Village of Hillside Board of Trustees met, May 21.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Town Hall Meeting
5. Approval or Correction of Minutes for Regular Meeting of April 23, 2018.
6. Village Clerk:
A. Reminder: The Village Offices will be closed Saturday,
May 26, and Monday, May 28, 2018 in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday.
B. Consent Agenda
All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered a part of the Board Member's committee business.
Illinois Department of Revenue: Sales tax returns for month of March, 2018, in the amount of $335,666.72. Amount received for March, 2017, in the amount of $327, 911.72.
Illinois Department of Transportation: Motor Fuel Tax allotment for the month of April, 2018, in the amount of $18,673.55.
Approval of gross payroll for periods April 14 through April 27, 2018, in the amount of $289,999.56; and April 28 through May 11, 2018, in the amount of $294,730.56.
Payment of bills for the month of May, 2018, in the amount of $911,139.66.
Com Ed: Utility tax for the month of February, 2018, in the amount of $35,211.49.
NiCor Gas: Utility Tax for the month of March, 2018, in the amount of $13,314.72.
Excise Tax for the month of March, 2018, in the amount of $21,593.06.
Code Enforcement officer's Reports (April, 2018).
Police Department Report (April, 2018).
10. Fire Department Report (April, 2018).
11. E.M.A. Report (No Report).
12. Public Works Department Report (March & April, 2018).
13. Building Inspector's Report (April, 2018).
14. Social Services Report (April, 2018).
Motion to accept and approve Consent Agenda. (Roll call vote).
7. Department Head Operating Reports:
Treasurer/Director of Economic Development John Flood
B. Police Chief Joseph Lukaszek
C. Fire Chief Jeffrey Pilz
1. Residential Knox Box Program
D. Public Works and Building Services Director Joseph Pisano
8. Village Engineer's Report:
9. Village Administrator's Report:
10. Committee Reports:
Finance and Administration Committee: (Trustee Kramer)
B. Public Services Committee: (Trustee Andersen)
Motion to approve final pay request #4 (Release of Retainage) in the amount of $7,536.86 to Innovation Landscape Inc., P.O. Box 505, Plainfield, IL 60544, for work performed in conjunction with the Commons Park playground Project.
Motion to approve bid in the amount of $225,535.00 from Langos Corp., 124 Deepwood Road, Barrington Hills, IL 60010, to demolish properties at 4548 Butterfield Road, 547 Taft, 4510 Butterfield Road and 4235 Edgewater Avenue. The Village solicited four contractors, and Langos Corp. was the only bid received
3. Motion to approve lowest responsible bidder as presented by Village's Engineer K2NCrest for the Façade Repair Project located at the Hillside Village Hall, 425 Hillside Avenue, Hillside, IL. The scope of work consists of: removal and replacement or reinstallation of existing brick and limestone masonry at select locations along with associated tuckpointing
4. Motion to approve lowest responsible bidder as presented by Village's Engineer K2NCrest for the Roof Replacement Project located at the Hillside Fire Station, 525 North Wolf Road, Hillside, IL. The scope of work consists of: removal and replacement existing roof system on a three tiered roof and tuckpointing of existing brick masonry at select locations.
5. Motion to approve purchase of Hustler Super-Z Hyoerdrive riding mower with 60' cutting deck in the amount of $10,300.00 from Arlington Power Equipment Inc., 20175 N. Rand Road, Palatine, IL 60074. Equipment will replace 2003 Lesco Riding Mower, and will be funded through the equipment replacement fund.
Public Safety and Education Committee: (Trustee Watson)
Motion to approve the Village Administrator to contact the Fire and Police Commission to promote a Fire Lieutenant from the current promotional list. (Vacancy created by the retirement of Jim Flynn.)
2. Motion to approve the Village Administrator to contact Fire and Police Commission to hire a FirefighterParamedic from the current hiring list. (Vacancy created by the promotion of an individual to Lieutenant.)
3. Motion to approve the Village Administrator to contact Fire and Police Commission to promote a police sergeant from the current promotional list. (Vacancy created by the retirement of Don Brown.)
4. Motion to approve the 7G Agreement for FirefighterParamedic Nicholas Bojovic to act as a Hillside Fire Department Part-Time Fire Prevention Bureau Inspector.
5. Motion to approve Ken Holland as a new EMA member.
6. Community Awareness Meeting is Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room.
D. Zoning Committee: (Trustee Lomeli)
Motion to accept and place on file the findings of the Zoning Board granting Mobilitie LLC, 120 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 180, Chicago, IL 60606, a Special Use Permit in multiple zoning districts, to consider the installation of antennas on Commonwealth Edison utility poles at the following locations: 4413 Roosevelt Road; 334 S. Mannheim Road; and 112 S. Wolf Road, Hillside, IL 60162.
Motion to (grant/deny) the Special Use Permit submitted by Mobilitie LLC, 120 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 180, Chicago, IL 60606, in multiple zoning districts, to consider the installation of antennas on Commonwealth Edison utility poles at the following locations: 4413 Roosevelt Road; 334 S. Mannheim Road; and 112 S. Wolf Road, Hillside, IL 60162.
Motion to accept and place on file the findings of the Zoning Board granting Commonwealth Edison, a Special Use Permit in an B-2 Zoning District, to consider the use of the property as a temporary construction area for equipment and supplies needed to update transmission line work and substations at 101 N. Wolf Road, Hillside, IL 60162.
4. Motion to (grant/deny) the Special Use Permit submitted
by Commonwealth Edison, in an B-2 Zoning District, to consider the use of the property as a temporary construction area for equipment and supplies needed to update transmission line work and substations at 101 N. Wolf Road, Hillside, IL 60162.
5. Zoning Board to conduct a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, 2018, in the Board Room of the Hillside Municipal Complex, 425 Hillside Avenue, Hillside, IL, to consider a petition submitted by Juan and Elva Rojo, 735 N. Lee Boulevard, Hillside, IL 60162, on the consideration for a Variation in R-2 Zoning District, on the length of a proposed garage (from 24 to 26') and the height of the proposed garage (from 14 to 16'), at 735 N. Lee Boulevard, Hillside, IL, 60162.
6. Zoning Board to conduct a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, 2018, in the Board Room of the Hillside Municipal Complex, 425 Hillside Avenue, Hillside, IL, to consider a petition submitted by Bluestem Condominiums, 1905 S. Wolf Road, Hillside, IL, 60162, on the consideration for a Variation in R-4 Zoning District, to reduce the required front yard set back to allow for the creation of six (6) additional parking spaces, at 1905 S. Wolf Road, Hillside, IL, 60162.
7. Zoning Board to conduct a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 12, 2018, in the Board Room of the Hillside Municipal Complex, 425 Hillside Avenue, Hillside, IL, to consider a petition submitted by Stephon Alford, 4500 Frontage Road, Hillside, Illinois, 60162, on the consideration for a Special Use Permit in
B-1 Zoning District, to add a child care center at 4500 Frontage Road, Hillside, IL, 60162.
E.Technology Committee: (Trustee Delgado)
Motion to approve renewal of Microsoft 365 Subscription License, at a cost of $12,019.11, through CDW Government, 75 Remittance Drive, Suite 1515, Chicago, IL 60675-1515.
F. Community Services Committee: (Trustee Farries)
Report on Project UFO held at the Hillside Commons on Saturday, May 19, 2018.
11. Old Business:
12. New Business:
Finance and Administration Committee: (Trustee Kramer)
Motion to approve Resolution 18-03, Determining to Levy an Additional Tax of.02% for Library Purposes for FY 2018-2019, and authorizing Mayor and clerk to sign and execute same.
B. Public Services Committee: (Trustee Andersen)
Motion to approve Ordinance 18-06, eliminating parking by permits on Maple Lane, and authorizing Mayor and Clerk to sign and execute same.
C. Public Safety and Education Committee: (Trustee Watson)
Motion to approve Ordinance 18-07, amending Hillside Vehicle Code, and authorizing Mayor and clerk to sign and execute same.
13. Village President
Entertain a motion to appoint the following to the Youth Commission:
Youth Commission
Lorenzo Webber, 2 year term, expiring April 30, 2020. Janet Dubsky, 1 year term, expiring April 30, 2019.
B. Proclamation: Public Works Week, May 20-26, 2018.
C. Hillside's Annual Memorial Day Observance is at noon on Monday, May 30th, at the Veterans Memorial in the Hillside Commons, where we will be honoring the 100 year anniversary of World War I.
Next Board-of-a-Whole Meeting to be held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, June 11, 2018, in the Board Room of the Municipal Complex, 425 Hillside Avenue, Hillside, IL, 60162.