
West Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Cook County Rules and Administration Committee reviews departmental reports

Webp meeting240

The Cook County Rules and Administration Committee met Feb. 8 to review departmental reports.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the committee:

Board of Commissioners of Cook County

Minutes of the Rules and Administration Committee

10:00 AM

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 Cook County Building, Board Room,

118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois


Present: Suffredin, Daley, Fritchey, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims and Steele (8)

Absent: Gainer (1)


Chairman Suffredin asked the Secretary to the Board to call upon the registered public speakers, in

Accordance with Cook County Code.

1. George Blakemore - Concerned Citizen



Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 1/18/2017

A motion was made by Vice Chairman Daley, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, to approve

17-1634. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Suffredin, Daley, Fritchey, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims and Steele (8)

Absent: Gainer (1)



ARROYO JR, Cook County Board Of Commissioners



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BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Article III - County Board,

Division 2. - Rules of Organization and Procedure, Section 2-105 of the Cook County Code is hereby

amended as Follows:

(j) Agendas.

(1) Board meeting agenda. The agenda shall briefly describe all items that will be considered at the

meeting, except for items to be included in the consent calendar as set forth in subsection (3) of

this Section. Material pertinent to an item on a Board agenda shall be supplied, along with the

agenda, to the President and to each of the Commissioners. With the exception of materials that

are confidential as provided by law, such material shall also be available to the public in the

office of the Secretary.

a. Items may be placed on an agenda not later than noon of the day previous to the day on

which an agenda is required to be distributed. This subsection shall not apply to items

reported to the Board by any of its committees of the whole.

b. Items may be placed on the agenda of a Board meeting by the President or any

Commissioner. Where the President or a Commissioner(s) introduces an ordinance or

resolution, he or she shall be listed as sponsor(s) of such ordinance or resolution.

Committee reports shall be placed on the agenda of a Board meeting by the Chair of the

committee. Items may be placed on the agenda of a committee meeting by a

Commissioner who is a member of the committee or the President, in his ex officio

capacity, provided that such item has been referred to the committee by the Board

pursuant to Section 2-106(o).

c. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to prepare, post and distribute all agendas for meetings of the

Board, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to prepare, post and distribute agendas for

committee meetings.

d. No issuance of any debt instrument which pledges the full faith and credit of the County

shall be the subject of final action by the Board of Commissioners unless it has been

preceded by at least one public hearing on the prospective matter by the Finance

Committee. Notification of such hearing shall be the responsibility of the Finance

Committee, which notice shall be as set forth in Section 2-105(i).

e. Amendments or substitutes to any item placed on an agenda of any meeting of the Board

shall be submitted to the Secretary no later than 24 hours in advance of the meeting at

which the item will be considered. Upon receipt of the amendment or substitute, the

Secretary shall immediately provide the amendment or substitute to the President, all

Commissioners and all news media that have requested notice of meetings and it shall be

posted in the Office of the County Clerk and at the location where the meeting is to be

held, and shall be made available to the public in the office of the Secretary. This rule may

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be waived for technical amendments or emergencies.

f. Departmental reports, including but not limited to, reports required by ordinance or

resolution, submitted by a department head with any item on an agenda of a Board or

committee meeting shall be distributed or made available to all Commissioners no later

than 72 hours in advance of said meeting at which the item will be considered, unless said

items are solely referred to a committee for later action. Failure to adhere to this

subsection shall defer the item to the following scheduled Board or Committee meeting,

unless the committee or board votes by a two-thirds majority to allow such reports on the


(2) New items agenda. The Secretary shall prepare a new items agenda to be issued subsequent to

the issuance of the Board agenda for a regular meeting. Items may be placed on the agenda by

the President or by Commissioners. Where the President or a Commissioner(s) introduces an

ordinance or resolution, he or she shall be listed as sponsor(s) of such ordinance or resolution.

Each communication, motion, resolution, or ordinance, after being read by the Clerk, may be

acted upon immediately by the Board, or referred to committee, as ordered by the Board subject

to the "Prior notice to public" provisions of this division.

Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect Immediately upon adoption.

A motion was made by Commissioner Silvestri, seconded by Commissioner Sims, to recommend

for deferral 17-0058. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Suffredin, Daley, Fritchey, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims and Steele (8)

Absent: Gainer (1)


A motion was made by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Steele, to adjourn the

meeting. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Suffredin, Daley, Fritchey, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims and Steele (8)

Absent: Gainer (1)

Respectfully submitted,

Chairman Secretary

A video recording of this meeting is available at https://cook-county.legistar.com.