Village of Franklin Park Elected Officials | Village of Franklin Park Website
Village of Franklin Park Elected Officials | Village of Franklin Park Website
Village of Franklin Park Fire & Police Commission met Feb. 23
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
Call to order: The meeting for the Fire & Police Commission was called to order by Commissioner Irene Herrera at 10:00 am.
Roll Call / Quorum: Present is Commissioner Guillermo Rios Commissioner Irene Herrera, and Secretary Dinorah Rangel. Also in attendance, Chief Mike Stewart and Director Mike Witz.
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the January 6, 2025, meeting minutes was made by Commissioner Guillermo Rios and seconded by Commissioner Irene Herrera. Motion passed.
Chief Mike Stewart: We had another firefighter Jack Anderson who is on probation accept an offer from Evanston for more pay. He has turned in his resignation letter and his last day will be March 6, 2025. Since there will be two openings now after March 6th. I have posted a posting on National Testing Network. Test is now open until April 1st for written exam. After April 1st we will need to discuss individuals after we do background checks and set oral interviews after April 1st. We received our annual renewal for National testing Network. We had two people left on our list and I reached out and one is no longer interested and the other never completed the background questioner. We need to send him a letter regarding this.
Director Mike Witz: I would like to go into executive season to review the new applicants for hire. There are eight that have passed the physical and written exam. We need to go through applicants fo next phase of poly and psychs. Approval from that we will then send to medical and off to the academy. We have two spots at the Cook County academy and that's why I am trying to push this as we don't want to miss the dates. The next dates are four months out and that means another year before we hire anyone.
New Business: Commissioner Irene Herrera made motion to go into executive secession 10:03 am seconded by Commissioner Guillermo Rios, Moved into Executive Session. Motion to come out of Executive Session made at 10:30 am.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
Public Comments: None
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 10:35 a.m. made by Commissioner Irene Herrera and seconded by Commissioner Guillermo Rios with all in favor.