
West Cook News

Friday, April 19, 2024

Cook County Westchester District 92 1/2 Board keeps lunch prices as is

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At a recent meeting, the Cook County Westchester District 92 1/2 Board approved student fees and kept lunch prices as is for fiscal 2017.

The board is responsible for adopting policies for the administration of the school system, employing the superintendent of schools, authorizing the appointment of teachers and other staff members, approving curriculum, securing money for school operational needs and building programs, and authorizing expenditures.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.




AVENUE, AT 7:00 P.M., ON THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016.

I. The regular meeting of the Board of Education of School District 92~. Westchester, Illinois, was held in the Westchester Middle School Multi-Purpose Room, at 1620 Norfolk Avenue, on Thursday, April 21, 2016, commencing at 7:02 p.m.

I.A ROLL CALL:· On the call of the roll the following members were found to be present: President Wilhight, Vice President Slager, Members Lasky, Quiroz, Randle, and Voegtle. Secretary Bradford was absent at the call of the roll. Also present at the meeting were Dr. Michael Dziallo, Yolanda Valdes, Dr. James Letsos, Nathan Molby, and Sheri Wagner. Guests present: Shawn Barrett, Carl Celestino, Michele Hixon, Barb Kadus, Pam Kouimelis, Elaine Moor, James Osterhout, Louise Renwall, John Paul Scheckel, and Barbara Stanger.

Mrs. Quiorz was appointed to serve as Secretary Pro-Tern for tonight's meeting. !

1.8. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Boy Scout Troop 1 presented the colors and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

1.C. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: A motion was made by Mr. Randle, seconded by Mrs. Lasky, that the Agenda be approved. · When the question was called, the vote was taken with the following results: 6 Ayes; 0 Nay; 1 Absent. The President declared the motion carried.

II.A BOARD SALUTE: President Wilhight recognized the WMS School Citizen of the Year (SCOTY} award winner, Maurice Walker.

Ill. AUDIENCE COMMENTS: WEA President Shawn Barrett thanked Dr. Dziallo, Mr. Leban, and Mr. Molby for allowing him time to speak during lunch periods with WEA members regarding the WEA/Board tentative agreement. Mr. Ceiestino, Village Trustee, introduced himself to the Board and stated he wanted to work together to better the community. Ms. Kouimelis asked for clarification and offered a suggestion regarding the full-day kindergarten lottery system.

IV. APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, a motion was made by Mr. Slager, seconded by Mr. Randle, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

B. Approve the bills in the amount of $280,562.87 and payrolls in the amount of $7 41,486.07 and authorize payment.

C.1. Approve the minutes of the March 17, 2016 Open Session as written.

C.2. Approve the minutes of the March 17, 2016 Closed Session, First Session, as written.

C.3. Approve the minutes of the March 17, 2016 Closed Session, Second Session, as written

D. Approve the minutes of the April 5, 2016 Open Session as written. Board Minutes Page Two April 21. 2016

E. Approve the Second Reading of the following Board of Education Policies as presented:

• Policy 7:60 Residence

• Policy 8:10 Public Relations

• Policy 8:70 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities

• Policy 8:100 Relations with Other Organizations and Agencies

F. Approve the 2015~2016 calendar amendment to rescind five unused emergency days and set Friday, June 10, 2016 as the last day of school making it a School Improvement Early Release Day.

G. Approve the Director of Technology job description as presented.

H. Approve Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP's Engagement Letter to provide auditing services for the FY 2016 school year. When the question was called, the Roll Call Vote was taken with the following results: 6 members voting Aye, Lasky, Quiroz, Randle, Voegtle, Slager, Wilhight; O Nays; 1 Absent, Bradford. The President declared the motion carried.

V.A.1. ELECT THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION: A motion was made by Mrs. Quiroz, seconded by Mr. Voegtle, that Mr. Slager be nominated for the position of Vice President of the Board of Education, that nominations be closed, and a unanimous ballot be cast. When the question was called, the Roll Call Vote was taken with the following results: 6 members voting Aye, Lasky, Quiroz, Randle, Voegtle, Slager, Wilhight; 0 Nays; 1 Absent, Bradford. The President declared the motion carried.

At this point, 7:20 p.m., Mr. Slager assumed the position of Vice President of the Board of Education.

V.A.2. ELECTION OF THE SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION: A motion was made by Mrs. Lasky, seconded by Mr. Voegtle, that Mr. Bradford be nominated for the position of Secretary of the Board of Education, that nominations be closed, and a unanimous ballot be cast. When the question was called, the Roll Call Vote was taken with the following results: 6 members voting Aye, Lasky, Quiroz, Randle, Voegtle, Slager, Wilhight; O Nays; 1 Absent, Bradford. The President declared the motion carried.

At this point, 7:21 p.m., Mr. Bradford was named Secretary of the Board of Education.

V.B. APPROVE THE CALENDAR OF MEETING DATES FOR MAY 2016 TO JULY 2017 AS PRESENTED: A motion was made by Mrs. Quiroz, seconded by Mr. Randle, to approve the calendar of meeting dates from May 2016 to July 2017 as presented. When the question was called, the Roll Call Vote was taken with the following results: 6 members voting Aye, Lasky, Quiroz, Randle, Voegtle, Slager, Wilhight; O Nays; 1 Absent, Bradford. The President declared the motion carried.

Board Minutes Page Three April21 , 2016

V.C. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE STRUCTURE AND APPOINTMENTS: A motion was made by Mr. Slager, seconded by Mr. Randle, to approve the Buildings and Grounds;· Education; Finance; and Policy Committees as standing committees of the Board of Education. When the question was called, the Roll Call Vote was taken with the following results: 6 members voting Aye, Lasky, Quiroz, Randle, Voegtle, Slager, Wilhight; 0 Nays; 1 Absent, Bradford. The President declared the motion carried.

The President appointed Mr. Randle to chair the Buildings and Grounds Committee and Mr. Slager to serve as Buildings and Grounds Committee member.

The President appointed Mrs. Quiroz to chair the Education Committee and Mrs. Lasky to serve as Education Committee member.

The President appointed Mr. Slager to chair the Finance Committee and Mr. Bradford to serve as Finance Committee member.

The President appointed Mr. Voegtle to chair !the Policy Committee and Mrs. Wilhight to serve as Policy Committee member.

V.D.1. LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTMENT: The President appointed Mrs. Wilhight to serve as the Board's Legislative representative.

V.D.2. IASB DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE APPOINTMENTS: The President appointed Mr. Voegtle to serve as the IASB delegate and Mr. Randle as the IASB delegate alternate.

V.D.3. WESTCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPRESENTATIVES: The President appointed Mr. Randle to serve as the Board representative to the Westchester Chamber of Commerce and Mrs. Lasky as the Chamber of Commerce representative alternate.

V.D.4. DISTRICT PUBLICITY REPRESENTATIVES: The President appointed Mrs. Lasky and Mr. Randle to serve as the Board's District Publicity representatives.

V.D.5. DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES: The President appointed Mrs. Quiroz to serve as the Board's District Technology Committee representative and Mr. Randle as the Technology Committee representative alternate.

VI.A. RELEASE OF APPROVED CLOSED SESSION MINUTES. lWO SESSIONS, OF MARCH 17, 2016: A motion was made by Mr. Randle, seconded by Mrs. Voegtle, to approve release of the approved Closed Session minutes, two sessions, of March 17, 2016. When the question was called, the vote was taken with the following results: 0 Ayes; 6 Nays; 1 Absent. The President declared the motion denied.

Board Minutes Page Four April 21, 2016

VI.B.1. APPROVE THE FIRST READING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICIES 6:90 AND 7:40: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, a motion was made by Mr. Voegtle, seconded by Mrs. Lasky, to approve the First Reading of the following Board of Education Policies as presented:

• Policy 6:90 Kindergarten

• Policy 7:40 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From NonDistrict Schools

When the question was called, the Roll Call Vote was taken with the following results: 6 members voting Aye, Lasky, Quiroz, Randle, Voegtle, Slager, Wilhight; 0 Nays;. 1 Absent, Bradford. The President declared the motion carried.

VI.C. APPROVE THE FY 2017 STUDENT FEES AS PRESENTED: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, a motion was made by Mr. Randle, seconded by Mrs. Wilhight, to approve the FY 2017 Student Fees as presented. When the question was called, the Roll Call Vote was taken with the following results: 6 members voting Aye, Lasky, Quiroz, Randle, Voegtle, Slager, Wilhight; O Nays; 1 Absent, Bradford. The President declared the motion carried.


Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, a motion was made by Mrs. Quiroz, seconded by Mr. Slager, to approve maintaining the price for lunch with milk at $3.30, milk only at $.30, and adult lunch at $3. 75 for the FY 2017 school year. When the question was called, the Roll Call Vote was taken with the following results: 6 members voting Aye, Lasky, Quiroz, Randle, Voegtle, Slager, Wilhight; O Nays; 1 Absent, Bradford. The President declared the motion carried.

VI.E. APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF SERVERS, SWITCHES. AND THE APPROPRIATE SOFTWARE AS BUDGETED FOR FY 2016: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, a motion was made by Mrs. Quiroz, seconded by Mrs. Wilhight, to approve the purchase of servers, switches, and the appropriate software as budgeted for FY 2016. When the question was called, the Roll Call Vote was taken with the following results: 0 members voting Aye; 6 Nays, Lasky, Quiroz, Randle, Voegtle, Slager, Wilhight; 1 Absent, Bradford. The President declared the

motion denied.

VII.A. WMS STUDENT REQUESTS: Two students from WMS wrote letters to the Board of Education requesting that breakfast be served each morning. The students were not in attendance to discuss their request.


A. Correspondence: A thank you note received from Barb Kadus was shared with the Board.

B. Board President's Report: President Wilhight cautioned Board members on the use of social media.

C. Committee Reports: The Finance Committee met on April 7, 2016. Mr. Slager highlighted the revenues and grants received in March and noted that the FY 2017 budget process is in progress. The Education Committee met on April 18, 2016 to discuss the use of technology in the classroom. Mr. Randle, Buildings and Grounds Committee Chair, stated that the committee will meet in May to discuss the replacement of blinds and review the summer capital improvements project schedule. The Policy Committee's next meeting is scheduled for May 19, 2016. The District Technology met on April 13, 2016 to review options for the purchase of new staff computers. The next Westchester Chamber of Commerce meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at the Alpine Banquet Haus. President Wilhight directed the Publicity Representatives to draft a letter summarizing the District's accomplishments for the 2015- 2016 school year to present to the Board at the May 19, 2016 Board meeting.

D. Legislative Report: None.

E. IASB West Cook Report: Mrs. Wilhight noted that the Spring Dinner meeting will be held on April 25, 2016.

F. FOIA Report: One FOIA request was received in March.

G. Reports from Superintendent and Staff

1. Superintendent's Report: Dr. Dziallo shared the progress made toward the Strategic Plan in a memo to the Board. 1, 194 students were enrolled as of March 31, 2016 and there were no suspensions in March.

IX.A. BOARD RETIRED TO CLOSED SESSION: A motion was made by Mr. Slager, seconded by Mrs. Wilhight, that the Board retire into Closed Session to discuss the setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body; collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives; and the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees. When the question was called, the Roll Call Vote was taken with the following results: 6 members voting Aye, Lasky, Quiroz, Randle, Voegtle, Slager, Wilhight; 0 Nays; 1 Absent, Bradford. The President declared the motion carried and the Board retired at 8:19 p.m.

IX.B. BOARD RECONVENES: At 10:42 p.m. the Board reconvened in Open Session after the conclusion of its Closed Session.

Board Minutes Page Six April 21, 2016

X.A.1. APPROVE THE UNPAID LEAVE REQUEST: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, a motion was made by Mrs. Quiroz, seconded by Mr. Randle, to approve the unpaid leave request of the following staff member, effective as stated.

• Kelly Bylica WMS-Music Teacher 2016-2017 School Year When the question was called, the Roll Call Vote was taken with the following results: 6 members voting Aye, Lasky, Quiroz, Randle, Voegtle, Slager, Wilhight; 0 Nays; 1 Absent, Bradford. The President declared the motion carried.

XI. OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST: The Board discussed the hiring process moving forward. ·


XIII. ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Mr. Randle, seconded by Mr. Slager, that the Board meeting be adjourned. When the question was called, the Roll Call Vote was taken with the following results: 6 members voting Aye, Lasky, Quiroz, Randle, Voegtle, Slager, Wilhight; O Nays; 1 Absent, Bradford. The President declared the motion carried and the Board adjourned at 11 :15 p.m.



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