
West Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Park District of Forest Park Board gets sneak peek at online registration system

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At a recent meeting, the Park District of Forest Park's Board of Park Commissioners watched a demonstration of an online registration system for the Park District that has been under development.

The Park District works with other governmental agencies, community-based organizations and local private institutions to develop and maintain sports programs, recreational activities, leisure services and park facilities in the village.

The Park District of Forest Park is located at 7501 Harrison St., Evanston.

THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS of the Park District of Forest Park, Cook County, Illinois was held in the Administration Building of the Park District of Forest Park, 7501 Harrison Street, Forest Park, Illinois at 6:00 p.m. on February 18, 2016.

ROLL CALL: Vice-President Walsh chaired the meeting calling it to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioners Entler, Sansone and Walsh answered present. Commissioners Doss and McDermott were excused absences. Also present were Director Larry Piekarz, Assistant Director Steve Thomas, Superintendent Larry Buckley, Treasurer Joe Murray and Secretary Chris Richards. Citizen Michael Thompson and Recreation Supervisor Rachell Entler were also in attendance. Jeff Murphy of Lord and Murphy Software arrived at 6:04 p.m.,

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion was made by Commissioner Sansone, seconded by Commissioner Entler, to approve the agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Commissioners Entler, Sansone and Walsh, Nays: None; Absent: Commissioners Doss and McDermott.

MINUTES: -Motion was made by Commissioner Entler, seconded by Commissioner Sansone, to approve the minutes of the January 21, 2016 Regular Board Meeting. Roll Call: Ayes: Commissioners Entler, Sansone and Walsh, Nays: None; Absent: Commissioners Doss and McDermott.



TREASURER'S REPORT: -Treasurer Murray reviewed the lists of computer checks totaling $60,151.48 and manual checks and electronic payments in the amount of $2,253.72 for a grand total of $64,405.20 in disbursements for January and February 2016. Motion was made by Commissioner Entler, seconded by Commissioner Sansone, to approve the disbursements for January and February 2016. Roll Call: Ayes: Commissioners Entler, Sansone and Walsh, Nays: None: Absent: Commissioners Doss and McDermott. -Joe reported that the financial statements for the close of January 2016 reflect a balance of $4,355,188.55. Motion was made by Commissioner Sansone, seconded by Commissioner Entler, to approve the financial statements for the close of January 2016. Roll Call: Ayes: Commissioners Entler, Sansone and Walsh, Nays: None; Absent: Commissioners Doss and McDermott.

SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS REPORT: -Larry Buckley reported on tasks completed over the past month including the installation of corner protectors throughout the Administration Building and the replacement of two original valves in the pool Sump pit.

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR'S REPORT: -Assistant Director Thomas reported on recreational activities over the past month, highlighting work on the Community Survey and stating that he and Rachell are working on the Summer Brochure which will include special activities celebrating the 20" anniversary of the Aquatic Center's renovation.

DIRECTOR'S REPORT: -Director Piekarz reported that staff is beginning to prepare for the pool season and is looking into repair and/or replacement of funbrellas and covers have been sent in for repair. He has also received a quote on three cabanas that he would put on the pool deck. He discussed the possibility of daily cabana rentals to recoup some of the $9,000 cost and is researching how this would work. Sundeck has also inspected locker room floors and they are in need of repair so they are checking our warranty. Larry also discussed the benefits for adding a "family" locker room. Commissioner Entler asked about replacement of the water feature in the pool and Larry told him staff is still looking as they haven't found what they are looking for. -Larry reported that because the weather has not been cooperative, it has been difficult keeping the ice rink in a safe usable condition. He talked about a portable refrigerated rink sold by Iron Sleek who he spoke with at the IPRA Conference. He suggested that this may be ideal for the Roos property next winter and he provided purchase prices for consideration. He has also requested rental information from them.

Park District of Fores! Park Page 2 Board of Park Commissioners Regular Mccting of February 18, 2016

-Director Piekarz reported that he was able to resubmit the US EPA Brownsfield Clean Up Grant application as there was some misunderstanding over the public meetings held. -Larry reported that the community survey committee has been meeting and that the survey results will be analyzed and available by the Special Board Meeting scheduled for March 19, 2016. -Larry reported that he will be attending the Legislative Breakfast hosted by WSSRA with Assistant Director Thomas and Recreation Supervisor Entler on February 19.

SPECIAL GUEST PRESENTATION: -Jeff Murphy of Lord and Murphy conducted a demonstration and question and answer session regarding the online registration system that he has been working on for the Park District. Discussion centered on features that might be desirable, security, responsiveness to down time and/or problems, integration with financial software and marketing considerations. Jeff was asked to provide more details on the cost of implementation.

FOREST PARK PUBLIC SCHOOLS DISTRICT 91 CITIZENS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT: -Commissioner McDermott was absent, however Recreation Supervisor Entler, also a member of the Committee, reported that the school calendar has been approved and the school ending date will be a Friday, which is very helpful for summer programming. She also stated that "snow days" will now be implemented during the school year, rather than being tacked on at the end. The District is also working on completing a community survey regarding "core values".

IAPD REPORT: - Commissioner Entler postponed his report pending attendance of the full Board.

PARK DISTRICT OF FOREST PARK FOUNDATION REPORT: -Mr. Thompson provided a written report submitted by the Foundation Secretary. The report sited recent donations Secured and the creation of a Pay Pal account for contributions and listed a number of fundraising ideas being considered. The addition of potential members and the status of officers was also highlighted and recommendations for Board approval will be made at the March Regular Board Meeting.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: -Director Piekarz asked whether the Board had considered whether or not they wanted to issue RFP for legal services considering the recent changes in staff of our current legal firm. Commissioner Entler recommended that, since we have had no dissatisfaction with our current attorney, he believes we should not make any changes at this time. The consensus of the Board Members in attendance was in agreement.




-Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Sansone, seconded by Commissioner Entler, at 7:04 p.m. Ayes: 3; Nays: 0; Absent: 2.

Submitted by: Secretary

Approved: Board of Park Commissioners

Board of Park Commissioners

Date: 3/17/16