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Cook County Board of Commissioners amends intergovernmental agreement

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The Cook County Board of Commissioners met Oct. 5 to amend an intergovernmental agreement.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the commissioners:

--- "Cook County Building, Board Room, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois\r\nBOARD

AGENDA\r\nWednesday, October 5, 2016, 11:00 AM\r\nBOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF COOK

COUNTY\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nPUBLIC TESTIMONY\r\nPursuant

to Cook County Code of Ordinances, public testimony will be permitted at regular

and special\r\nmeetings of the Board. Duly authorized public speakers shall be called

upon at this time to deliver\r\ntestimony germane to a specific item(s) on the meeting

agenda, and the testimony must not exceed three\r\n(3) minutes. The names of duly

authorized speakers shall be published in the Post Board Action Agenda\r\nand Journal

of Proceedings as prepared by the Clerk of the Board.\r\nCONSENT CALENDAR\r\nPursuant

to Cook County Code, the Secretary to the Board of Commissioners hereby transmits

Consent\r\nCalendar Resolutions for your consideration. The Consent Calendar Resolutions

shall be published in\r\nthe Post Board Action Agenda and Journal of Proceedings

as prepared by the Clerk of the Board.\r\nPRESIDENT\r\n16-5617\r\nPROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL

AGREEMENT\r\nDepartment: Office of the President\r\nOther Part(ies): City of Chicago

and Chicago Transit Authority\r\nRequest: Authorization to enter into and execute\r\nGoods

or Services: Intergovernmental Agreement with the Chicago Transit Authority, the

City of\r\nChicago and Cook County where the City of Chicago (“City”) agrees to

tender $3,000,000.00 of the\r\nCity's motor fuel tax funds to the Chicago Transit

Authority, and Cook County (“County”) agrees to\r\ntender $2,000,000.00 from Cook

County's motor fuel tax funds to the Chicago Transit Authority.\r\nAgreement Number(s):

N/A\r\nAgreement Period: Agreed Contribution shall be tendered to the Chicago Transit

Authority on or\r\nbefore 12/31/2016.\r\nFiscal Impact: $2,000,000.00\r\nAccounts:

Motor Fuel Tax Fund\r\nSummary: Per the Regional Transportation Authority Act, 70

ILCS 3615/1, et seq., and per the request\r\nof the Chicago Transit Authority, authorization

is hereby requested to enter into and execute an\r\nIntergovernmental Agreement

between the Cook County, the City of Chicago and the Chicago Transit\r\nAuthority.\r\nPage

2 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nPursuant to the

proposed Intergovernmental Agreement, the City of Chicago (“City”) agrees to tender\r\n$3,000,000.00

of the City's motor fuel tax funds to the Chicago Transit Authority and Cook County\r\n(“County”)

agrees to tender to the Chicago Transit Authority $2,000,000.00 from Cook County's

motor\r\nfuel tax funds to the Chicago Transit Authority. The agreed contribution

by the City and the County are\r\nto be remitted to the Chicago Transit Authority

prior to 12/31/2016; said funds tendered are to be used by\r\nthe Chicago Transit

Authority for public transportation purposes.\r\nIt is hereby requested that that

the Cook County Board President be authorized to execute the proposed\r\nIntergovernmental

Agreement and that the Cook County Comptroller be authorized to tender the\r\nCounty’s

agreed contribution from the motor fuel tax funds to the Chicago Transit Authority

in\r\naccordance with the terms of the Intergovernmental Agreement.\r\nThis agreement

has been reviewed and approved as to form by the Cook County State’s Attorney’s\r\nOffice.\r\nPRESIDENT\r\nJUSTICE

ADVISORY COUNCIL\r\n16-5417\r\nPresented by: LANETTA HAYNES TURNER, Executive Director,

Justice Advisory Council\r\nPROPOSED GRANT AWARD\r\nDepartment: Cook County Justice

Advisory Council\r\nGrantee: County of Cook\r\nGrantor: U.S. Department of Justice,

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention\r\nRequest: Authorization

to accept grant\r\nPurpose: The purpose of the Cook County South Suburban Safe and

Thriving Communities Project is to\r\naddress youth violence and safety in targeted

communities in South Suburban Cook County.\r\nGrant Amount: $1,000,000.00\r\nGrant

Period: 10/1/2016 - 9/30/2018\r\nFiscal Impact: None\r\nAccounts: N/A\r\nPage 3

of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nConcurrences:\r\nThe

Budget Department has received all the requisite documents and determined the fiscal

impact on\r\nCook County, if any.\r\nSummary: The grant will address youth violence

and safety in the targeted communities of Ford\r\nHeights, Harvey, and Robbins.

Cook County will work with a broad and diverse stakeholder\r\ncollaborative on a

strategic planning process toward completion of three comprehensive place-based\r\nplans

that are trauma informed and will link 300 youth ages 10 to 24 to prevention, intervention,

and\r\nworkforce development services and supports.\r\nCOMMISSIONERS\r\n16-5619\r\nSponsored

by: RICHARD R. BOYKIN, Cook County Board of Commissioners\r\nPROPOSED ORDINANCE


County Board of Commissioners, that Chapter 34, Finance, Article IV,\r\nProcurement

Code, Division 6, Bid Incentives and Preferences, Section 34-234, Re-entry employment\r\nearned

credits, of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:\r\nSec. 34-234. -

Re-entry employment earned credits\r\n(a) The COP shall include information regarding

re-entry employment earned credits in all\r\nadvertisements for Qualifying Contracts\r\n(b)

Upon completion of a Qualifying Contract, a Contractor may apply to the CPO for

Earned\r\nCredits, on such forms and including such information as required by the

CPO. If the Contractor met or\r\nexceeded the Former Offender Employment goals established

in the Qualifying Contract. If the CPO\r\ndetermines that the Contractor has successfully

met or exceeded its employment plan in the Qualifying\r\nContract, the CPO shall

issue an Earned Credit Certificate that evidences the amount of Earned Credits\r\ncalculated

as set forth below. The Contractor may utilize the Earned Credits as set forth in

this division\r\nin a future Bid for a Contract for Public Works of equal or greater

value as the Qualifying Contract, by\r\nincluding a copy of the Earned Credit Certificate

with its Bid.\r\n(c) For any Qualifying Contract, the CPO shall determine the Earned

Credits, as follows. And issue\r\nan Earned Credit Certificate, which shall be valid

for three years from the date of issuance.\r\nPage 4 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners

BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nPercentage of Total Labor Hours Performed by Earned

Credit\r\nFormer Offenders\r\n5-10% ½% of Bid price\r\n10-20% 1% of Bid price\r\nOver

20% 1.5% of Bid price\r\n(d) For purposes of calculating the lowest Responsive and

Responsible Bidder only, the CPO shall\r\ndeduct from the Bid Price the amount of

Earned Credit set forth on the Earned Credit Certificate\r\nsubmitted by a Bidder.

If the Bidder is awarded the Contract, such Earned Credit Certificate may not be\r\nused

again in a future Bid.\r\nEffective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately

upon adoption.\r\nSECRETARY TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS\r\n16-5629\r\nPresented

by: MATTHEW B. DeLEON, Secretary to the Board\r\nREPORT\r\nDepartment: Secretary

to the Board\r\nRequest: Receive and file\r\nReport Title: RESOLUTION 14-4341 SPECIAL

PURPOSE FUND REPORTING\r\nReport Period: 3rd Quarter FY 2016\r\nSummary: Resolution

14-4341 directs that a report of all special purpose fund transactions be made to\r\nthe

Secretary of the Cook County Board of Commissioners by the office or agency responsible

for\r\nadministering each special purpose fund on a quarterly basis.\r\nReports

shall be provided to the Secretary's office no later than 30 days after the end

of each fiscal\r\nquarter, at which point the Secretary will aggregate the reports

for distribution to the Board of\r\nCommissioners and the Director of Budget and

Management Services on the next available Board\r\nAgenda;\r\nReports shall be in

a format as prescribed by the Director of Budget & Management Services. Such\r\nformat

shall ensure that the reports contain sufficiently detailed supporting information

as to the specifics\r\nof each transaction and a justification regarding how each

transaction relates to the purpose of the special\r\npurpose fund.\r\nPage 5 of

36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nBUREAU OF FINANCE\r\nDEPARTMENT



Department of Budget & Management Services\r\nOther Part(ies): Forest Preserve District

of Cook County\r\nRequest: Authorization to amend and execute an intergovernmental

agreement between the County of\r\nCook and the Forest Preserve District of Cook

County for the reimbursement of payment for certain\r\nservices rendered by various

County departments and the Forest Preserve.\r\nGoods or Services: The County and

the District wish to amend the Agreement to provide for\r\nreimbursement for the

provision of certain additional services rendered by County departments and for\r\npayment

for services rendered from the Forest Preserve.\r\nAgreement Number: N/A\r\nAgreement

Period: 1/1/2016 - 12/31/2016, with additional one year annual renewal provisions\r\nFiscal

Impact: $1,941,616.00\r\nAccounts: Various\r\nSummary:\r\nIn an effort to encourage

consolidation and cooperation where appropriate, Cook County and the Forest\r\nPreserve

District of Cook County entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement on 8/21/2012

authorizing\r\nthe parties to perform various services for the other in accordance

with the Intergovernmental\r\nCooperation Act. The parties agreed to provide various

services and to provide reimbursement for said\r\nservices. The Intergovernmental

Agreement was first amended on 8/25/2013 to allow for additional\r\ncooperation.

This Fourth Amended and Restated Intergovernmental Agreement with the Cook County\r\nForest

Preserve District consolidates prior agreements into one Intergovernmental Agreement,

so the\r\nparties can refer to one agreement detailing the cooperative services

and reimbursement costs and\r\nexpands the cooperation to address technology related

services, landscaping and various other services.\r\nUpon approval by the Board

of Commissioners, the President shall execute the Intergovernmental\r\nAgreement.\r\nPage

6 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nBUREAU OF FINANCE\r\nOFFICE

OF THE COUNTY COMPTROLLER\r\n16-5479\r\nPresented by: LAWRENCE WILSON, County Comptroller\r\nREPORT\r\nDepartment:

Comptroller’s Office\r\nRequest: Receive and File\r\nReport Title: Bills and Claims

Report\r\nReport Period: 8/25/2016-9/14/2016\r\nSummary: This report to be received

and filed is to comply with the Amended Procurement Code\r\nChapter 34-125 (k).\r\nThe

Comptroller shall provide to the Board of Commissioners a report of all payments

made pursuant to\r\ncontracts for supplies, materials and equipment and for professional

and managerial services for Cook\r\nCounty, including the separately elected Officials,

which involve an expenditure of $150,000.00 or more,\r\nwithin two (2) weeks of

being made. Such reports shall include:\r\n1. The name of the Vendor;\r\n2. A brief

description of the product or service provided;\r\n3. The name of the Using Department

and budgetary account from which the funds are being drawn; and\r\n4. The contract

number under which the payment is being made.\r\nCOOK COUNTY HEALTH AND HOSPITALS


FACS, Chief Operating Officer, Cook County Department of\r\nPublic Health\r\nREPORT\r\nDepartment:

Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH)\r\nRequest: Receive & File\r\nPage

7 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nReport Title:

Quarterly Report\r\nReport Period: Quarterly\r\nSummary: The Cook County Department

of Public Health hereby presents its Quarterly Report to the\r\nCook County Board

of Commissioners in their capacity as the Board of Health of Cook County.\r\nBUREAU


by: JOHN YONAN, P.E., Superintendent, Department of Transportation and Highways\r\nREPORT\r\nDepartment:

Transportation and Highways\r\nRequest: Receive and File\r\nReport Title: Bureau

of Construction Monthly Progress Report\r\nReport Period: 8/31/2016\r\nSummary:

Summited is a copy of the Construction Bureau Report ending 8/31/2016.\r\n16-3182\r\nPresented

by: JOHN YONAN, P.E., Superintendent, Department of Transportation and Highways\r\nPROPOSED


Transportation and Highways\r\nOther Part(ies): K-Five Construction Corporation,

Lemont, Illinois\r\nAction: Approval\r\nGood(s) or Service(s): Construction QC/QA

project consisted of portland concrete cement class b and c\r\npatching, crack sealing,

joint repair, diamond grinding, hot-mix asphalt resurfacing with class d patching,\r\npavement

marking, drainage additions and adjustments, traffic protection and other necessary

work to\r\ncomplete the project\r\nLocation of Project: 138th Street, Ashland Avenue

to Cottage Grove Avenue, Ashland Avenue to\r\nCottage Grove Avenue in the City of

Chicago, Villages of Dolton and Riverdale and in the Townships of\r\nCalumet, Hyde

Park and Thornton\r\nPage 8 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October

5, 2016\r\nSection: 12-B5332-03-RP\r\nCounty Board District: 5\r\nContract Number:

13-28-006\r\nFederal Project Number: N/A\r\nFederal Job Number: N/A\r\nFinal Cost:

$2,457,419.28\r\nPercent Above or Below Construction Contract Bid Amount: -$163,999.02

or 6.3% below the\r\nConstruction Contract Bid Amount\r\nSummary: On 3/20/2013,

your Honorable Body awarded a contract to K-Five Construction Corporation\r\nof

Lemont, Illinois for the aforesaid improvement to be completed in accordance with

the plans and\r\nspecifications.\r\nThe awarded contract amount of this project

was $2,621,418.30 and the final construction cost is\r\n$2,457,419.28. The decreases

are attributed to the difference between the estimated quantities and actual\r\nfield

quantities of work performed with deductions in driveway surface removal, hma shoulders,

leveling\r\nbinder, concrete driveways, Engineers field office, traffic barrier

terminals, patching, joint or crackfilling\r\ndetectable warnings, catch basins,

inlets, inlet filters, cleaning catch basins, and pavement marking tape\r\nper field

conditions\r\n16-4796\r\nPresented by: JOHN YONAN, P.E., Superintendent, Department


AND HIGHWAYS)\r\nDepartment: Transportation and Highways\r\nOther Part(ies): D.

Construction Inc. Coal City, Illinois\r\nAction: Approval\r\nGood(s) or Service(s):

This is a Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QC/QA) improvement which\r\nconsists

of widening and resurfacing and reconstruction of Joe Orr Rd. and Torrence Ave.

to transition\r\nbetween the existing HMA and proposed HMA and PCC pavements to

provide a 3-lane HMA pavement\r\nalong Torrence Ave., and a 5-lane PCC pavement

along Joe Orr Road (Relocated) consisting of surface\r\ncourse, binder course, HMA

full depth pavement, aggregate subgrade, concrete curb and gutter, enclosed\r\ndrainage

system, ditches, swales, detention pond, box culvert, junction chambers, tree removal,

earth\r\nPage 9 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nexcavation,

new traffic signals, existing traffic signal modifications, pavement marking, traffic

signage,\r\ntopsoil, seeding, sodding, erosion control, detour routing and traffic

protection, and other related work to\r\ncomplete the project.\r\nLocation of Project:

Joe Orr Road (Relocated)-East of Stony Island Avenue to Torrence Avenue in the\r\nVillages

of Lynwood and Ford Heights\r\nSection: 09-B6736-03-RP\r\nCounty Board District:

6\r\nContract Number: 11-28-160\r\nFederal Project Number: M-9003(741)\r\nFederal

Job Number: C-91-184-11\r\nFinal Cost: $7,343,479.13\r\nPercent Above or Below Construction

Contract Bid Amount: $161,664.94 or 2.25% above the\r\nconstruction contract bid

amount.\r\nSummary: On 3/1/2012 your Honorable Body awarded a contract to D Construction,

Inc., Coal City,\r\nIllinois for the aforesaid improvement to be completed in accordance

with the plans and specifications.\r\nThe awarded contract amount of this project

was $7,181,814.19 and the final construction cost is\r\n$7,343,479.13.\r\nThe increases

are attributed to the difference between the estimated quantities and actual field

quantities\r\nof work performed with increases in earth excavation, removal and

disposal of unsuitable material,\r\nporous granular embankment, subgrade, concrete

pavement items, curb and gutter, drainage items and an\r\nincentive for pavement

thickness.\r\n16-4800\r\nPresented by: JOHN YONAN, P.E., Superintendent, Department


AND HIGHWAYS)\r\nDepartment: Transportation and Highways\r\nOther Part(ies): Illinois

Department of Transportation, Springfield, Illinois\r\nRequest: Authorization to

enter into an interagency agreement\r\nDescription: Federal Participation with the

Illinois State of Illinois. Cook County will be the lead\r\nagency to conduct Preliminary

Engineering for improvements along 134th Street from Halsted Street to\r\nPage 10

of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nMarsden Drive to

be identified as Cook County Section: 16-13433-00-RP. The FHWA will pay up to a\r\nmaximum

of $113,000.00 and the State of Illinois will pay up to a maximum of $113,000.00

toward the\r\nPreliminary Engineering costs. Professional Services.\r\nLocation:

134th Street, Halsted Street to Marsden Drive in the Village of Riverdale\r\nCounty

Board District: 5\r\nSection: 16-13433-00-RP\r\nJob Number: P-91-397-16\r\nFederal

Project Number: M-4003 (788)\r\nCenterline Mileage: 0.30miles\r\nAgreement Period:

One-time agreement\r\nAgreement Number(s): N/A\r\nFiscal Impact: $226,000.00 ($113,000.00

to be reimbursed from FHWA and $113,000.00 to be\r\nreimbursed from the State of

Illinois)\r\nAccounts: Corporate Business Units (EDP: 811601 & STP: 811602 Accounts)\r\nSummary:

This Agreement is necessitated by the improvement which is needed to protect the

public\r\ninvestment in the highway system and provide a safe and sustainable highways.

Further, the\r\nimprovement supports development of the regional economy in accordance

with the Department’s Long\r\nRange Transportation Plan. The Agreement has been

examined and approved by this Department. I also\r\nrespectfully request authorization

to execute any and all documents, including professional services,\r\nnecessary

to implement this agreement.\r\n16-5027\r\nPresented by: JOHN YONAN, P.E., Superintendent,

Department of Transportation and Highways\r\nPROPOSED GRANT AWARD\r\nDepartment:

Transportation and Highways\r\nGrantee: Cook County Department of Transportation

and Highways\r\nGrantor: Illinois Department of Transportation Surface Transportation

Urban Program (STU)\r\nRequest: Authorization to accept grant\r\nPage 11 of 36\r\nBoard

of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nPurpose: The improvements on 134th

Street roadway shall include the reconstruction of the existing\r\npavement to concrete

pavement, drainage improvements, complete street compliance, landscaping,\r\nengineering,

and other necessary highway.\r\nLocation: 134th Street, Halsted Street to Marsden

Drive in the Village of Riverdale\r\nCounty Board District: 5\r\nSection: 16-13433-00-RP\r\nProject

Number: M-4003(788)\r\nJob Number: P-91-397-16\r\nTIP Number: 07-10-0014\r\nGrant

Amount: $1,785,743.00\r\nGrant Period: 1/1/2017 - 12/31/2019\r\nFiscal Impact: None\r\nAccounts:

N/A\r\nConcurrences:\r\nThe Budget Department has received all requisite documents

and determined the fiscal impact on Cook\r\nCounty, if any.\r\nSummary: The value

of infrastructure improvement to economic development and job creation in Cook\r\nCounty

has been highlights and prioritized in the County’s Long Range Transportation Plan,

Connecting\r\nCook County.\r\nImprovement are needed to 134th Street, a roadway

under the Village of Riverdale jurisdictional\r\nauthority are needed to provide

a safe and sustainable highway to accommodate truck and vehicular\r\ntraffic associated

with an existing steel manufacturer and supports development of the regional economy.\r\nCook

County is willing to act as the lead agent for roadway improvements along 134th

Street from\r\nHalsted Street to Marsden Drive and has secured Grant Funding to

pay for the improvements.\r\nPage 12 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA

October 5, 2016\r\n16-5169\r\nPresented by: JOHN YONAN, P.E., Superintendent, Department


HIGHWAYS)\r\nDepartment(s): Various Departments (Transportation and Highways & Juvenile

Temporary Detention\r\nCenter)\r\nVendor: Sutton Ford Inc., Matteson, Illinois\r\nRequest:

Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract\r\nGood(s)

or Service(s): Ford Sports Utility Vehicles\r\nLocation: N/A\r\nCounty Board District(s):

N/A\r\nOriginal Contract Period: 12/18/2015 - 12/17/2016, with two (2), one (1)

year renewal options\r\nSection: Section number or N/A\r\nProposed Contract Period

Extension: 12/18/2016 - 12/17/2017\r\nSection: Section number or N/A\r\nTotal Current

Contract Amount Authority: $148,587.13\r\nOriginal Board Approval: 12/17/2015, $148,587.13\r\nPrevious

Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A\r\nPrevious Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s)

or Extension(s): N/A\r\nThis Increase Requested: $221,348.96\r\nPotential Fiscal

Impact: FY 2016 $221,348.96\r\nAccounts: 1650009656-549 and 1644009591.560611.8300\r\nContract

Number(s): 1545-14408\r\nIDOT Contract Number(s): N/A\r\nPage 13 of 36\r\nBoard

of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nFederal Project Number(s): N/A\r\nFederal

Job Number(s): N/A\r\nConcurrences:\r\nThe contract-specific goal set on this contract

was zero.\r\nThe Chief Procurement Officer concurs\r\nSummary: This increase and

first of two (2), one (1) year renewal options will allow the Department of\r\nTransportation

and Highways and the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center (JTDC) to obtain vehicles\r\nneeded

to replace their aging fleet. The vehicles will be used by the respective Using

Agencies to patrol\r\nand maintain Cook County roads throughout Cook County Districts

and to transport JTDC residents.\r\nThis contract was awarded through the competitive

bidding process in accordance with the Cook County\r\nProcurement Code. Sutton Ford,

Inc. was the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder.\r\n16-5454\r\nPresented

by: JOHN YONAN, P.E., Superintendent, Department of Transportation and Highways\r\nPROPOSED


Transportation and Highways\r\nOther Part(ies): Albin Carlson & Company, Addison,

Illinois\r\nAction: Approval\r\nGood(s) or Service(s): This improvement which consists

of roadway reconstruction for 171st Street\r\nfrom Wood St. to Ashland Ave. and

Park Ave. from station 20+00 to 23+00 with earth excavation,\r\nstorm sewer and

drainage structures, detention facility, pumping station with force main, aggregate

base\r\ncourse, concrete pavement, curb and gutter, cast in place retaining walls,

commuter parking lot with\r\naggregate base, binder and surface course, traffic

signals, street lighting, lift station with associated force\r\nmain, pavement markings,

landscaping, traffic control and other related work to complete the project.\r\nLocation

of Project: 171st Street, Wood Street to Ashland Avenue in the Villages of East

Hazel Crest,\r\nHazel Crest and the City of Harvey\r\nSection: 04-B8431-08-PV\r\nCounty

Board District: 5 and 6\r\nContract Number: IDOT Contract Number 10212\r\nPage 14

of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nFederal Project

Number: CMM-HPD-M8003-(427)\r\nFederal Job Number: C-91-187-11\r\nFinal Cost: $12,615,475.74\r\nPercent

Above or Below Construction Contract Bid Amount: -$473,552.34 or -3.62% below the\r\nConstruction

Contract Bid Amount\r\nSummary: On 2/6/2007 your Honorable Body awarded a contract

to Albin Carlson & Company,\r\nAddison, Illinois for the aforesaid improvement to

be completed in accordance with the plans and\r\nspecifications.\r\nThe awarded

contract amount of this project was $13,089,028.08 and the final construction cost

is\r\n$12,615,475.74.\r\nThe decreases are attributed to the difference between

the estimated quantities and actual field quantities\r\nof work performed with deductions

in supplemental watering, earth excavation, pavement removal,\r\ndriveway pavement

removal, chain link fence, trench backfill, sediment control, drainage structure

inlet\r\nfilter cleaning, storm sewer 24 in., water main removal 6 in., ductile

iron water main 12 in., 30 in. steel\r\nsleeve, soil bentonite slurry cut off wall

(35 ft. deep), protective coat, rustication finish, untreated timber\r\nlagging,

furnish soldier piles, controlled low strength material, hand rails, drilling and

setting soldier\r\npiles, concrete re-facing, preformed pavement marking line 4

in. and 12 in., conduit pushed 3 in.\r\n16-5456\r\nPresented by: JOHN YONAN, P.E.,

Superintendent, Department of Transportation and Highways\r\nPROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT

(TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS)\r\nDepartment(s): Transportation and Highways\r\nVendor:

K-Five Construction Corp., Lemont, Illinois\r\nRequest: Authorization for the Chief

Procurement Officer to increase contract\r\nGood(s) or Service(s): Construction

Services\r\nLocation: In the Villages of Countryside, Flossmoor, Homewood, Hazel

Crest, Richton Park, Orland\r\nPark and City of Palos Hills.\r\nCounty Board District(s):

5, 6 and 17\r\nOriginal Contract Period: 11/4/2015 - 8/31/2018\r\nSection: Section

number or 14-PPRPS-01-PV\r\nPage 15 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA

October 5, 2016\r\nProposed Contract Period Extension: N/A\r\nSection: Section number

or N/A\r\nTotal Current Contract Amount Authority: $4,471,782.09\r\nOriginal Board

Approval: 10/28/2015, $4,373,000.00\r\nPrevious Board Increase(s) or Extension(s):

N/A\r\nPrevious Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 6/17/2016,

$98,782.09\r\nThis Increase Requested: $255,495.00\r\nPotential Fiscal Impact: FY

2016 $255,495.00\r\nAccounts: 600-585\r\nContract Number(s): 1523-14815\r\nIDOT

Contract Number(s): N/A\r\nFederal Project Number(s): N/A\r\nFederal Job Number(s):

N/A\r\nConcurrences:\r\nThe vendor has met the Minority-and Women-owned Business

Enterprise Ordinance via direct\r\nparticipation.\r\nThe Chief Procurement Officer

concurs.\r\nSummary: This amendment provides for adjustments based on actual field

conditions and additional\r\nservices not anticipated in the contract. The additional

services include additional leveling binders,\r\nsidewalks, curbs and gutters. Other

services include catch basins adjustment and reconstruction.\r\nThis contract was

awarded through the competitive bidding process in accordance with the Cook County\r\nProcurement

Code. K-Five Construction Corp was the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder.\r\nPage

16 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nBUREAU OF ASSET


Director, Office of Capital Planning and Policy\r\nPROPOSED CONTRACT\r\nDepartment(s):

The Department of Capital Planning and Policy\r\nVendor: Pagoda-CCI Joint Venture

I, Flossmoor, Illinois\r\nRequest: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer

to enter into and execute\r\nGood(s) or Service(s): Construction Services\r\nContract

Value: $3,393,000.00\r\nContract period: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2017\r\nPotential Fiscal

Year Budget Impact: FY 2016, $3,393,000.00\r\nAccounts: Capital Improvement Program

- 580\r\nContract Number(s): 1555-15033\r\nConcurrences:\r\nThe vendor has met the

Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise Ordinance.\r\nThe Chief Procurement

Officer concurs.\r\nSummary: This project provides for renovation on floors 7, 8

and 9 at the Criminal Courts\r\nAdministration Building. The Public Defender’s Office

occupied these floors with 218 full time\r\nemployees (FTE). The renovation will

upgrade the physical environment to adequately support the\r\noperational and staffing

requirements of the Public Defender Office. Furthermore, it will provide a more\r\nefficient

layout to consolidate staffing to accommodate a total of 276 FTEs.\r\nCompetitive

bidding procedures were followed in accordance with the Cook County Procurement

Code.\r\nPagoda-CCI Joint Venture I, is the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder.\r\nPage

17 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\n16-5176\r\nPresented

by: PHIL BOOTHBY, Director, Office of Capital Planning and Policy,ELAINE\r\nLOCKWOOD

BEAN, Chief, Bureau of Asset Management\r\nPROPOSED CONTRACT\r\nDepartment(s): Department

of Capital Planning and Policy\r\nVendor: STV-Heery Program Management, Chicago,

Illinois\r\nRequest: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to enter into

and execute\r\nGood(s) or Service(s): Capital Program Management (CPM) Services

for the Cook County Public\r\nSafety Portfolio.\r\nContract Value: $9,601,169.68\r\nContract

period: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2019 with two (2) one (1) year renewal options.\r\nPotential

Fiscal Year Budget Impact: FY 2016 $741,669.62, FY 2017 $4,388,427.20, FY 2018\r\n$2,391,103.78,

FY 2019 $2,079,969.08\r\nAccounts: Capital Improvement Plan - 580\r\nContract Number(s):

1555-15115\r\nConcurrences:\r\nThe vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned

Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct\r\nparticipation\r\nThe Chief Procurement

Officer concurs.\r\nSummary: The CPM Services will be instrumental in planning,

monitoring and implementing the\r\nPublic Safety Capital Improvement Plan and a

ten-year Master Plan for many of the facilities housed on\r\nthe Department of Corrections

and Maywood campuses.\r\nRequest for Qualification (RFQ) procedures were followed

in accordance with the Cook County\r\nProcurement Code. STV Construction Inc. and

Heery International Inc., Joint Venture forming\r\nSTV-Heery Program Management

was selected based on established evaluation criteria.\r\nPage 18 of 36\r\nBoard

of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nBUREAU OF ASSET MANAGEMENT\r\nREAL

ESTATE\r\n16-5436\r\nPresented by: JESSICA CAFFREY, Director, Real Estate Management

Division,JOHN JAY\r\nSHANNON, MD, Chief Executive Officer, Cook County Health &

Hospitals System\r\nPROPOSED LEASE AGREEMENT\r\nDepartment: Department of Real Estate

Management\r\nRequest: Approve a (New) Lease Agreement\r\nLandlord: Hastings Office

Center, LLC\r\nTenant: County of Cook\r\nUsing Agency: Cook County Health and Hospitals

System\r\nLocation: 1340 S. Damen Avenue, Chicago\r\nTerm/Extension Period: 11/1/2016

- 2/28/2022, subject to completion of minor improvements\r\nSpace Occupied: 14,963

Square feet\r\nMonthly Rent: Base Rent:\r\nMonths PSF (Rounded) Monthly Annual\r\n01

- 12 $17.00 $21,197.58 $254,371.00\r\n13 - 24 $17.43 $21,727.52 $260,730.28\r\n25

- 36 $17.86 $22,270.71 $267,248.54\r\n37 - 48 $18.31 $22,827.48 $273,929.75\r\n49

- 60 $18.76 $23,398.17 $280,777.99\r\n61 - 65 $19.23 $23,983.12 $287,797.44\r\nOperating

Expenses: In addition to Base Rent, Tenant shall be responsible for its proportionate

share of\r\noperating costs for the Premises.\r\nFiscal Impact: Approval of this

item would commit Fiscal 2016-2022 funds\r\nAccounts: (897-461 Account)\r\nOption

to Renew: N/A\r\nTermination: N/A\r\nPage 19 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD

AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nUtilities Included: No, Tenant shall be responsible for

its proportionate share of electricity metered to\r\npremises\r\nSummary/Notes:

The Cook County Health and Hospital System will utilize the premises for the\r\nconsolidation

of administrative operations in preparation for the new outpatient health center

and market\r\nrate development. Administrative staff from 621 S. Winchester (Fantus

Health Center) and the\r\nAdministration Building will move to 1340 S. Damen. This

will allow for flexibility in moving the\r\nremaining personnel out of Hektoen into

the newly vacated spaces within the Administration Building\r\nuntil the new health

center building is completed. The Landlord is providing five (5) months gross\r\nabatement

for months 1, 13, 25, 37 and 49 of the Term and an allowance of ($151,126.30) toward

Tenant\r\nimprovements to the Premises. Furnishings are included, with some minor

purchases needed.\r\nThis Lease Agreement was approved by the Health & Hospitals

System at the 9/23/2016 CCHHS Board\r\nmeeting.\r\nCook County Board approval is


by: MICHAEL JASSO, Chief, Bureau of Economic Development\r\nPROPOSED SALE OR PURCHASE

OF REAL ESTATE\r\nDepartment(s): Department of Planning and Development\r\nOther

Part(ies): Social Service Agency that assists with shelter, or a qualified low income

individual\r\nRequest: Approval of sale/donation of Condominium at 13705 Steward

Ave #3, Riverdale, Illinois\r\nDescription of Real Estate: The property is a 2 bedroom

condominium in the Riverwoods Complex\r\nSection: N/A\r\nParcel(s): 25-33-316-012-1030\r\nFiscal

Impact: None\r\nAccounts: 753-0901 NSP 1\r\nSummary: Transmitted herewith is a request

for the transfer of one condominium purchased by Cook\r\nCounty under the auspices

of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) to eligible and qualified\r\nbuyer

for project completion.\r\nThis property was initially purchased prior to 12/1/2010

by Cook County through the Department of\r\nPage 20 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners

BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nPlanning and Development in accordance with a 1/12/2010

Board approved initiative that permitted the\r\npurchase and redevelopment of NSP

eligible vacant, abandoned and foreclosed homes throughout\r\nsuburban Cook County.

In accordance with said approval, Cook County acquired 13705 Stewart Ave #3\r\nin

Riverdale, Illinois, which was formerly real estate owned (REO) property.\r\nTo

date the Department of Planning and Development has been unable to sell this property

and in order\r\nto close out the NSP grant, authority is hereby requested to transfer

this property to a Social Service\r\nAgency that assists with shelter or a not-for-profit

entity that assists with shelter or home ownership.\r\nI respectfully request approval

to transfer this property to Social Service Agency or not-for-profit that\r\nassists

with shelter or home ownership and that the Bureau Chief of Economic Development

or his/her\r\ndesignee be authorized to execute, on behalf of the County of Cook,

any and all documents necessary to\r\nfurther the project approved herein, including

but not limited to, funding agreements, intergovernmental\r\nagreements, amendments

and modifications there to, loan documents, lien assignments, releases of\r\nmortgages

and liens and mortgage assumptions. The approval of the project by the Honorable

Body will\r\npermit staff to issue necessary commitments to allow this program to

move forward.\r\n16-5497\r\nSponsored by: TONI PRECKWINKLE (President) and JEFFREY

R. TOBOLSKI, Cook County Board\r\nof Commissioners\r\nPROPOSED RESOLUTION\r\n1600


of Economic Development received and reviewed a Real Property\r\nAssessment Classification

6b application containing the following information:\r\nApplicant: 1600 Deprizo

TMG LLC\r\nAddress: 1600 N. De Prizio Drive, Melrose Park, Illinois\r\nMunicipality

or Unincorporated Township: Melrose Park\r\nCook County District: 16th\r\nPermanent

Index Number: 15-04-208-006-0000\r\nMunicipal Resolution Number: Village of Melrose

Park Resolution No. 15-16\r\nNumber of month property vacant/abandoned: Less than

24 months vacant\r\nSpecial circumstances justification requested: Yes\r\nEstimated

Number of jobs created by this project: five (5) - seven (7) full-time, five (5)

- seven (7)\r\npart-time\r\nPage 21 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA

October 5, 2016\r\nEstimated Number of jobs retained at this location: 15 full-time,

15 part-time\r\nEstimated Number of employees in Cook County: not applicable\r\nEstimated

Number of construction jobs: 10 construction jobs\r\nProposed use of property: Warehousing

and distribution\r\nLiving Wage Ordinance Compliance Affidavit Provided: Yes\r\nWHEREAS,

the Cook County Board of Commissioners has adopted a Real Property Assessment\r\nClassification

6b that provides an applicant a reduction in the assessment level for an abandoned\r\nindustrial

facility; and\r\nWHEREAS, the Cook County Classification System for Assessment defines

abandoned property as\r\nbuildings and other structures that, after having been

vacant and unused for at least 24 continuous\r\nmonths, have been purchased for

value by a purchaser in whom the seller has no direct financial interest;\r\nand\r\nWHEREAS,

in the instance where the property does not meet the definition of abandoned property,

the\r\nmunicipality or the Board of Commissioners, may determine that special circumstances

may exist that\r\njustify finding that the property is abandoned for purpose of

Class 6b; and\r\nWHEREAS, in the case of abandonment of less than 24 months and

purchase for value, by a purchaser\r\nin whom the seller has no direct financial

interest, the County may determine that special circumstances\r\njustify finding

the property is deemed abandoned; and\r\nWHEREAS, Class 6b requires the validation

by the County Board of the shortened period of qualifying\r\nabandonment in cases

where the facility has been abandoned for less than 24 consecutive months upon\r\npurchase

for value; and\r\nWHEREAS, the municipality states the Class 6b is necessary for

development to occur on this specific\r\nreal estate. The municipal resolution cites

the qualifications of this property to meet the definition of\r\nabandoned with

special circumstances; and\r\nWHEREAS, industrial real estate is normally assessed

at 25% of its market value, qualifying industrial\r\nreal estate eligible for the

Class 6b can receive a significant reduction in the level of assessment from the\r\ndate

that new construction or rehabilitation has been completed, or in the case of abandoned

property\r\nfrom the date of substantial re-occupancy. Properties receiving Class

6b will be assessed at 10% of the\r\nmarket value for 10 years, 15% for the 11th

year and 20% in the 12th year; and\r\nNOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the President

and Board of Commissioners of the\r\nCounty of Cook, that the President and Board

of Commissioners validate the above-captioned property is\r\ndeemed abandoned with

special circumstances under the Class 6b; and\r\nPage 22 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners

BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is

hereby authorized and directed to forward a\r\ncertified copy of this resolution

to the Office of the Cook County Assessor\r\nBUREAU OF HUMAN RESOURCES\r\n16-5467\r\nSponsored

by: TONI PRECKWINKLE (President), Cook County Board of Commissioners\r\nPROPOSED


(SEIU LOCAL 20)\r\nWHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5

ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established\r\nregulations regarding collective bargaining

with a union; and\r\nWHEREAS, Collective Bargaining Agreements for the period of

December 1, 2012 through November\r\n30, 2017 have been negotiated between the County

of Cook and Service Employees International Union,\r\nLocal 20, CTW/CLC (SEIU Local

20); representing attending physicians, psychologists and dentists at\r\nthe Cook

County Health Facilities (Stroger Hospital (JHS), Oak Forest Health Facilities,

Ambulatory\r\nCommunity Health Network (ACHN), Cermak Health Services (CHS), and

Provident Hospital); and\r\nWHEREAS, salary adjustments and general wage increases

previously approved are reflected in the\r\nSalary Schedules included in the Collective

Bargaining Agreements negotiated between the County of\r\nCook and SEIU Local 20;

and\r\nNOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners

does\r\nhereby approve the Collective Bargaining Agreements between the County of

Cook and SEIU Local 20\r\nas provided by the Bureau of Human Resources.end\r\nPage

23 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\n16-5468\r\nSponsored

by: TONI PRECKWINKLE (President), Cook County Board of Commissioners\r\nPROPOSED




AFSCME LOCAL 3692 CORRECTIONAL\r\nSERGEANTS\r\nWHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee

Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established\r\nregulations regarding

collective bargaining with a union; and\r\nWHEREAS, Collective Bargaining Agreements

for the period of December 1, 2012 through November\r\n30, 2017 have been negotiated

between the County of Cook and the American Federation of State\r\nCounty and Municipal

Employees representing the AFSCME Local 2264 County Police Officers,\r\nAFSCME Local

3958 County Police Sergeants; AFSCME Local 2226 Correctional Lieutenants; and\r\nAFSCME

Local 3692 Correctional Sergeants; and\r\nWHEREAS, salary adjustments and general

wage increases previously approved are reflected in the\r\nSalary Schedules included

in the Collective Bargaining Agreements negotiated between the County of\r\nCook

and AFSCME Local 2264, 3958, 2226 and 3692; and\r\nNOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,

that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does\r\nhereby approve the Collective

Bargaining Agreements between the County of Cook and AFSCME Local\r\n2264, 3958,

2226 and 3692; as provided by the Bureau of Human Resources.\r\n16-5473\r\nSponsored

by: TONI PRECKWINKLE (President), Cook County Board of Commissioners\r\nPROPOSED


(SEIU LOCAL 73)\r\nWHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5

ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established\r\nregulations regarding collective bargaining

with a union; and\r\nWHEREAS, Collective Bargaining Agreements for the period of

December 1, 2012 through November\r\n30, 2017 have been negotiated between the County

of Cook and Service Employees International Union,\r\nLocal 73, CTW/CLC (SEIU Local

73); representing Health Care Professionals, Stroger Hospital, Cermak\r\nHealth

Services and Oak Forest Health Facilities Service and Maintenance employees, Technicians

and\r\nTechnologists; and\r\nPage 24 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA

October 5, 2016\r\nWHEREAS, salary adjustments and general wage increases previously

approved are reflected in the\r\nSalary Schedules included in the Collective Bargaining

Agreements negotiated between the County of\r\nCook and SEIU Local 73; and\r\nNOW,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does\r\nhereby

approve the Collective Bargaining Agreements between the County of Cook and SEIU

Local 73\r\nas provided by the Bureau of Human Resources.\r\n16-5474\r\nSponsored

by: TONI PRECKWINKLE (President), Cook County Board of Commissioners\r\nPROPOSED


COURT SERVICE LIEUTENANTS\r\nWHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations

Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established\r\nregulations regarding collective bargaining

with a union; and\r\nWHEREAS, a Collective Bargaining Agreement for the period of

December 1, 2012 through November\r\n30, 2017 has been negotiated between the County

of Cook and the Policemen’s Benevolent Labor\r\nCommittee representing Court Service

Lieutenants; and\r\nWHEREAS, salary adjustments and general wage increases were

previously approved are reflected in\r\nthe Salary Schedules included in this Collective

Bargaining Agreement negotiated between the County of\r\nCook and the Policemen’s

Benevolent Labor Committee; and\r\nNOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook

County Board of Commissioners does\r\nhereby approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement

between the County of Cook and the Policemen’s\r\nBenevolent Labor Committee as

provided by the Bureau of Human Resources.\r\n16-5475\r\nSponsored by: TONI PRECKWINKLE

(President), Cook County Board of Commissioners\r\nPROPOSED RESOLUTION\r\nCOUNTY


SHERIFF SERGEANTS\r\nWHEREAS, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5

ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established\r\nregulations regarding collective bargaining

with a union; and\r\nWHEREAS, a Collective Bargaining Agreement for the period of

December 1, 2012 through November\r\nPage 25 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD

AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\n30, 2017 has been negotiated between the County of Cook

and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police\r\n(FOP) representing the Deputy Sheriff

Sergeants; and\r\nWHEREAS, salary adjustments and general wage increases were previously

approved are reflected in\r\nthe Salary Schedules included in this Collective Bargaining

Agreement negotiated between the County of\r\nCook and the FOP; and\r\nNOW, THEREFORE,

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board of Commissioners does\r\nhereby approve

the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County of Cook and the FOP as\r\nprovided

by the Bureau of Human Resources.\r\n16-5478\r\nSponsored by: TONI PRECKWINKLE (President),




the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established\r\nregulations

regarding collective bargaining with a union; and\r\nWHEREAS, Collective Bargaining

Agreements for the period of December 1, 2012 through November\r\n30, 2017 have

been negotiated between the County of Cook/Treasurer of Cook County/Cook County\r\nClerk;

and Service Employees International Union Local 73 (SEIU Local 73) representing

Clerical,\r\nAdministrative and Supervisory employees; and\r\nWHEREAS, salary adjustments

and general wage increases previously approved are reflected in the\r\nSalary Schedules

included in the Collective Bargaining Agreements negotiated between the County of\r\nCook

and SEIU Local 73; and\r\nNOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cook County Board

of Commissioners does\r\nhereby approve the Collective Bargaining Agreements between

the County of Cook and SEIU Local 73\r\nas provided by the Bureau of Human Resources.\r\nPage

26 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\n16-5613\r\nPresented

by: VELISHA HADDOX, Chief, Bureau of Human Resources\r\nREPORT\r\nDepartment: Bureau

of Human Resources\r\nRequest: Receive and File\r\nReport Title: HR Activity Reports

for Pay Periods 17 & 18\r\nReport Period: Pay Period 17: 8/7/2016 - 8/20/2016, and

Pay Period 18: 8/21/2016 - 9/3/2016\r\nSummary: Grades 17 - 24 Only\r\nBUREAU OF


Chief Information Officer, Bureau of Technology\r\nPROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT (TECHNOLOGY)\r\nDepartment(s):

Bureau of Technology\r\nVendor: Dell Marketing, L.P., Round Rock, Texas\r\nRequest:

Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to renew contract\r\nGood(s) or

Service(s): Hardware and other computer equipment\r\nCurrent Contract Period: 11/1/2013

- 10/31/2016, with two (2), two (2)-year renewal options\r\nProposed Contract Extension

Period: 11/1/2016 - 10/31/2018\r\nTotal Current Contract Amount Authority: $14,000,000.00\r\nOriginal

Approval (Board or Procurement): 10/23/2013, $14,000,000.00\r\nPrevious Board Increase(s)

or Extension(s): N/A\r\nPrevious Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s):

N/A\r\nThis Increase Requested: N/A\r\nPage 27 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD

AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nPotential Fiscal Impact: N/A\r\nAccounts: N/A\r\nContract

Number(s): 1328-12468\r\nConcurrences:\r\nThe vendor has met the Minority-and Women-owned

Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct and\r\nindirect participation.\r\nThe Chief

Procurement Officer concurs.\r\nSummary: The Bureau of Technology (“BOT”) respectfully

requests Board approval to exercise the\r\nfirst of two renewal options on Contract

No. 1328-12468 with Dell Marketing, L.P. This renewal will\r\ncontinue to allow

BOT’s multi-sourcing strategy by providing competitive options for the procurement

of\r\nmission-critical hardware.\r\nThis contract was awarded through Request for

Proposals (“RFP”) procedures in accordance with Cook\r\nCounty Procurement Code.

The RFP was issued as a joint procurement between Cook County and the\r\nCity of

Chicago. Dell Marketing L.P. was selected in accordance with established evaluation

criteria.\r\nOFFICE OF THE CHIEF JUDGE\r\nJUDICIARY\r\n16-5186\r\nPresented by:

TIMOTHY C. EVANS, Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County\r\nPROPOSED GRANT AWARD\r\nDepartment:

Circuit Court of Cook County, Office of the Chief Judge\r\nGrantee: Office of the

Chief Judge\r\nGrantor: SAMHSA Department of Health and Human Services\r\nRequest:

Authorization to accept grant\r\nPurpose: Expand and enhance the Circuit Court of

Cook County’s Rehabilitation Alternative Probation\r\n(RAP) Drug Court Program for

men and the Women’s Rehabilitation Alternative Probation (WRAP)\r\nDrug Court Program

for women.\r\nGrant Amount: $324,949.00\r\nGrant Period: 9/30/2016 - 9/29/2017\r\nPage

28 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nFiscal Impact:

None\r\nAccounts: Not Applicable\r\nConcurrences:\r\nThe Budget Department has received

all requisite documents and determined the fiscal impact on Cook\r\nCounty, if any.\r\nSummary:

The Circuit Court of Cook County will use this grant award from the U.S. Department

of\r\nHealth and Human Services to expand and enhance the Rehabilitation Alternative

Probation (RAP) Drug\r\nCourt Program for men and the Women’s Rehabilitation Alternative

Probation (WRAP) Drug Court\r\nProgram for women. The court’s goal is to increase

the number and percentage of participants who\r\nachieve stable recovery and graduate

successfully from the programs. To achieve this goal, the court\r\nproposes to expand

and expedite client access to community-based residential substance abuse\r\ntreatments,

incorporate new offender service elements, such as cognitive behavioral therapies

and\r\nmedication treatments, and expand trauma support services.\r\nThe Circuit

Court of Cook County established the RAP Drug Court Program for men in 1998 and

the\r\nWRAP program in 2001 to divert individuals with substance use disorders into

treatment. The\r\nRAP/WRAP Drug Court Program is currently one of the largest drug

courts in Illinois, with\r\napproximately 150 - 200 participants supervised each

year.\r\nGrant funds will be used to partially fund the salary and fringe benefits

of a program research associate,\r\nas well as to provide funds for community treatment

services, supplies, training and travel and indirect\r\ncosts. Project funds will

be available for an additional two years if satisfactory progress is demonstrated.\r\nCLERK

OF THE CIRCUIT COURT\r\n16-5170\r\nPresented by: DOROTHY BROWN, Clerk of the Circuit

Court\r\nPROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT\r\nDepartment(s): Clerk of the Circuit Court\r\nVendor:

Chicago United Industries, Chicago, Illinois\r\nRequest: Authorization for the Chief

Procurement Officer to renew and increase contract\r\nGood(s) or Service(s): Printed

Corrugated Storage Boxes\r\nOriginal Contract Period: 10/19/2015 - 10/20/2016, with

two (2), one (1) year renewal options\r\nPage 29 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners

BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nProposed Contract Period Extension: 10/21/2016 -

10/20/2017\r\nTotal Current Contract Amount Authority: $127,800.00\r\nOriginal Approval

(Board or Procurement): 10/16/2015, $42,600.00\r\nPrevious Board Increase(s) or

Extension(s): N/A\r\nPrevious Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s):

5/3/2016, $85,200.00\r\nThis Increase Requested: $281,875.68\r\nPotential Fiscal

Impact: FY 2016, $281,875.68\r\nAccounts: 499-350\r\nContract Number(s): 1535-14671\r\nConcurrences:\r\nThe

vendor has met the Minority-and-Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via indirect\r\nparticipation.\r\nThe

Chief Procurement Officer concurs.\r\nSummary: This increase and first of two (2),

one (1) year renewal options will allow the Clerk of the\r\nCircuit Court to continue

to receive boxes for continuous accessioning of records. The increase will also\r\nallow

the Clerk of the Circuit Court to receive approximately 198,504 boxes needed to

replace damage\r\nboxes prior to their relocation to the Cicero Records Storage

and Digital Imaging Center.\r\nThis contract was awarded through the competitive

bidding process in accordance with the Cook County\r\nProcurement Code. Chicago

United Industries, Ltd. was the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder.\r\nPage

30 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nOFFICE OF THE

COUNTY CLERK\r\n16-5483\r\nPresented by: DAVID ORR, County Clerk\r\nPROPOSED CONTRACT

AMENDMENT\r\nDepartment(s): County Clerk - Election Department\r\nVendor: JJ Collins

and Sons Inc. , Woodridge, Illinois\r\nRequest: Authorization for the Chief Procurement

Officer to increase contract\r\nGood(s) or Service(s): Printing and Mailing of Voter

Information\r\nOriginal Contract Period: 1/17/2014 - 1/16/2016\r\nProposed Contract

Period Extension: N/A\r\nTotal Current Contract Amount Authority: $254,055.00\r\nOriginal

Approval (Board or Procurement): 1/17/2014, $123,880.00\r\nPrevious Board Increase(s)

or Extension(s): 11/18/2015, $130,175.00, 1/17/2016 - 1/16/2017\r\nPrevious Chief

Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A\r\nThis Increase Requested:

$19,600.00\r\nPotential Fiscal Impact: FY 2016 $19,600.00\r\nAccounts: 524-240 External

Graphics and Reproduction Services\r\nContract Number(s): 1335-13044\r\nConcurrences:\r\nThe

vendor has met the Minority-and Women-owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via full

MWBE\r\nwaiver.\r\nThe Chief Procurement Officer concurs.\r\nSummary: This increase

will allow the Cook County Clerk to print an additional 600,000 voter\r\ninformation

mailers to eligible households in Cook County. The mailers contain information on

Early\r\nVoting Locations, Election Day Polling Place and Voter Registration Status

as well as helpful\r\nPage 31 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October

5, 2016\r\ninformation on voting and how to learn more about candidates on the ballot.

The increase in quantity is a\r\nresult of Election Day Registration laws requiring

all households to receive information on their polling\r\nplace locations.\r\nThis

contract was awarded through a competitive bidding process in accordance with the

Cook County\r\nProcurement Code. J.J. Collins Sons Inc. was the lowest, responsive

and responsible bidder.\r\n16-5485\r\nPresented by: DAVID ORR, County Clerk\r\nPROPOSED

CONTRACT AMENDMENT\r\nDepartment(s): County Clerk - Election Department\r\nVendor:

Dominion Voting Systems Inc., Denver, Colorado\r\nRequest: Authorization for the

Chief Procurement Officer to increase and extend contract\r\nGood(s) or Service(s):

Support and Maintenance of Election Tally System and Voting Equipment\r\nOriginal

Contract Period: 1/15/2014 - 11/30/2015\r\nProposed Contract Period Extension: 12/1/2016

- 11/30/2017\r\nTotal Current Contract Amount Authority: $2,825,000.00\r\nOriginal

Approval (Board or Procurement): 1/15/2014, $1,692,500.00\r\nPrevious Board Increase(s)

or Extension(s): 12/16/2015, $1,132,500.00, 12/1/2015 - 11/30/2016\r\nPrevious Chief

Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): N/A\r\nThis Increase Requested:

$560,000.00\r\nPotential Fiscal Impact: FY 2017 $560,000.00\r\nAccounts: 524-260

Professional and Managerial Services\r\nContract Number(s): 1385-13193\r\nConcurrences:\r\nThe

contract-specific goal set on this contract was zero.\r\nThe Chief Procurement Officer

concurs.\r\nPage 32 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nSummary:

The County Clerk Election Department is requesting to execute the second of two

(2)\r\none-year renewal options on contract 1385-13193 with Dominion Voting Systems,

Inc. Dominion\r\nVoting Systems is a sole source vendor of proprietary software

and equipment for Cook County’s\r\nElection tally system and voting equipment. The

renewal will provide support and maintenance of the\r\nsystems for the 2017 Primary

and General Consolidated Elections in February and April.\r\nThis contract was awarded

through the Sole Source Procurement process pursuant to Section 34-139 of\r\nthe

Cook County Procurement Code.\r\nOFFICE OF THE SHERIFF\r\nDEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS\r\n16-5357\r\nPresented

by: THOMAS J. DART, Sheriff of Cook County\r\nPROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT\r\nDepartment(s):

Sheriff’s Department of Corrections\r\nVendor: McDermott Center d/b/a Haymarket

Center, Chicago, Illinois\r\nRequest: Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer

to extend contract\r\nGood(s) or Service(s): Comprehensive integrated treatment

services for pregnant and post-natal\r\ndetainees in the MOM’s Program\r\nOriginal

Contract Period: 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2014, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options\r\nProposed

Contract Period Extension: 10/1/2016 - 11/30/2016\r\nTotal Current Contract Amount

Authority: $3,530,256.00\r\nOriginal Approval (Board or Procurement): 7/27/2011,

$2,647,692.00\r\nPrevious Board Increase(s) or Extension(s): 7/23/2014, $882,564.00\r\nPrevious

Chief Procurement Officer Increase(s) or Extension(s): 9/29/2015, 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2016\r\nThis

Increase Requested: N/A\r\nPotential Fiscal Impact: N/A\r\nAccounts: N/A\r\nContract

Number(s): 11-87-009A\r\nPage 33 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October

5, 2016\r\nConcurrences:\r\nThe vendor has met the Minority- and Women-owned Business

Enterprise Ordinance via indirect\r\nparticipation and partial MWBE waiver\r\nThe

Chief Procurement Officer concurs.\r\nSummary: The Sheriff’s Department of Corrections

is requesting authorization for the Chief\r\nProcurement Office to extend the contract

with McDermott Center d/b/a Haymarket Center to provide\r\ncomprehensive substance

abuse and mental health treatment for up to twenty-four (24) pregnant and\r\npost-natal

detainees in the MOM”s Program.\r\nThis contract was awarded through Request for

Proposals (RFP) procedures in accordance with the Cook\r\nCounty Procurement Code.

McDermott Center d/b/a Haymarket Center was selected based on\r\nestablished evaluation

criteria.\r\nOFFICE OF THE STATE'S ATTORNEY\r\n16-5458\r\nPresented by: ANITA ALVAREZ,

Cook County State’s Attorney,RAYMOND BALCARCEL, Chief\r\nFinancial Officer, State's

Attorney's Office\r\nPROPOSED TRANSFER OF FUNDS\r\nDepartment: Office of the State’s

Attorney - Dept. 250\r\nRequest: requesting approval by the Board of Commissioners

to transfer $91,000.00 from and to the\r\naccounts listed below.\r\nReason: This

transfer of funds, which represents less than one-tenth of one percent of our 2016

budget,\r\nshould be sufficient to fulfill our obligations for the remainder of

the fiscal year for three accounts with\r\nprojected shortages. These accounts are:

250-217 Transportation for Specific Activities, where we have\r\nseen higher than

anticipated costs for bringing in witnesses from out of state and extraditing prisoners\r\nfrom

other jurisdictions; 250-232 Boarding and Lodging of Witnesses, primarily due to

the cost of\r\nrelocating and protecting witnesses who are threatened; and 250-264,

where expenditures for hiring\r\nexperts to testify in court have been slightly

higher than projected\r\nFrom Account(s): 250-190-Transportation and Other Travel

Services, $25,000.00; 250-240-Printing\r\nand Publishing, $10,000.00; 250-241-Internal

Graphics and Reproduction Services, $15,000.00;\r\n250-445-Operation of Auto Equipment,

$40,000.00; 250-461-Maintenance of Facilities, $ $1,000.00.\r\nTo Account(s): 250-217-Trans

Specific Activities, $41,000.00; 250-232-Lodging: Non-Employee,\r\n$42,000.00; 250-264-Expert

Witness, $8,000.00\r\nTotal Amount of Transfer: $91,000.00\r\nPage 34 of 36\r\nBoard

of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA October 5, 2016\r\nOn what date did it become apparent

that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds\r\nin order to meet

current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date, and what\r\nwas

the balance 30 days prior to that date?\r\nOn 7/1/2016, Account 217 had a balance

of approximately $25,000.00; on 6/1/2016 the balance was\r\napproximately $115,000.00.\r\nOn

7/1/2016, Account 232 had a balance of approximately $8,000.00; on 6/1/2016 the

balance was\r\napproximately $10,000.00.\r\nOn 8/1/2016, Account 264 had a balance

of approximately $14,000.00; on 7/1/2016 the balance was\r\napproximately $30,000.00.\r\nHow

was the account used for the source of transferred funds identified? List any other

accounts\r\nthat were also considered (but not used) as the source of the transferred

funds.\r\nThese were the accounts, based on current year to date spending and known

obligations, which were\r\nprojected as most likely to have remaining balances at

year end.\r\nIdentify any projects, purchases, programs, contracts, or other obligations

that will be deferred,\r\ndelayed, or canceled as a result of the reduction in available

spending authority that will result in\r\nthe account that funds are transferred

from.\r\nNone.\r\nIf the answer to the above question is “none” then please explain

why this account was originally\r\nbudgeted in a manner that caused an unobligated

surplus to develop at this point in the fiscal year.\r\nAlthough spending fluctuates

from year to year in many accounts, our original budget requests were\r\nbased on

our best projections at that time.\r\n16-5459\r\nPresented by: ANITA ALVAREZ, Cook

County State’s Attorney,RAYMOND BALCARCEL, Chief\r\nFinancial Officer, State's Attorney's

Office\r\nPROPOSED TRANSFER OF FUNDS\r\nDepartment: Office of the State’s Attorney

- Dept. 583\r\nRequest: requesting approval by the Board of Commissioners to transfer

$100,000.00 from and to the\r\naccounts listed below\r\nReason: This Transfer of

Funds is requested within Special Purpose Fund 583, State’s Attorney’s\r\nRecords

Automation Fund. Originally intended for maintenance and support contracts which

are now\r\ndelayed until 2017, these funds would be used to purchase supplies such

as toner, paper, cabling, and\r\nPage 35 of 36\r\nBoard of Commissioners BOARD AGENDA

October 5, 2016\r\nstorage media.\r\nFrom Account(s): 583-441-Maintenance and Repair

of Data Processing Equipment, $100,000.00\r\nTo Account(s): 583-388 - Computer Operation

Supplies, $100,000.00\r\nTotal Amount of Transfer: $100,000.00\r\nOn what date did

it become apparent that the receiving account would require an infusion of funds\r\nin

order to meet current obligations? What was the balance in the account on that date,

and what\r\nwas the balance 30 days prior to that date?\r\nOn 9/1 the balance in
