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Illinois State House District 23
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 03/09/20 - How well are you represented? Rep. Zalewski's voting record for the week of Nov. 11
Illinois State House District 24
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 07/13/21 - Rep. Hernandez-sponsored law creating the Mental Health Early Action on Campus Act now in effect
Illinois State House District 7
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 07/16/22 - Kornegay challenges Welch for the 7th District: 'Vote your values'
Illinois State House District 77
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 07/13/21 - Rep. Willis-sponsored law amending the Survivor Support and Trafficking Prevention Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code now in effect
Illinois State House District 78
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Districts
Most recent 07/13/21 - Rep. Lilly-sponsored law amending the School Code now in effect