Village of Brookfield Board will meet May 29.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I. Opening Ceremonies Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
II. Roll Call
III. Appointments and Presentations
Appointments - Planning and Zoning Commissioner Reappointment
Patrick Benjamin - Term to Expire 4/22/2021
Jennifer Hendricks - Term to Expire 4/2/2020
Karen Ann Miller - Term of Expire 4/2/2021
Todd Svoboda - Term to Expire 4/2/2020
Paul Christopher Straka - Term to Expire 4/2/2021
Mark Weber - Term to Expire 4/2/2021
IV. Public Comment - Limited to Items on Omnibus and New Business on Tonight's Agenda
V. Omnibus Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes: Village Board Meeting Monday, May 14, 2017: Committee of the Whole Meeting, Monday 14, 2018
VI. Reports of Special Committees
Trustee Evans
Finance, Administration, DPW, Public Safety Approval of Warrants
Trustee Gilhooley Recreation, Library
Trustee Ryan Beautification, Chamber of Commerce
Trustee Cote Conservation
Trustee Garvey Planning and Zoning Commission, WCMC Solid Waste
Trustee LeClere Special Events
President Ketchmark Economic Development, Brookfield Zoo, WCMC, PZED
VII. New Business
A. Ordinance 2018-44
B. Ordinance 2018-45
C. Ordinance 2018-46
D. Ordinance 2018-47
E. Ordinance 2018-48
F. Ordinance 2018-49
G. Ordinance 2018-50
VIII. Executive Session
IX. Adjournment