeded projections and certain economic incentives which the board authorized after the budget was adopted were incorporated into the 2017 fiscal year due to the timing of approvals.

Trustee Pollock recommended that the board proceed with the vote on the ordinance in order not to further delay the work of the village’s auditors. He noted that there was nothing to be done about the finances. The ordinance was simply a report of what has already transpired. President Sells called for the vote.

Ayes: Trustees Pollock, Jisa, Lumsden, Ballerine, Sedivy and Peters.

Nays: None.

Motion passed.

IX. Considerations – None.

X. New Business – None.

XI. Adjournment

With no Considerations and no New Business to discuss and nothing further to discuss, President Sells called for a motion and second to adjourn the Regular Meeting.

Trustee Lumsden made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session. Trustee Jisa seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Pollock, Jisa, Lumsden, Ballerine, Sedivy and Peters.

Nays: None.

Motion passed.

President Sells declared the meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.

XII. Executive Session – None.
